Html change all text font

How to specify font attributes for all elements on an html web page?

When I set the font family, font size, color etc. it seems that some nested elements override these with ugly browser defaults. Must I really specify those a dozens of times for any kind of element on my page, or is there a way to set them globally once and forever? How to do that?

6 Answers 6

The asterisk implies all elements.

This works, but it’s not best solution. When the browser sees the ‘*’ it loops over all HTML elements in the page and apply the CSS to them. Even for elements where the rule doesn’t make any sense. Depending on the size of the HTML this can slow the page rendering.

Agree, but it applies the CSS to ALL elements, as BugAlert asked for. If one wants to effect ALL elements, one can expect the performance to reduce a little. 🙂

You can also add !important at the end of each style declaration to be safe against other style declarations outweighing this one.

I know it’s been 5 years, but I’m surprised nobody has noticed until now: you should never specify just a Windows font in «font-family» (unless of course it’s a webfont) — Arial,helvetica,sans-serif is more compatible.

If you’re using IE, chances are it will revert to the browser defaults for certain elements, like tables. You can counter that with something like the following CSS:

html, body, form, fieldset, table, tr, td, img < margin: 0; padding: 0; font: 100%/150% calibri,helvetica,sans-serif; >input, button, select, textarea, optgroup, option < font-family: inherit; font-size: inherit; font-style: inherit; font-weight: inherit; >/* rest of your styles; like: */ body

Edit: you may want to read up on CSS resets; see threads like this one


How to change the font type, size, and color on a web page

Font size

Computer Hope

This page contains instructions on how to change a font and its color on an HTML (hypertext markup language) web page. With the introduction of HTML5, the proper way to now configure web page fonts is to use CSS (cascading style sheets). The old method, of using an inline style attribute or font tag, is deprecated, and should no longer be used.

Although the deprecated methods may still render correctly in modern Internet browsers, they are no longer guaranteed to do so. To create web pages that display correctly for the maximum number of users, use the CSS methods described on this page.

The methods for changing font attributes on this page work for text contained in most HTML tags, including , , and . These methods also work for text in a table, using the , , and tags.

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Using CSS for a single application

If you plan on changing the font face and its color for one word, sentence, or paragraph on a web page, configure its attributes in the element tag. Using the style attribute, you may specify the font face and color with font-family, color, and the font size with font-size, as shown in the example below.

Example code

font-size: 20px;">This text has the font Courier, is Blue, and 20px.


This text has the Courier font, is Blue, and 20px in size.

Using CSS for one or more pages

Custom font for one page

In the head portion of your web page, you may insert code between the tabs to change the appearance of your text in various elements. The next blue box contains example code that, once called, would change your font face to Courier and color it red. As you can see, we have defined the class name as «custom.»

Once defined, this styling can be applied to most elements in your page by attaching the class «custom» to them. The following box shows two lines of code and their respective results.



This whole sentence is red and Courier.

Only the word test is red and Courier.

Custom font for many pages

Importing an external CSS file can be very beneficial in that it allows users to change rules for multiple pages at the same time. The following section shows an example for creating a basic CSS file that changes the font and it’s color for most elements. This file may be loaded into more than one web page, even an entire site.

Using any basic text editor, saving the following text as a .css file will prepare it for import.

Once the preceding text is placed into a .css file (we have named ours basic.css), you can link to it from any other page using a line similar to the following example.

Users may change the attributes of elements on a page by changing the code in the imported .css file.

Using the font tag

Although deprecated, the HTML tag can still be used and may be necessary to be used with some online services. When using the font tag, you must include the face attribute, which describes the font to be used. In the example below, we are using the Courier font and the hexadecimal color code #005CB9, which is dark blue.

Example code


  • How to change the font color, size, style, or type in Word.
  • See our color codes page for a complete listing of HTML color codes and examples.
  • See our font and font size definitions for further information and related links.
  • How to change the background and text color of a web page.
  • How to center text in HTML.
  • How to get started in HTML and web design.
  • HTML and web design help and support.
  • CSS and HTML color help and support.


How to Change Font in Html

In earlier HTML versions, the font tag was used to define and change the font size, color and style. However, HTML5 does not recommend using a font tag.
HTML5 has added the font properties as an attribute in the element. The properties include font-style, font-size, and color. These properties enhance the aesthetics of the font in HTML. This article aims to provide various methods to change fonts in HTML. The outcomes of this article are:

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How to change the font in HTML

In HTML, a font comprises various properties such as color, style, and size. These attributes are applied to provide an interactive visibility of the fonts.

How to change font color in HTML

To change font color in HTML, add style attribute in the opening tag and use color property, and then assign the color value which could be “Hex”, “RGB” or “keyword” of color of name.

The following HTML code makes use of the “color” attribute to change the font-color:


We changed the font color from default to red < / p >
< / body >In the above code we used the style attribute in the opening p tag, and then used color property and assigned the color value.

Code Image


The font color changed from default to red, we used font-color attribute and assigned the red color.

How to change the font size in HTML

Inline styling styles the single element. Whenever we use the style attribute inside a specific element it will overwrite the targeted property.

Let’s change the font size in HTML using code which is written below:


We changed the font size to 30px < / p >
< / body >In the above code we set the font size to 30px using the font-size property, we applied this code into the opening tag of paragraph tag which is




The paragraph text size changed from default to 30px by using font-size property.

How to change the style of a font in HTML

Font style defines the style of the font in HTML. Whenever we use the style tag in an HTML element it will overwrite all the parameters which were set to default.

Let’s see how we can change the font style or font family in HTML via the following example


Font style changed to Verdana < / p >
< / body >Here we used the Font-family tag and assigned ‘Verdana’ property to it, which set the heading’s font style from default to verdana.



The font style changed from default to Verdana by using font-style property.

You have learned to change the font style, font size, and color of the font in HTML.


The font of HTML can be changed by using three different attributes which are “color”, “font-size” and “font-style.” This article provides various methods to change fonts in HTML. The “color” property changes the color of the font, the “font-size” is used to manipulate the size of the font and the “font-family” adds some style to the fonts.


How to Change Font with HTML

Kolade Chris

Kolade Chris

How to Change Font with HTML

Back in the days of HTML4, there was a tag you could use to change the font size, font family, and the color of a text.

But with HTML5, the tag has been deprecated. So if you want to change anything related to the font, you have to do it with CSS.

In this article, I will show you how to change the font size, font weight, font style, and font family of text using CSS.

How to Change the Font Size of Text

The font size of text represents how big that text is.

To change the font size of some text, you need to use the font-size property and then specify the value in pixels ( px ), rem , or em .

You can do it using inline CSS like this:

You can also do it in embedded or internal CSS:

And finally you can do it in external CSS:

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To get rid of the default white background and center the text both horizontally and vertically, I wrote this CSS:


In the browser, it looks as shown below:

How to Change the Font-weight of Text

Font-weight is the property that helps set how bold or light specific text will be.

You can use font-weight to change the lightness or boldness of text, then give it a value such as normal , lighter , bold , or bolder . You can also use values like 100, 200, 500, and so on.

Just like font size, you can change the font-weight in inline, embedded, or external CSS.


freeCodeCamp Lighter

freeCodeCamp Normal

freeCodeCamp Bold

freeCodeCamp Bolder

 .lighter < font-weight: lighter; >.normal < font-weight: normal; >.bold < font-weight: bold; >.bolder 
.lighter < font-weight: lighter; >.normal < font-weight: normal; >.bold < font-weight: bold; >.bolder


How to Change the Font Style of Text

Font style is the typeface variation of the text. This typeface variation could be normal , bold , or italic .

To change the font style, you need the font-style property with a value of normal , oblique , or italic .

Normal is the default font style, so you don’t need to specify it unless you have to override it.

As usual, you can change the font style in inline, internal, or external CSS.


freeCodeCamp Normal

freeCodeCamp Oblique

freeCodeCamp Italic


Here’s the output in the browser:

How to Change the Font Family of Text

A font family represents a collection of fonts that share the same design and typography.

To change the font family of some text, you need to use the CSS font-family property.

You can then choose to do it with inline CSS, internal CSS, or external CSS.

The code snippet below shows how to change the font-family in inline CSS:



You can change the font-family in embedded or internal CSS this way: ```css h1

In an external CSS file you can change the font family like this:

Make sure the external CSS is linked to the HTML file, otherwise it won’t work.


The Verdana font family looks like this inside the Google Chrome browser:

You might have noticed that there are other font families in the value – Geneva, Tahoma, and sans-serif.

Those are fallbacks the browser can use in case Verdana is not available on the user’s device.

If you don’t like the fonts built into your device, you can get other ones from Google Fonts.


Search for your favorite font and copy the link to it, then paste the link in the section of your HTML so you can have access to it in your HTML stylesheet

In my case, I used the Roboto font like this:


And this is how it looks in the browser:


This article walked you through how to change the font size, font weight, font style, and font family of text in inline, internal, or external CSS.

You might be wondering which is best to use between inline, internal, or external CSS.

If you’re working on a small project, you can use internal or embedded CSS, but if you’re working on a big project or in a team, you should not use internal CSS.

This is because it is a best practice to keep your CSS away from your HTML.

Inline CSS is a no-no in most situations because it might affect the readability of your HTML.

It’s also been suggested that inline CSS can negatively affect the SEO of a website.


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