Html form prevent reload

Stop Page Refresh on HTML Form Submission: Tips and Tricks

Learn how to prevent your HTML form from refreshing the page upon submission with these tips and tricks. From adding «return false» to using preventDefault in React, we cover it all.

  • Adding “return false” to the onsubmit attribute
  • Using “” to override default submission behavior
  • 2 methods to prevent form from submission
  • Adding a submit event to the form and using preventDefault
  • Using preventDefault in React
  • Specifying button type as “button”
  • Preventing form resubmission via session variable or unsetting form data
  • Other HTML code snippets to prevent page reload on form submission
  • Conclusion
  • How do I stop a page from reloading after submitting?
  • How do I submit a HTML form without refreshing the page?
  • How do I stop resubmission on reload?
  • How do I stop a form from resubmission on page refresh in HTML?

HTML forms are a crucial element of web development, enabling users to interact with web applications and submit data. However, it can be frustrating when the page refreshes upon form submission, especially when users have to fill out lengthy forms. In this article, we will explore various tips and tricks to prevent the HTML form from refreshing the page upon submission. By following these techniques, you can create a more user-friendly and efficient web application.

Adding “return false” to the onsubmit attribute

One way to prevent page refresh upon form submission is by Adding “return false ” to the onsubmit attribute. This will prevent the default form submission behavior and stop the page from refreshing. The onsubmit attribute is used to specify the JavaScript function that will be executed when the form is submitted. By adding the “return false” statement to the onsubmit attribute, we are telling the browser not to submit the form.

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Here is an example code snippet:

In the above example, the form will execute the “myFunction()” JavaScript function when submitted. The “return false” statement will prevent the form from submitting and refreshing the page.

Using “ ” to override default submission behavior

Another way to prevent page refresh upon form submission is to use “ ” to override the default submission behavior. By using “event.preventDefault()” in the onSubmit event, we can prevent form submission and page refresh.

Here is an example code snippet:

In the above example, the button type is set to “button” instead of the default “submit” type. This will prevent the default form submission behavior. The “myFunction()” JavaScript function will be executed when the button is clicked. We can use the “event.preventDefault()” statement in the onSubmit event to prevent form submission and page refresh.

2 methods to prevent form from submission

Adding a submit event to the form and using preventDefault

Adding a submit event to the form and using preventDefault to prevent refresh is another option. This allows us to control the submission behavior and prevent the page from refreshing.

Here is an example code snippet:

In the above example, we have added a submit event listener to the form using the “addEventListener()” method. The “preventDefault()” method is used to prevent the page from refreshing when the form is submitted.

Using preventDefault in React

If you are using React, you can prevent page refresh on form submit by using the preventDefault() method on the event object. This will stop the default form submission behavior and prevent the page from reloading.

Here is an example code snippet:

In the above example, we have defined a “handleSubmit()” method that is called when the form is submitted. The “event.preventDefault()” statement is used to prevent the default form submission behavior and page refresh.

Specifying button type as “button”

To prevent the page from reloading, we can specify the button type as “button”. This will prevent the default form submission behavior and stop the page from refreshing.

Here is an example code snippet:

In the above example, we have set the button type to “button” instead of the default “submit” type. This will prevent the default form submission behavior and page refresh.

Preventing form resubmission via session variable or unsetting form data

To prevent form resubmission , we can use a session variable or unset the form data after it is submitted. This will prevent the user from accidentally submitting the form multiple times and refreshing the page.

Here is an example code snippet:

if($_SESSION['form_submitted'] != true) < . >orunset($_POST); 

In the above example, we have used a session variable to prevent form resubmission. We have checked if the “form_submitted” variable is set. If not, we execute the form submission code. Alternatively, we can unset the form data after it is submitted to prevent form resubmission.

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Other HTML code snippets to prevent page reload on form submission

In Javascript as proof, jquery submit refresh page stop code example

$("#prospects_form").submit(function(e) < e.preventDefault(); // >);

In Html , html prevent submit from reloading page code sample

In Html as proof, submit() refreshes the page code example

 if ( window.history.replaceState ) 

In Javascript case in point, prevent page reload on form submit javascript code example


In this article, we have explored various tips and tricks to prevent the HTML form from refreshing the page upon submission. Whether you’re using JavaScript, React, or PHP, there are multiple ways to control the form submission behavior and create a better user experience. It’s essential to validate user inputs and consider security vulnerabilities when implementing these techniques. By following these tips and tricks, you can create a more efficient and user-friendly web application.

Frequently Asked Questions — FAQs

How do I stop my HTML form from refreshing the page on submission?

There are multiple ways to prevent page refresh on HTML form submission, such as adding «return false» to the onsubmit attribute, using preventDefault in the onSubmit event, and specifying the button type as «button».

Can I prevent page refresh on form submission in React?

Yes, you can use the preventDefault() method on the event object to stop the default form submission behavior and prevent the page from refreshing.

What is the benefit of preventing page refresh on form submission?

Preventing page refresh on form submission can create a better user experience by providing a seamless transition between form submission and the next step in the user journey.

Is it necessary to validate user inputs when implementing these techniques?

Yes, it is always important to validate user inputs to prevent security vulnerabilities and ensure the accuracy of data submitted through the HTML form.

Can I prevent form resubmission with these techniques?

Yes, you can stop form resubmission via a session variable or by unsetting the form data after it is submitted.

Are these techniques compatible with PHP?

Yes, these techniques can be implemented in PHP and other programming languages to prevent page refresh on HTML form submission.


Submitting html form without reload the page

Sometimes, when a form is submitted, you don’t want to reload the page, instead you want to execute a javascript function only. Here are ways of executing a javascript function on form submit without reload the html page. return false; is the key to prevent the from to reolad the html page.

1. When this html form is submitted, it will call the javascript function yourJsFunction(), but it won’t reload the page.

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2. Use jQuery’s submit event to handle the form submit, add return false; at the end of the submit handle function to prevent the page to reload.

3. This form has no submit input, thus it won’t reload the page because the form will never get submitted, but the javascript function will be executed the button input is clicked.

Collect the input values from the form that don’t reload the page.

Referenced from stackoverflow answer
The sample html form with some basic inputs.

First Name:


Favorite Food:

Select a Level of Education:


The jQuery function for converting the form input values into a json object.

$.fn.serializeObject = function()< var o = <>; var a = this.serializeArray(); $.each(a, function() < if (o[] !== undefined) < if (!o[].push) < o[] = [o[]]; >o[].push(this.value || ''); > else < o[] = this.value || ''; >>); return o; >; $(function() < $('form').submit(function() < $('#result').text(JSON.stringify($('form').serializeObject())); return false; >); >);

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Prevent form submit event from reloading the page

In this article, we are going to discuss 2 options that how you can prevent your HTML form submit event from reloading the page. Normally, when you submit the form, it redirects to the action attribute link. But you can stop that reload and call an AJAX or any other Javascript function.

1. preventDefault

You can call the preventDefault function on the event target and it will stop the form from redirecting to the page specified in the action attribute of the tag.

Then you can create the following Javascript function to prevent the page reload:

In this method, the form is first prevented from submission and then your Javascript code will be run. So it prevents the form submit event first, then it will run our Javascript code which is a good approach.

You can learn more about preventDefault from here.

2. return false

The second approach is to use the return false statement in your Javascript code. For this, you also need to return the value from the onsubmit event function. Let’s check this out.

Then create your Javascript function as like that:

In this method, your Javascript code runs first before preventing the form submission.


We would recommend the 1st method i.e. preventDefault because it is the very first line of the Javascript function. So if there is an error in your Javascript code, your browser will not get reloaded and thus you will be able to view the error in the browser console.

Now that you have learned to prevent the form submit event. You can also display a pop-up for confirmation in case of the delete function. You can follow this tutorial to display a pop-up confirmation before submitting the form.


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