Html form with signature

Create an HTML form with Digital / Electronic Signature using php

For example, in our system, people sign a document using the following: For more information about the law that covers electronic signatures, see the «Digital Signatures Act. Also, electronic signatures are required because we would prefer if they signed the form through the computer and stored it on our server rather than printing it off, signing it, and filing it away in some place to become out of date.

Create an HTML form with Digital / Electronic Signature using php

I’m looking for a solution to add a signature to a form. One where someone can sign with their mouse or with their finger on a touch device. I’m wondering if I can use something like jsignature to create an image, the process the form with php and create a PDF and then add the image to the PDF.

I’ve researched a bit and haven’t found a clear solution for this. Basically I’m wanting to create a simple freelancer website contract that clients would sign online.

I’ve created a fairly minimum prototype that uses the element to allow signature drawings. This drawing is then added to the form as a base64 url.

Short explanation of the code:

  • Create a element
  • Define events for mousedown (pencil down), mousemove (continue drawing) and mouseup (pencil up)
  • Draw on the canvas by creating a line between the previous and current coordinates. Note that if you would draw a lot of dots on the current coordinate, you will not get a smooth line when moving fast with your mouse.
  • When you stop drawing, we get the canvas contents as an image using canvas.toDataUrl() . This is then set on a hidden input on the form.
var canvas = document.getElementById('signature'); var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); var drawing = false; var prevX, prevY; var currX, currY; var signature = document.getElementsByName('signature')[0]; canvas.addEventListener("mousemove", draw); canvas.addEventListener("mouseup", stop); canvas.addEventListener("mousedown", start); function start(e) < drawing = true; >function stop() < drawing = false; prevX = prevY = null; signature.value = canvas.toDataURL(); >function draw(e) < if (!drawing) < return; >// Test for touchmove event, this requires another property. var clientX = e.type === 'touchmove' ? e.touches[0].clientX : e.clientX; var clientY = e.type === 'touchmove' ? e.touches[0].clientY : e.clientY; currX = clientX - canvas.offsetLeft; currY = clientY - canvas.offsetTop; if (!prevX && !prevY) < prevX = currX; prevY = currY; >ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(prevX, prevY); ctx.lineTo(currX, currY); ctx.strokeStyle = 'black'; ctx.lineWidth = 2; ctx.stroke(); ctx.closePath(); prevX = currX; prevY = currY; > function onSubmit(e) < console.log(< 'name': document.getElementsByName('name')[0].value, 'signature': signature.value, >); return false; >

On the PHP side, you should then be able to decode that base64 string and save it to a file like this:

$img = $_POST['signature']; $data = base64_decode(preg_replace('#^data:image/\w+;base64,#i', '', $img)); file_put_contents('storage/signature.png', $data); 
Note for mobile touch events

If you need mobile/touch capability, simply change the events to:

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If you need both mobile and mouse inputs, you can duplicate the 3 addEventListener lines so all 6 events are tracked.

Digital signature — Digitally signing a PDF document, I did this using the code below: // Create a HTML to PDF converter object with default . Stack Overflow. About; Products For Teams; Stack // Convert a HTML string with a marker for digital signature to a …

Digital signature in form

PHP and HTML5 signature pad source code to digitally sign and save the signature into the server. You can download the source code from this link:https://dri

Digital E-Signature pad with saving it as image using

Digital E — Signature Pad is a jQuery module that exploits HTML5 canvas component and JavaScript to create an adaptable and smooth Signature Pad on your site p

Capture a Signature with jQuery and HTML 5

In this series you’ll learn how to add a signature field to your website that allows a user to write their signature on an HTML 5 canvas element. You’ll cap

Electronic signatures in web pages

I have an ASP.Net application. It is an application where people fill out forms. Well, we would like for people to be able to sign the form electronically(as in, their hand written signature) so that the signatures are held in the server and displayed on the web page.

Is there any kind of support for doing this kinda thing without having to resort to ActiveX controls? We would really strongly like to stay away from those. Is there anything up and coming that could be of some help such as the Canvas HTML5 tag or anything like that? It’d be super neat if we could support both signature pads and tablet PCs.

Also, electronic signatures are required because we would prefer if they signed the form through the computer and stored it on our server rather than printing it off, signing it, and filing it away in some place to become out of date.

This isn’t exactly an answer to your problem but if you are in the United States you will not need a handwritten signature for the document to be considered legally «signed.» As long as the form they are «signing» meets certain authentication criteria, an online agreement is considered fully executed by an electronic acceptance. For example, in our system, people sign a document using the following:

My Name: Mark Graquel My System ID: 998877 Today's Date: 1/25/2010 You agree that the Name and/or ID shown above fully, accurately and uniquely identifies you in our database. You furthermore agree that your submission of this form, via the "I Accept" button, shall constitute the execution of this document in exactly the same manner as if you had signed, by hand, a paper version of this agreement. 

For more information about the law that covers electronic signatures, see the «Digital Signatures Act.»

Perhaps this jquery plugin:

APIs from esignature service such as docusign and echosign will assure you of more compliance, and also perhaps of better ease-of-use for your clients/customers through their handling of the different use cases in the esigning process (more than you may think).

For your situation and for passing in docs you’ve generated, their APIs can be restrictive given pdf wizardry going on. (i’m involved in this project) is a more open system that has the upshot of deeper API integration to handle this. We’re in beta and not yet released an API, but pleased to hear about indications of interest.

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I hardly doubt whether this is pleadable, as there is no possibility to do signature analysis etc. But I am no lawyer, so this might be worth another discussion :-).

Isn’t there something like DigiD available in your country. It’s a government issued identification mechanism with verification, that is used in the Netherlands to sign (for example) tax files.

Also check CanvasPaint (domain expired) . It’s code has been open sourced by the author (see here). It is an Paint implementation in pure Javascript, using the tag.

When I was learning jQuery I wrote ‘Simple Paint’ program. This program had 100×100 div and color chooser. I could draw different things keeping left mouse button pressed. It took about 4 hours to write that program (i.e. it’s very easy especially if we assume that I was learning jQuery and didn’t know how to use it correctly).

P.S. you describe the strangest requirement I’ve ever heard.

Capture a Signature with jQuery and HTML 5, In this series you’ll learn how to add a signature field to your website that allows a user to write their signature on an HTML 5 canvas element. You’ll cap

A semantic HTML tag for a signature

While making a form in HTML which will get converted to PDF, I just realized there is no HTML tag that conveys the meaning that the underlined block is a signature (or should be signed).

Any suggestions on how to use a semantically correct HTML element for a signature?

Why not use an input? This way, you get the correct semantics. For example, screen readers will understand that the user is expected to submit information.

You can make an input tag, then style it so that it only has a border on the bottom

Simple codepen to illustrate the idea

Edit: Just noticed somebody else posted the same solution while I was typing this. What’s with all the downvotes of these answers?

There are a couple of things you could do to achieve this. Option number one is a div with a border-bottom , but that is not editable. That can be viewed here:

The seconds option, which is editable, would be just a simple input box:


Now just thinking of another way to achieve what you would like! 🙂

You could perhaps use _ , but there would be spaces right? False, there is a work around! View here:

As you can see with this one I am simply just adding the CSS property word-spacing .

HTML Emojis, W3Schools offers free online tutorials, references and exercises in all the major languages of the web. Covering popular subjects like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, SQL, Java, and many, many more.

Capture Signature using HTML5 and iPad

Anyone know how this can be done? Would you use a canvas object, svg, jQuery, etc?

Here’s another canvas based version with variable width (based on drawing velocity) curves: demo at and code at

signature sample

A canvas element with some JavaScript would work great.

In fact, Signature Pad (a jQuery plugin) already has this implemented.

Here is a quickly hacked up version of this using SVG I just did. Works well for me on my iPhone. Also works in a desktop browser using normal mouse events.

Perhaps the best two browser techs for this are Canvas, with Flash as a back up.

We tried VML on IE as backup for Canvas, but it was much slower than Flash. SVG was slower then all the rest.

With jSignature ( ) we used Canvas as primary, with fallback to Flash-based Canvas emulator (flashcanvas) for IE8 and less. Id’ say worked very well for us.

Uploading digital signature to folder and submitting to, I have been trying to manage that the signature image gets submitted to upload to a folder and add to the database at the same time but having a tough time. Everything is working except uploading the


Form with Signature Pad | E-Signature Pad using Jquery UI and PHP

in this article, we will create a form and will implement a Signature pad with jquery UI where users can create a digital signature and we will upload the signature image in PNG format. and we will also submit the data into the database so that further we send an email with that signature to the user.

For this we will follow the below-mentioned step:

  • Step 01: create a database and table
  • step 02: Create an HTML form with a name and signature pad
  • step 03: Initialize the signature pad using jquery
  • step 04: create an upload.php file to process the data

Tree directory structure script With PHP

Step 01: create a database and table

Just create a database and in the SQL tab past the below-mentioned code and run

 CREATE TABLE `employee_sign` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL, `name` varchar(100) NOT NULL, `signature_img` varchar(255) NOT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; ALTER TABLE `employee_sign` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`); ALTER TABLE `employee_sign` MODIFY `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, AUTO_INCREMENT=2; 

Step 02: Create an HTML form with a name and signature pad

Now we will create an HTML form with bootstrap and will implement the Signature pad

Just create an index.php file and paste the above-mentioned header link above mentioned header link I will provide in the download folder below this page.

inside the body, tag paste the below code

  [email protected]/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet"> asset/js/jquery.signature.min.js    

PHP Signature Pad


step 03: Initialize the signature pad using jquery

simply copy the below code and paste it above the body closing tag in the index.php file

 var sig = $('#sig').signature(< syncField: '#signature64', syncFormat: 'PNG' >); $('#clear').click(function(e) < e.preventDefault(); sig.signature('clear'); $("#signature64").val(''); >); 

step 04: create an upload.php file to process the data

Finally, we have to create an upload.php file and paste the below code for processing the form.

Be sure we have to create a folder upload inside our folder root directory where we are uploading the image

  if (isset($_POST['submit'])) < $name = $file = ""; if (isset($_POST['name'])) < $name = $_POST['name']; >$folderPath = "upload/"; $image_parts = explode(";base64,", $_POST['signature']); $image_type_aux = explode("image/", $image_parts[0]); $image_type = $image_type_aux[1]; $image_base64 = base64_decode($image_parts[1]); $file = $folderPath . $name . "_" . uniqid() . '.' . $image_type; file_put_contents($file, $image_base64); echo "Signature Uploaded Successfully."; $sql = "INSERT INTO employee_sign(name, signature_img) VALUES ('$name', '$file')"; $query = mysqli_query($con, $sql); > 


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