Html iframe inf susp

Iframe virus

The IFRAME element may be a security risk if your site is embedded inside an IFRAME on hostile site. Google «clickjacking» for more details. Note that it does not matter if you use or not. The only real protection from this attack is to add HTTP header X-Frame-Options: DENY and hope that the browser knows its job.

An Iframe virus is malicious computer code, being considered as form of malware, that infects web pages on websites, most of them using iframe HTML code, to cause damage by injecting < iframe >tags into the website. Code may be injected into HTML, PHP or ASP source files.

In an IFrame attack, the hacker embeds a malicious iframe code snippet in your website page. When anyone visits that page, the hidden iframe code secretly downloads and installs a Trojan or a malware such as key-logger on the unsuspecting user’s computer, if his computer is not adequately protected.

Common Reasons for iFrame Virus Injection These are some of the reasons for iFrame malware infection on several websites. The website is hosted on a cheap web hosting service. The website is using an old version of an open source application (eg: WordPress) which has known security issues.

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Malicious iframe example

Next: Google announces Pwnium 2, raises prize money for Chrome hack to $2m iFrames and script tags are being used by malicious hackers to serve up drive-by internet attacks, silently and invisibly. iFrames allow webmasters to embed the content of one webpage into another, seamlessly.

Gumblar attack is an example of this type of iframe hacking.

Malicious iframe attack In July 2007 there was a new massive hacking attack on web sites. This attack targeted primarily budget Webhosting providers but it was not limited to them. For example several site from HBS were compromised too.

There is no malware within the iframe itself, just a link to another site that will attempt the exploit. So, code specifying width=0 and height=0 makes the iFrame disappear.

For example, you could have an XSS vulnerability within your site that allows the attacker to load content from hostile source within your iframe.

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The iframe loads the flawed page, and injects some script into it through the XSS flaw. In this example, the page prints the value of the “q” query parameter from the page’s URL in the page’s content without escaping the value.

The other dangerous variant of iframe attack is that an attacker might redirect the user to a web page that automatically downloads some malicious file (the malicious file might be hidden behind a general file).


HTML:iframe is a Possible bad script or it being a redirect to a malicious web site And no Malware on that web site/server.

An Iframe virus is a malicious code that infects web pages on websites. These are considered as form of malware. Most of them use iframe HTML code, causing damage by injecting iframe tags into the website. C Code may be injected into HTML, PHP, ASP or tpl source files.

HTML:iframe-inf susp Avast

Dear friends. We have two laptops at home and both are infected with what Avast calls HTML:Iframe-inf. Many websites cannot be accessed by us as many of them simply remain blank or they show a 404 not found nginx message or they appear with a weird configuration.

Tonight avast! released a faulty update (VPS 110411-1). Unfortunately this led to block users more important sites (,, avast! antivirus blocking connections with the «Threat: HTML: Iframe-inf. Please update your antivirus program to fix this error: Maintenance — Update engine and virus definitions.

HTML:Iframe-inf Alguien conoce este virus? sabe como sacarlo definitivamente? me infecta las webs por ftpo algo así. El tema es que el avast solo lo reconoce cuando la web ya esta infectada e intento ingresar. No me detecta nada en la computadora. Desinfecto los index.html de esas websy a las semanas vuelven a infectarse.

HTML virus code

Yes, HTML is often used to help deliver the payload. HTML is just text that describes how to display data. But an HTML file can contain scripting languages, must notably Javascript, and link to other files or websites. Those scripts, other files files, and websites can be or deliver a virus.

So let’s start to create a trojan virus using notepad to run via command prompt(cmd) in Windows 10, 8/8.1, 7 or XP. Now, Open the Notepad application and Copy (Ctrl+C) and Paste (Ctrl+V) the codes given below one by one for the different virus in a different file.

Iframe attack

Description Cross-Frame Scripting (XFS) is an attack that combines malicious JavaScript with an iframe that loads a legitimate page in an effort to steal data from an unsuspecting user. This attack is usually only successful when combined with social engineering.

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Iframe Injection Website Attack and Tips to Clean the Infection One of the most popular online attacks that happens all the time has to do with thousands of legitimate websites being hacked with the “ Iframe code injection ” attack resulting in Cross Site Scripting (XSS) or silent redirections to malicious websites.

One of our application servers appears to have suffered from an iframe attack. Some times we get the following prepended to the normal HTML page.

In the case of BB and Souls games, you get iFrames during dodges and rolls. It is why it is recommended to dodge INTO an attack instead of away. You will have less frames inside of the attacks hitbox which makes it easier to use your iFrames to basically phase through the attack.

Iframe injection

An iframe injection is an injection of one or more iframe tags into a page’s content. The iframe typically does something bad, such as downloading an executable application that contains a virus or worm in it… something that compromises a visitor’s system.

Frame Hijacking is another version of Frame Injection where the attacker can control the src attribute of the iframe element in a target website. This is the method that allows top level navigation as already mentioned. The attacker can succeed by simply injecting a URL, without the necessity of potentially blacklisted characters (such as ,»).

The Content-Type of the response and the attacker specified Content-Type of the inject have to match for injection to continue. The code then searches for an attacker-specified substring in the message and inserts the inject after it. What is notable is the support for both chunked Transfer-Encoding and gzip Content-Encoding.

IFrame Injection Attack is considered one of the most common and most basic cross site scripting (XSS) attacks. If you have recently got an iframe attack to your website, do not panic. Here are a few things that you can do immediately after you discovered that your website has been a victim of an iframe injection attack.

A XSS or an SQL injection found in your application is sometimes just a possibility, a venue to attack. An existing iframe injection, on the other hand, is a real manifestation of an attack. It means that someone malicious has write access to your code or to your database, and that is very bad news.

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Obfuscated iframe injection attack is a dangerous and tricky attack because it is very difficult to detect and find the malicious injection code on a website. Obfuscated is the way to hide the meaning of the communication so that it is difficult to find the injected code.

using iframe injection attack, then it is easy to find and locate the injection code because the code is easy to read.

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Html iframe inf susp

Так и подумал. Так и сделаю.

А основной антивирь какой? Вот этим «до кучи» прогнать попробуйте , иногда находит то, что не находит каспер.

мно помогло удаление всех левых строчек и касперский.
есть еще скрипты, которые ищут в файлах на хосте эти самые левые строчки. погугли

Касперский ничего не находит (по крайней мере на домашних компах).
С домашних, кстати заходит на сайты и ничего не говорит. Код страниц проверил, ничего левого. Точно.
Скачаю cureit, совсем забыл о нем.

calatilo, смотрите ВСЕ (то есть в каждой папке) файлы имеющие название index или main. Чистите код. Меняйте пароль на фтп, храните пароли на листочке и когда нужно вводите в любом надежном фтп-клиенте.

зы. Как то раз приходилось чистить порядка 1000 индексных файлов, думал умру, но нет)

Проблемы, простои, убогая техподдержка, потерянное время, высокие цены, отсутствие достойных компенсаций, наплевательское отношение к клиентам, велкам!

Если серьезно сайтами занимаетесь. Советую такой путь:
1. Отформатируйте диск С, переустановите винду
2. Поставьте Каспера, установите Веб-антивирус и Почту на максимальную защиту, при запросах не пропускайте ничего незнакомого.
3. Проверьте полностью с последними базами неформатированные диски.
4. Никогда не сохраняйте логины и пароли в фтп-клиенте.

iframe вирусы сидят только в index-ах (во всех), поэтому уберечься так же можно, сделав index-ом только главную страницу (index=main)

После выполнения всех пунктов Вы на 100% будете уверены, что сайты будут чистыми.
Проверка сайта на вирусы:

Некая тварь сперла ftp пароль (сейчас его не храню в коммандере, но возможно сперли раньше), затем бот заходит по фтп и приписывает какую то дрянь на index.php (не проверял, т.к. аваст ее блокирует).

Немного не так. Сначала троян прет логин с паролем и отправляет другой проге в интернет. Та прога собирает данные со всех зараженных компьютеров и в часы x заражает список сайтов. То есть само заражение идет не с компьютера пользователя, поэтому иногда антивирус не может найти.


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