Html javascript style visibility

How to hide and show DOM elements using JavaScript

There are multiple ways to show or hide DOM elements in vanilla JavaScript. In this article, we shall look at two ways to hide or show DOM elements using JavaScript.

The style display property is used to set and get the element’s display type in JavaScript. Majority of the HTML elements have the inline or block display type. The content of an inline element floats to its left and right sides. Block HTML elements are different because they * fill* the entire line and do not show content on their sides. To hide an element, set the display property to none :

document.querySelector('.btn').style.display = 'none' 
document.querySelector('.btn').style.display = 'block' 

Another way to show or hide DOM elements in JavaScript is using the style visibility property. It is similar to the above display property. However, if you set display: none , it hides the entire element from the DOM. The visibility:hidden hides the element contents, and the HTML element stays in its original position and size. To hide an element, set the visibility property to hidden :

document.querySelector('.btn').style.visibility = 'hidden' 
document.querySelector('.btn').style.visibility = 'visible' 

The style visibility property only hides the element but doesn’t remove the space occupied by the element. If you also want to remove the space, set display: none using the display property.

jQuery provides hide() , show() , and toggle() utility methods that use inline styles to update the display property of the element. Let us use the style property to create the above jQuery methods in vanilla JavaScript:

// hide an element const hide = elem => = 'none' > // show an element const show = elem => = 'block' > // toggle the element visibility const toggle = elem =>  // if the element is visible, hide it if (window.getComputedStyle(elem).display !== 'none')  hide(elem) return > // show the element show(elem) > 
// hide element hide(document.querySelector('.btn')) // show element show(document.querySelector('.btn')) // toggle visibility toggle(document.querySelector('.btn')) 

Notice the use of the getComputedStyle() method, which we just learned the other day, to check if an element is already visible. We used this method because the style property only deals with inline styles specified using the element’s style attribute. But the HTML element could be hidden through an embedded element or an external stylesheet. The getComputedStyle() method returns the actual CSS styles used to render an HTML element, regardless of how those styles were defined. Another thing to notice is the getComputedStyle(elem).display !== ‘none’ statement. We are not checking whether the display type is block because block is not the only way to show an element. You could use flex , inline-block , grid , table , etc., for the display property to show an element. However, to hide an element, there is only one value, display: none . If you prefer to use a CSS class to hide and show DOM elements instead of inline styles, read this guide. ✌️ Like this article? Follow me on Twitter and LinkedIn. You can also subscribe to RSS Feed.

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Скрыть / показать элементы JavaScript

Скрыть / показать элементы JavaScript

  1. Используйте свойство style.visibility , чтобы скрыть / показать элементы HTML
  2. Используйте свойство style.display , чтобы скрыть / показать элементы HTML
  3. Используйте jQuery hide() / show() , чтобы скрыть / показать элементы HTML
  4. Используйте jQuery toggle() , чтобы скрыть / показать элементы HTML
  5. Используйте addClass() / removeClass() , чтобы скрыть / показать элементы HTML

Мы часто сталкиваемся с ситуациями, когда мы хотим переключиться между отображением и скрытием элемента. В этом руководстве рассказывается, как скрыть / отобразить элемент в JavaScript.

Используйте свойство style.visibility , чтобы скрыть / показать элементы HTML

Свойство style.visibility , когда установлено значение hidden, делает целевой элемент скрытым, но не удаляет его из потока. Итак, целевой элемент отображается, но не отображается. Это не влияет на планировку и позволяет другим элементам занимать свое естественное пространство. Мы можем снова сделать целевой элемент видимым, вернув для свойства значение visible .

document.getElementById(id).style.visibility = "visible"; // show  document.getElementById(id).style.visibility = "hidden"; // hide 

Используйте свойство style.display , чтобы скрыть / показать элементы HTML

Свойство style.display , когда установлено в none , удаляет целевой элемент из обычного потока страницы и позволяет остальным элементам занимать его пространство. Хотя целевой элемент не отображается на странице, мы все равно можем взаимодействовать с ним через DOM. Затрагиваются все потомки, и они не отображаются так же, как родительский элемент. Мы можем снова сделать целевой элемент видимым, установив для свойства значение block . Желательно установить display как » , потому что block добавляет поле к элементу.

document.getElementById(id).style.display = 'none'; // hide  document.getElementById(id).style.display = ''; // show 

Используйте jQuery hide() / show() , чтобы скрыть / показать элементы HTML

  1. Скорость : определяет скорость задержки эффекта затухания.
  2. Замедление : определяет функцию замедления, используемую для перехода в видимое / скрытое состояние. Принимает два разных значения: свинг и линейный .
  3. Обратный вызов : это функция, выполняемая после завершения выполнения метода show() .

Точно так же метод jQuery hide() помогает скрыть выбранные элементы. Принимает те же 3 параметра, что и show() .

$("#element").hide(); // hide  $("#element").show(); // show 


JavaScript Style visibility

JavaScript Style Visibility

JavaScript Style visibility property allows users to show or hide an element. This visibility property defines that a particular element is visible on the webpage. Same visibility there is one another property present in the JavaScript called hidden, it will also helps to hide the element but it will not remove the space which is already occupied by element. HTML elements use either inline or block display types. So elements from inline-block will be floats either left or right position where as block display will fill the entire line or block. So whenever visibility property set to hidden, in this case, elements will be displayed at its rightful place.

Web development, programming languages, Software testing & others

JavaScript Style visibility

  • As earlier we had discussed one can set visibility property to the element, to show or hide an element from the page. So by using visibility hidden value, it will be displayed at the rightful place which means the element will be invisible but it will hold its original position and size.
  • One can set visibility in styling by using values like visible, hidden, collapse, initial and inherit.
  • One can do both functions like hiding an element as well as removing an element from the document by setting the display property to none value rather than using visibility.
  • With the help of visibility: hidden we can save the space which is going to be occupied by elements on the screen but it will look simply blank. It’s made possible to do animation using visibility property which is not possible to do with display: none property.
  • JavaScript style display property is responsible to do setting and returning the value of the display type of selected element.
  • One more feature of visibility is an interpolation. This term defined as the visibility values taken as interpolable among the visibility values like visible and no visible so in this scenario start values or end values must be needed to be visible or there is no interpolation is going to happen.
  • Those visible values going to be used with timing function which is placed in between 0 and 1 map going to be user visible.
  • With the of visibility value of the hidden elements that will remove from the accessibility tree also which causes related elements as well as all descendant elements which is no longer going to be published by a technology called as screen reading.


There are few different values goes with visibility syntax let’s see one by one as follows: This syntax will help us to set visibility property to the element so one can show or hide elements as per their choice. ="hidden";"visible";

Visibility can be set with values visible, hidden, collapse, initial, inherit.

  • visible: The property value is set as visible to show contents on the screen. By default property value set to visible.
  • hidden: This property value is to hide the contents. Here the element is hidden but still occupies the space on the screen.
  • collapse: Collapse is the property value only going to be used with the table element. It’s mainly used to remove a particular row or column. So the table’s layout will remain as it is. By using collapse property in the table, the space occupied by row and column will get free for other elements in the layout.
  • initial: This property value is used to the default value.
  • inherit: It’s one of the property values used o inherit contents from its parent element.

Examples to Implement JavaScript Style visibility

Below are the examples of JavaScript Style visibility:

Example #1

To hide content by clicking on the link:

    #visibility_demo < width:500px; margin:20px auto; text-align: center; >#block1 < height:50px; background: lightgreen; color:#fff; padding-top: 30px; visibility: visible; >#block2 < height:50px; background:blue; color:#fff; padding-top: 30px; >#block3  

Example of JavaScript Style Visibility property to show and hide the content

Click here to see how visibility works

Block 1 (Click on given link above to see Visibility property using JavaScript)
Block 2
Block 3

Output with visible value:

visible value Example 1

Output while clicking the link to hide element:

JavaScript Style Visibility Example 1

Example #2

To hide content on button click:


Hide contents on button click

Today's Thought
New day is like Painting, Draw lines with prayers, Erase mistakes with forgiveness, Dip brush with lots of patience and color it with love and Respect

Never design your character like garden where anyone can walk. Design your character like the sky where everyone desire to reach.

Life isn't about finding yourself. It's about creating yourself.

function myFunction()

Output before hiding contents:

JavaScript Style Visibility Example 2

Output after hiding contents as follows:

JavaScript Style Visibility Example 2

Example #3

Example to demonstrate space taken by hidden content.

    h3.hide < visibility: hidden; > 

The visibility Property with attribute value visible and hidden.

This is example where we are going to show both values as visible and hidden. It's showing difference that the element we are hiding by hidden value its take place on the layout, but showing as blank.

This heading is example of hidden content

This heading is example of shown content

In the above example we are hiding first hiding still it takes place on the webpage layout.

Hidden Content Example 3


  • From all the above information, we can conclude that style visibility is used to show or hide elements on the screen. If we are going to use it along with JavaScript than we can create a critical menu as well as layouts of very complex WebPages.
  • It’s going to be used with property values like visible, hidden, collapse, inherit as well as initial.

This is a guide to JavaScript Style visibility. Here we discuss the Introduction to JavaScript Style visibility and its Examples along with its Code Implementation. You can also go through our other suggested articles to learn more –

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