Html in one line online

Compress HTML

This online HTML compression tool will save space in your HTML files and make them much smaller by doing the following:

  • Removing text line breaks from the code
  • Removing tab spaces
  • Replacing double spaces with single spaces

There is also the option to not compress the head of the HTML document.

If you have javascript code written directly in the HTML head then leaving it not compressed is probably best as compression could stop the javascript from working properly.

Using this tool or similar can result in a nice reduction in html file size. It’s especially a good practice to compress html if you run a website or service that requires a lot of bandwidth.

I also have a tool for uncompressing html. It’s pretty simple, it won’t restore the indented tab structure of the html but it will once again become at least readable.

This free compressor can now compress an entire html web page or just a chuck of HTML code if you prefer.

Compressed HTML for your Web Server

Having compressed HTML files online will save you a lot of money on your server bills if you have a very bandwidth heavy website. It’s one of the easiest ways to optimize a website so start compressing.

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HTML Formatter / Minifier

HTML Formatter / Minifier is a free online developer tool to beautifully format messed up HTML code as well as internal CSS and JavaScript code or minify HTML code to make it compact for production.

This tool is split into two modes: HTML Formatter and HTML Minifier .

You can either browse an HTML file locally from your device, fetch an HTML file from the internet, or enter HTML code manually.

HTML Formatter — Formats messed up HTML code to make it more human-friendly and readable with 2 space indentation. Suitable for development purposes.

HTML Minifier — Minifies HTML code by removing all the unnecessary whitespace characters, attribute quotes, and comments if any, including decoding HTML entities and minifying internal CSS and JavaScript code.

The output HTML code will be properly optimized, compact, and performant for production use.

When you’re done formatting or minifying HTML code, you can either copy the result to your clipboard using the copy button or download it as an HTML file to your device using the download button.


What is HTML?

HTML is an acronym standing for HyperText Markup Language. HTML is the standard markup language for designing web pages using HTML elements in combination with CSS and JavaScript to be rendered properly in a web browser. The file extensions for HTML are .htm and .html which the latter is mostly preferred. The MIME type for HTML is text/html .

The following is an example of basic HTML code.

DOCTYPE html> html lang="en"> head> meta charset="UTF-8"> title>HTML Exampletitle> link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css"> script src="bundle.js">script> head> body> h1>What is HTML?h1> p>HTML is the standard markup language for designing web pagesp> body> html>

There are three main parts in the HTML code; i.e. html , head , and body .

  • html — The main HTML tag describes a web page. It contains all the HTML elements that forms the whole web page.
  • head — The head tag of an HTML document describes the information of a web page, such as the title, meta data, links to external CSS and JavaScript files, and more.
  • body — The body tag describes the visible part of a web page where the user can interact with.

Moreover, each HTML page must have the document type declaration written at the top most of the page. For example, the document type for HTML5 is . If omitted, the browser will render HTML code in the quirk mode for backward compatibility.

How to add an external CSS file to HTML code

When working with CSS, you can keep all the CSS code in one single file and add it to your HTML pages using the link element. When you make changes to the CSS file, it will affect all the HTML pages using this CSS file at once. Therefore, you don’t have to copy and paste all the same CSS code on every single HTML page.

This is an example of how to add an external CSS file to an HTML page using the link tag. The path in the href attribute is the root path of your public directory where the CSS file resides in.

DOCTYPE html> html> head> link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css"> head> body> body> html>

This is the external CSS file named style.css added to the HTML page above.

/** style.css **/ body  background: #fff; color: #333; font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif; font-size: 1.2em; >

Using an external CSS file in the HTML code above is equivalent to the following HTML code.

DOCTYPE html> html> head> style> body  background: #fff; color: #333; font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif; font-size: 1.5em; > style> head> body> body> html>

How to add an external JavaScript file to HTML code

Similar to adding an external CSS file to HTML code, you can also add a JavaScript file as well. In the head tag of a web page, you can use the src attribute of a script tag to add an external JavaScript file to HTML code. When you make changes to the JavaScript file, all the web pages using the same external JavaScript file will be affected instantly without the need of editing each of them manually one by one.

DOCTYPE html> html> head> script src="bundle.js">script> head> body> body> html>

This is the aforementioned JavaScript file added to the HTML code above.

/** bundle.js **/ var now = new Date().valueOf(); console.log(now); // Current time in UNIX timestamp

Adding JavaScript code to a script tag in the HTML code as in the following example is exactly the same as using an external JavaScript file.

DOCTYPE html> html> head> script> var now = new Date().valueOf(); console.log(now); // Current time in UNIX timestamp script> head> body> body> html>

Why minify HTML code (and internal CSS and JavaScript code)

HTML minification is the process of removing unnecessary whitespace characters including comments and internal CSS and JavaScript code from HTML code. HTML minification significantly helps reduce the page load time and bandwidth usage in production. Therefore, it results in a better user experience for your website.

HTML minification also minimizes internal CSS and JavaScript code found in the HTML code. Other than removing all the unnecessary whitespace characters and comments, it also renames long variable names in JavaScript code to be compact in order to reduce the total file size.

For example, renaming function add(num1, num2) <> to function a(b,c)<> . The minified HTML code will be reduced into one single line and unreadable while it’s still functional as the original HTML code.

This is an example of normal HTML code a web developer would write in development with internal CSS and JavaScript code embedded as well as comments.

DOCTYPE html> html lang="en"> head> meta charset="UTF-8"> title>HTML Exampletitle> style> /** TODO: Add more styles **/ body  background: #fff; color: #333; font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif; font-size: 1.5em; > style> script> function add(num1, num2)  return num1 + num2; > var num = add(2, 3); // Print the result to console. console.log(num); script> head> body> h1>What is HTML?h1> p>HTML is the standard markup language for designing web pagesp> body> html>

The HTML code above can be minimized into one single line with all the unnecessary characters completely removed as seen in the following resulting in a much smaller file size.

doctype html>html lang=en>head>meta charset=UTF-8>title>HTML Exampletitle>style>bodybackground:#fff;color:#333;font-family:Roboto,sans-serif;font-size:1.5em>style>script>function add(n,d)return n+d>var num=add(2,3);console.log(num)script>head>body>h1>What is HTML?h1>p>HTML is the standard markup language for designing web pagesp>body>html>

CSS Beautifier / Minifier

Beautifully formats messed up CSS code with your preferred indentation level or minifies CSS code to make it compact for production.

JavaScript Beautifier / Minifier

Beautifully formats messed up JavaScript code with your preferred indentation level or minifies JavaScript code to make it compact for production.

JSON Formatter / Minifier

Beautifully formats messed up JSON data with your preferred indentation level or minifies JSON data to make it compact for production.

XML Formatter / Minifier

Beautifully formats messed up XML data with your preferred indentation level or minifies XML data to make it compact for production.

SQL Formatter / Minifier

Beautifully formats messed up SQL statements with your preferred indentation level or minifies SQL statements to make it compact for production.


Css move text in one line online html

To avoid putting , use this css: Solution 3: Have you tried add this? remove the margin on the body and padding on the ul to see it better centered Also the pipes outside of the li’s, those are invalid Solution 1: I suppose that the simplest way to lay out these parts of the date and center them vertically is to use CSS table model: No need in clearfix magic and margin/padding adjustment. CSS Solution 2: Try using .row-eq-height class in row and column to know more please visit Bootstrap equal-height columns Here is a example : Hope that help.

Move text on the same line in css

Not exactly sure if this is what you’re looking for but try adding this to your code. clear to the HTML and the CSS I posted below. Here is the updated fiddle.


.clear < clear: both; >@media only screen and (min-width : 768px) < .clear < clear: none; >> 

Try using .row-eq-height class in row and column to know more please visit

Bootstrap equal-height columns

you could use the row-eq-height ( as stated in an answer before ) but if by just putting that class, it’s still not working, use this css code for the row

see snippet below or jsfiddle

footer < background-color: #333742; color: #8b94a4; padding-top: 50px; float: bottom; >.row-eq-height < display: -webkit-box; display: -webkit-flex; display: -ms-flexbox; display: flex; >#sub-input< background-color: #393e4a; color : #7e8796; border: 0; border-radius: 20px; width: 250px; height: 40px; padding : 14px; padding-left: 30px; >.footer ul< list-style: none; >.footer ul a< text-decoration: none; color: #8b94a4; >.footer ul li

Html — CSS getting text in one line rather than two, Adding some explanation to your answer could probably enlighten the person who asked the question. You could also add max-width: 204px; text-overflow: ellipsis; to .garage-title to get ellipses. @PaulRoub You should add that as a separate answer. The best way to use is white-space: nowrap; This will align …

How to move line of text below another?

Add one line to the parent container:

When you create a flex container (by declaring display: flex on an element), several default rules go into effect. Two of these rules are flex-direction: row and flex-wrap: nowrap .

This means that flex items will align horizontally on a single line, which is the issue you are facing.

In order to alter this behavior, you could change the flex-direction or allow flex items to wrap.

Html — Moving text with CSS, @BrotherEye white-space:nowrap; keeps the text on on line (else it would wrap down the line reaching the right side. text-indent pushes or puls the text according to the values set (usually used to show a new parapgraph with a classic average text-indent:1em;) 100% takes the full width of container. –

Text in html/css won’t move to the left

The goal of a reset stylesheet is to reduce browser inconsistencies in things like default line heights, margins and font sizes of headings, and so on.

    you can put only
    . To avoid putting | , use this css:

remove the margin on the body and padding on the ul to see it better centered

Also the pipes outside of the li’s, those are invalid

Html — Keeping a string of text together on one line, Actually, in this example, you ARE modifying the original string as the string has to be broken and wrapped in tags. One issue however in using the accepted solution is that it will not validate in XHTML5, though it should validate in text/html HTML5. You can work around this by using the appropriate encoding …

Centering two lines of text next to one line, HTML/CSS

I suppose that the simplest way to lay out these parts of the date and center them vertically is to use CSS table model:

.date < font-family: Arial; font-weight: bold; position:absolute; top: 0; left: 0; background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8); color: #fff; width: 110px; height: 60px; padding: 10px; display: table; >.dateHolder < display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle; text-align: right; font-size: 20px; line-height: 21px; >.day < font-size: 50px; line-height: 60px; display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle; >.dateHolder > span

No need in clearfix magic and margin/padding adjustment. Everything is aligned automatically.

I don’t think that you need those month and year spans. It is enough to float their container. There is also clearfix missing. Here is the jsfiddle updated That’s the simplest markup and css which I can come up with.

.date < font-family: Arial; font-weight: bold; position:absolute; top: 0; left: 0; background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8); color: #fff; width: 110px; height: 60px; padding: 10px; >.date:after < content: ""; clear: both; display: block; >.dateHolder < margin: 7px 0 0 10px; float: left; >.day

Here is another minimalist example, display:inline-block is the key.

Html — How to position text within line using CSS?, I have two div’s side by side, the text in the left div is just a little smaller then the text in the right div, but both have the same line height. How can I position the text in the left div up or down within the respective lines to …


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