Html head first files

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Практикум из книги Head First «Изучаем HTML, XHTML и CSS»


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Практикум из книги Head First «Изучаем HTML, XHTML и CSS»

Глава 2: «Знакомство с гипертекстом»

  • Элементы, атрибуты, ссылки, обратные ссылки
  • Относительные пути
  • Усовершенствованный сайт «Гостевая Head First»

Глава 3: «Конструирование веб-страниц»

  • Блочные и строчные элементы, вложенность
  • ,

    • , ,
      , , , , , , ,
    • Веб-сайт «Дневник Тони»

    Глава 4: «Путешествие в Webville»

    Глава 5: «Знакомство с медиа»

    • Работа браузера с изображениями
    • Формат изображений
    • Атрибуты alt, width и height
    • Изображения-ссылки
    • Веб-страница «MyPod»
    • Определение типа документа HTML5
    • W3C-валидатор
    • Рефакторинг сайта «Гостевая Head First»

    Глава 7: «Начнем работать над дизайном»

    • Переходим к работе с CSS
    • Описание CSS в элементе . Определение CSS в отдельном файле и элемент
    • Наследование CSS, классы, приоритеты
    • Веб-сайт «Гостевая Head First» с базовым CSS

    Глава 8: «Увеличиваем словарный запас»

    • Текст, шрифты и их свойства
    • Веб-шрифты @font-face
    • RGB-цвета, способы их объявления
    • Веб-сайт «Дневник Тони»

    Глава 9: «Познакомися с элементами поближе»

    • Блочная модель. Область содержимого, поле, граница, отступ
    • class и id
    • Несколько таблиц стилей
    • Медиазапросы
    • Модернизация веб-сайта «Гостевая Head First»

    Глава 10: «Современная веб-конструкция»

    • Элементы и
    • Наследование, сокращения, псевдоклассы
    • Модернизация веб-сайта «Гостевая Head First»

    Глава 11: «Расставим элементы по местам»

    • Плавающие элементы. Табличное представление (display: table, table-row, table-cell). Абсолютное позиционирование
    • Свойства — clear, auto, left, right, top, bottom
    • Position: static, absolute, fixed, relative
    • z-index
    • Новый сайт для «Starbuzz»

    Глава 12: «Современный HTML»

    • Элементы стандарта HTML5 —
    • Рефакторинг сайта «Starbuzz» с применением элементов HTML5
    • Создание навигационного меню сайта «Starbuzz»
    • Работа с видео

    Глава 13: «Представление в табличной форме»

    Глава 14: «Переход на интерактивный режим»

    • Элементы — , , , ,
    • action, методы GET и POST
    • Атрибут type, value и значения type — «text», «radio», «checkbox», «number», «range», «date», «email», «url», «tel», «submit»
    • Логические checked и required
    • Создание формы заказа для «Starbuzz»


    Практикум из книги Head First «Изучаем HTML, XHTML и CSS»


    Head First HTML with CSS & XHTML by

    Get full access to Head First HTML with CSS & XHTML and 60K+ other titles, with a free 10-day trial of O’Reilly.

    There are also live events, courses curated by job role, and more.

    Chapter 1. Getting to Know HTML: The Language of the Web

    image with no caption

    The only thing that is standing between you and getting yourself on the Web is learning to speak the lingo : HyperText Markup Language, or HTML for short. So, get ready for some language lessons. After this chapter, not only are you going to understand some basic elements of HTML, but you’ll also be able to speak HTML with a little style. Heck, by the end of this book you’ll be talking HTML like you grew up in Webville.

    The Web Video killed the radio star

    Want to get an idea out there? Sell something? Just need a creative outlet? Turn to the Web – we don’t need to tell you it has become the universal form of communication. Even better, it’s a form of communication YOU can participate in.

    But, if you really want to use the Web effectively, you’ve got to know a few things about HTML , not to mention how the Web works. Let’s take a look from 30,000 feet:

    image with no caption

    What does the Web server do?

    Web servers have a full time job on the Internet, tirelessly waiting for requests from Web browsers. What kinds of requests? Requests for Web pages, images, sounds, or maybe even a movie. When a server gets a request for any of these resources, the server finds the resource, and then sends it back to the browser.

    image with no caption

    What does the Web browser do?

    You already know how a browser works: you’re surfing around the Web and you click on a link to visit a page. That click causes your browser to request an HTML page from a Web server, retrieve it, and display the page in your browser window.

    image with no caption

    But, how does the browser know how to display a page? That’s where HTML comes in. HTML tells the browser all about the content and structure of the page. Let’s see how that works.

    What you write (the HTML).

    So, you know HTML is the key to getting a browser to display your pages, but, what exactly does HTML look like? And, what does it do?

    Let’s have a look at a little HTML. imagine you’re going to create a Web page to advertise the Head First Lounge , a local hangout with some good tunes, refreshing elixirs, and wireless access. Here’s what you’d write in HTML:

    image with no caption


    We don’t expect you to know HTML, yet.

    At this point you should just be getting a feel for what HTML looks like; we’re going to cover everything in detail in a bit. For now, study the HTML and see how it gets represented in the browser on the next page. Be sure to pay careful attention to each letter annotation and how and where it is displayed in the browser.

    What the browser creates.

    When the browser reads your HTML, it interprets all the tags that surround your text. Tags are just words or characters in angle brackets, like , , , and so on. The tags tell the browser about the structure and meaning of your text. So rather than just giving the browser a bunch of text, with HTML you can use tags to tell the browser what text is in a heading, what text is a paragraph, what text needs to be emphasized, or even where images need to be placed.

    Let’s check out how the browser interprets the tags in the Head First Lounge:

    image with no caption

    There are no Dumb Questions


    Q: So HTML is just a bunch of tags that I put around my text?


    A: For starters. Remember that HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language, so HTML gives you a way to “mark up” your text with tags that tell the browser how your text is structured. But there is also the HyperText aspect of HTML, which we’ll talk about a little later in the book.


    Q: How does the browser decide how to display the HTML?


    A: HTML tells your browser about the structure of your document: where the headings are, where the paragraphs are, what text needs emphasis, and so on. Given this information, browsers have built-in default rules for how to display each of these elements.

    But, you don’t have to settle for the default settings. You can add your own style and formatting rules with CSS that determine font, colors, size, and a lot of other characteristics of your page. We’ll get back to CSS later in the chapter.


    Q: The HTML for the Head First Lounge has all kinds of indentation and spacing, and yet I don’t see that when it is displayed in the browser. How come?


    A: Correct, and good catch. Browsers ignore tabs, returns, and most spaces in HTML documents. Instead, they rely on your markup to determine where line and paragraph breaks occur.

    So why did we insert our own formatting if the browser is just going to ignore it? To help us more easily read the document when we’re editing the HTML. As your HTML documents become more complicated, you’ll find a few spaces, returns, and tabs here and there really help to improve the readability of the HTML.


    Q: So there are two levels of headings, and a subheading ?


    A: Actually there are six, through , which the browser typically displays in successively smaller font sizes. Unless you are creating a complex and large document, you typically won’t use headings beyond .


    Q: Why do I need the tag? Isn’t it obvious this is a HTML document?


    A: The tag tells the browser your document is actually HTML. While some browsers will forgive you if you omit it, some won’t, and as we move toward “industrial strength HTML” later in the book, you’ll see it is quite important to include this tag.


    Q: What makes a file an HTML file?


    A: Basically an HTML file is a simple text file. Unlike a word processing file, there is no special formatting embedded in it. By convention we add a “.html” or “.htm” (on systems that only support three letter file extensions) to the end of the file name to give the operating system a better idea of what the file is. But, as you’ve seen, what really matters is what we put inside the file.


    Q: Markup seems silly. What-you-see-is-what-you-get applications have been around since, what, the ‘70s? Why isn’t the Web based on a format like Microsoft Word or a similar application?


    A: The Web is created out of text files without any special formatting characters. This enables any browser in any part of the world to retrieve a Web page and understand its contents. You’ll see that on the Web, in many ways HTML is more powerful than using a proprietary document format.


    Q: Is there any way to put comments to myself in HTML?


    A: Yes, if you place your comments in between the browser will totally ignore them. Say you wanted to write a comment “Here’s the beginning of the lounge content”. You’d do that like this:

     the lounge content -->

    You’re closer to learning HTML than you think.

    Here’s the HTML for the Head First Lounge again. Take a look at the tags and see if you can guess what they tell the browser about the content. Write your answers in the space on the right; we’ve already done the first couple for you.


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