Html href align left

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css / html align left and right in a href

Is there a way to have part of the text align left and the other right and stay in one line? I tried a few similar answers on similar questions but the result isn’ close to what I’m hoping for
Example: TANYA RUMPFF left and SONGS OF A BIRD RIGHT within the 440px HTML:

.dean .dean ul < padding-left:-12px; list-style-type: none; padding-left:0; padding: 0; >.dean ul li < list-style-position:inside; >.dean a:hover < text-decoration:none; color:#000; background-color:#fff; >.dean li:hover < margin-left:-14px; color:#F90; list-style-type:disc; >.dean ul a

you may float first element and use text-align:right;

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Css / html align left and right in one href

Is there a way to have part of the text align left and the other right and stay in one line? I tried a few similar answers on similar questions but the result isn’ close to what I’m hoping for
Example: TANYA RUMPFF left and SONGS OF A BIRD RIGHT within the 440px HTML:

.dean .dean ul < padding-left:-12px; list-style-type: none; padding-left:0; padding: 0; >.dean ul li < list-style-position:inside; >.dean a:hover < text-decoration:none; color:#000; background-color:#fff; >.dean li:hover < margin-left:-14px; color:#F90; list-style-type:disc; >.dean ul a

you may float first element and use text-align:right;

How to Align Text in HTML?, Right: The text will align to the rightLeft: The text will align to the leftCenter: The text will align to the centerValue: Description

How to align text left and right

I tried style and code below but all text is right aligned. How to align text «leftaligned» to left ?

Please find the changes in bold. Additionally, I have removed the «text-align: right» part from the css item «#footer».

CSS Layout — Horizontal & Vertical Align, CSS Layout — Horizontal & Vertical Align · Center elements horizontally and vertically · Center Align Elements · Center Align Text · Center an Image · Left and Right

I’ve been following the steps here & in other sites, but I’ve been unable to achieve it. The idea is to have the texts aligned to both the bottom left & the bottom right.

 .footer < padding: 25px 0; text-align: center; >.alignleft < float: left; >.alignright

I’m new to this, so I tried to use the following, but it didn’t work:

I want to have it in the same line, but aligned to the left & right. I’m getting it in different lines, & centered. ¬¬

Float can become sloppy, make your life easier with a little flex.

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Text-align — CSS: Cascading Style Sheets, 6 days ago · The same as left if direction is left-to-right and right if direction is right-to-left. end. The same as right

How do I align left and right in HTML?

To set text alignment in HTML, use the style attribute . The style attribute specifies an inline style for an element. The attribute is used with the HTML

tag, with the CSS property text-align for the center, left and right alignment.

How do I align text on the same line in HTML?

The text-align-last property specifies how to align the last line of a text . Notice that the text-align-last property sets the alignment for all last lines within the selected element. So, if you have a

with three paragraphs in it, text-align-last will apply to the last line of EACH of the paragraphs.
How do I align two words on the same line in HTML?

Use a with float: left for the left word, and another with float: right for the right word . There are other alignment techniques as well, but I don’t think it’s possible without separating the words into their own elements. Show activity on this post.


The following tutorial shows you how to use CSS to do «CSS best align href link left, and text explanation to the right».

CSS Style

The CSS style to do «CSS best align href link left, and text explanation to the right» is

a < float:left; > .right < float:right; >


body> div >"wrapper"> div >"div_body_side1"> div id="div_category01"> p> a href="http://www.webaddress"> Short Description  div >"right"> . Longer description of where this link will take you p>   !-- w w w . d e m o 2 s . c o m --> div id="div_category01"> p> a href="http://www.webaddress"> Short Description #2  div >"right"> . Longer description #2 of where this link will take you p>      

The following iframe shows the result. You can view the full source code and open it in another tab.

html> head> meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> style id="compiled-css" type="text/css"> a < float: left; > .right < float: right; > !-- w w w . d e m o 2 s . c o m -->   body> div >"wrapper"> div >"div_body_side1"> div id="div_category01"> p> a href="http://www.webaddress" > Short Description div >"right">. Longer description of where this link will take you   div id="div_category01"> p> a href="http://www.webaddress" > Short Description #2 div >"right">. Longer description #2 of where this link will take you       

  • CSS align to text blocks differently inline in the same containing element
  • CSS align two anchor tags with text horizontally next to each other
  • CSS align two anchor tags with text horizontally next to each other (Demo 2)
  • CSS best align href link left, and text explanation to the right
  • CSS best align href link left, and text explanation to the right (Demo 2)
  • CSS best align href link left, and text explanation to the right (Demo 3)
  • CSS best align href link left, and text explanation to the right (Demo 4) | Email: | Demo Source and Support. All rights reserved.


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