Html hide link in status bar

I know you can do an onmouseover/onmouseout to display alternate text for
links but Im looking for a script that would cover all links on a page
without having to add code to each link.

I also know lots of people hate it when you do that but this is for an
application which requires IE5.5+ and there is no need for the user to view
the links.

I know you can do an onmouseover/onmouseout to display alternate text for
links but Im looking for a script that would cover all links on a page
without having to add code to each link.

I also know lots of people hate it when you do that but this is for an
application which requires IE5.5+ and there is no need for the user to view the links.

Thanks but no — that would just keep links from being underlined.

I need to keep the URL of all links from showing up in the statusbar.
«McKirahan» wrote in message

«Targa» wrote in message
news:J4*************** I know you can do an onmouseover/onmouseout to display alternate text for
links but Im looking for a script that would cover all links on a page
without having to add code to each link.

I also know lots of people hate it when you do that but this is for an
application which requires IE5.5+ and there is no need for the user to

Thanks but no — that would just keep links from being underlined.

I need to keep the URL of all links from showing up in the statusbar.
«McKirahan» wrote in message
news:SdUAd.305580$HA.161123@attbi_s01. «Targa» wrote in message
news:J4*************** I know you can do an onmouseover/onmouseout to display alternate text for links but Im looking for a script that would cover all links on a page
without having to add code to each link.

I also know lots of people hate it when you do that but this is for an
application which requires IE5.5+ and there is no need for the user to

Will one of these work for you?

Im looking for a script that would cover all links on a page
without having to add code to each link. I also know lots of people hate it when you do that but this is for an
application which requires IE5.5+ and there is no need for the user to view
the links.

Should work with IE 5.5 too.

Thanks again for the reply.

Hide URL in Statusbar. is the subject of this thread.

The code provided requires modification to each link which wont work for me.
I need a single script that would hide all urls on the page.

«McKirahan» wrote in message

«Targa» wrote in message
news:Vf*************** Thanks but no — that would just keep links from being underlined.

I need to keep the URL of all links from showing up in the statusbar.
«McKirahan» wrote in message
news:SdUAd.305580$HA.161123@attbi_s01. > «Targa» wrote in message
> news:J4***************
>> I know you can do an onmouseover/onmouseout to display alternate text for >> links but Im looking for a script that would cover all links on a page
>> without having to add code to each link.
>> Is there such a thing?
>> I also know lots of people hate it when you do that but this is for an
>> application which requires IE5.5+ and there is no need for the user to
> view
>> the links.
>> TIA!
> Is this what you want?

Your original post didn’t mention the statusbar.

Will one of these work for you?

Thanks Martin — Works great!
«Martin Honnen» wrote in message

Targa wrote:
Im looking for a script that would cover all links on a page without
having to add code to each link.

I also know lots of people hate it when you do that but this is for an
application which requires IE5.5+ and there is no need for the user to
view the links.

Should work with IE 5.5 too.

Hide URL in Statusbar. is the subject of this thread.

«Use the Subject: of your post to indicate the type of problem you have, but
include the question in the body aswell.»
P.S. I’m glad that you found a solution.

Targa wrote:
Im looking for a script that would cover all links on a page
without having to add code to each link.

I also know lots of people hate it when you do that but this is for an application which requires IE5.5+ and there is no need for the user to view the links.

Should work with IE 5.5 too.

Below works in Netscape 4, IE 4+, Opera 6+ and Mozilla:

function setAllHrefMOut(f, d, inLayer) if (!inLayer) d = document;

if (d.links) i = d.links.length;
while (i— > 0) if (!d.links[i].onmouseout) d.links[i].onmouseout = f;

if (d.layers) i = d.layers.length;
while (i— > 0) setAllHrefMOut(f, d.layers[i].document, true);
> // setAllHrefMOut()

Corresponding setAllHrefMOver() could be written as well, or modify the
current function to specify mouseover/mouseout.

function myMouseOut() // do whatever
return true;

Yes, yes, I realized later that I didn’t really need to pass «inLayer»,
but I was concerned someone would see the method signature and do:


How to Hide the URL Address in the Browser Status Bar

For one reason or another, you may want to hide the URL displayed in the browser window’s status bar when a user mouses over it.

The URL can be easily hidden by using some simple HTML and JavaScript with a few basic techniques.

Hiding the URL With HTML and JavaScript using Void(0)

This code will display some JavaScript code in the status bar instead of the URL and will still work as a normal link when clicked.

Hiding the URL in the Browser Status Bar with the Pound Symbol

Note: This technique is a little bit deceptive, and using it should be avoided.

The URL displayed in the status bar will appear to be the current URL followed by the pound (#) symbol, but when the user clicks it, they will be taken to whatever URL is specified in the JavaScript.

The Old Techniques Using window.status

There used to be a more eloquent way to achieve this by using window.status, but most major web browsers have long disabled the ability to hide the URL in the status bar this way due to security problems.

Web developers could set the status bar text to anything they wanted at any time, but this was problematic because people could be misled into thinking that they were clicking on a link to one site but were being taken to a different site.

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Primary Sidebar


There are some instances where you have redirect the user through one page to get them to another page. There is a way to do this stealthily — without letting the user know that there was a redirect. Yes — it sounds evil — but it don’t have to be. Say you have a click tracking software — you have to track each click the users make. To do that you need a redirecting page what will track the clicks. Hopefully, the following illustration will make things clearer.

You don’t want the user to see that you are passing through the middle page. Usually, the URL will flash in the address bar for just a second(or less) — so we don’t have to worry about that. We just have to prevent the URL from appearing in the status bar when the user hovers over the link.

There are three methods to do this.

  • Change the status text.
  • Hijack and stop the click event and redirect page.
  • Make an Ajax call on click event.

Changing Status Text

This is the old method. This uses the window.status property to show a different URL to the user. Simple and easy method — but it rarely works now a days. This method has been abused by malicious sites a lot — so most browsers have disable this option. In Firefox, you can find that option at Tools -> Preferences -> Content -> Enable Javascript(click on the ‘Advanced’ Button) -> Change status bar text. If that’s checked, you can use window.status to change the status bar text. But its disabled by default.

But if you still want to use this method(not recommended), this is how to do it.

Hijacking Click Event

In this method, when the user clicks on the link, the script captures the click event and stops it. This will prevent the browser from opening up the target page. Then we use location.href to go to the new page. Sample code below.


Javascript Code


Ajax Method

This is for all you web 2.0 fans. Ajax method simply makes a call to the counter server side script on the click event. This is perhaps the best method of all — as the counter URL doesn’t appear at all. Needless to say, the server side script used here will be different from the one used in the other methods — there is no redirection here. The code is very simple as well.


Javascript Code


There are some instances where you have redirect the user through one page to get them to another page. There is a way to do this stealthily — without letting the user know that there was a redirect. Yes — it sounds evil — but it don’t have to be. Say you have a click tracking software — you have to track each click the users make. To do that you need a redirecting page what will track the clicks.


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