HTML background color

HTML colors, text, background and border

HTML colors are used to give a specific web page design, highlight certain words or paragraphs, a proper contrast, etc.
HTML colors are specified using color name, RGB, HEX, HSL, RGBA and HSLA value.

HTML background color — using inline CSS — examples

All you have to do is search the table with names and color codes in this lesson, choose one you like and write its name or code in the bgcolor attribute.
Let’s have an example: using .


HTML background color

In this lesson you will have color codes at the end of this page

Here we have a strong Paragraph

Here we have an italic Paragraph

Visit our HTML tutorial - this is a link

Note: In the above example I used inline CSS, but it is better to avoid and use external CSS
Note: HTML colors supports 140 standard color names.

HTML text color — using inline CSS

To put a text in a certain color can be done in several ways, as:
1. inside a paragraph

text here

2. inside a box

text here

Let’s have an example using:

your text here text color

your text here text color


Colored HTML text

your description here colored in green

your description here colored in red

Note: In the above example I used inline CSS, but it is better to avoid and use external CSS

More examples for a better understanding text color


Colored HTML text

your description here RGB colored

your description here HEX colored

your description here HSL colored

your description here colored in red

HTML border color — using inline CSS

To put border color to a text can be done in several ways, as:
1. border inside a paragraph

text here

2. border for a box

text here

Let’s have an example using:

your text here text color

your text here text color


HTML border color - using inline CS

your text here red color

your text here green color

Note: In the above example I used inline CSS, but it is better to avoid and use external CSS

HTML colors, Text color, Border Color, background color
HTML colors, background, text and border color — html tutorial

news templates

news templates

This tool makes it easy to create, adjust, and experiment with custom colors for the web.

news templates

Magnews2 is a modern and creative free magazine and news website template that will help you kick off your online project in style.

news templates

Find here examples of creative and unique website layouts.

news templates

Find here examples of creative and unique website CSS HTML menu.

news templates

news templates

This tool makes it easy to create, adjust, and experiment with custom colors for the web.

news templates

Magnews2 is a modern and creative free magazine and news website template that will help you kick off your online project in style.

news templates

Find here examples of creative and unique website layouts.

news templates

Find here examples of creative and unique website CSS HTML menu.


Beautiful-jekyll theme: How to modify the page title color in CSS?

Is the CSS for blog posts supposed to be written in or , and do I have to specify which stylesheets I want to use in the YAML, by using , or by writing I wasn’t able to find information that gave a clear cut answer. You can even test what happens when you add or change specific CSS attributes.

Beautiful-jekyll theme: How to modify the page title color in CSS?

I have set up a «beautiful Jekyll» blog/GitHub page and I would like to change the font color of the page title and subtitle.

I would like to change the text color:

Beautiful Jekyll Build a beautiful and simple website in minutes 

I cannot find the right place in the main.css . I have looked into the index.html , the config.yml , and the css folder but cannot find where to change the color.

Around line 24ish to line 35ish of the main.css file I have:

h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6 < font-family: 'Open Sans', 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-weight: 800; >a < color: >; > .header_class

On line 28 of the index.html file I have:

Current website:
GitHub page:

There is an for page.title in the header.html.

Problem: The parent div has a class >-heading»> but the element itself has no class or id which could be used in the CSS.

Solution: You need to add another class to the HTML and define new styles in the CSS to get only the colored page.title .

In case you only define the color on the existing in your CSS, each document’s title would be colored, as the CSS defines the same styles for to .

Check out this tutorial on how to use classes in HTML/CSS.

Testing HTML and CSS changes

Use the inspector (dev tools) in your browser (press F12) to see the elements of a page. You can even test what happens when you add or change specific CSS attributes. Learn what I mean and how to do it on your own.

For testing, I have added color: red to the tag:

inspector / dev tools

Add a class to your HTML and update your CSS
  1. Go to line 28 in the header.html and add change to
  2. Go to the main.css and add the following below the definition:

Note: This h1 tag example would also work for the sub-title.

Jekyll custom theme not working on Github pages, In your _config.yml. delete theme: minimal-mistakes-jekyll. add remote_theme: mmistakes/minimal-mistakes. enable jekyll-include-cache in the plugins configuration. Plugins config is now : plugins: — jekyll-feed — jekyll-include-cache. Share. Improve this answer.

Customize CSS styling in a Jekyll template

I’m using Jekyll for the first time to build a portfolio site. I had no trouble with customizing the HTML but when I follow instructions on customizing the CSS, the changes I make are not applied after I do bundle exec jekyll serve . Here’s what I’ve tried following instructions from this github help link: I created a CSS file (assets/css/style.css) and at the top of it I put this block of code:

--- --- @import ">; /* sample code to test it */ .button

Then, in the head.html file, I made sure to link this newly created stylesheet by adding this:

Note that the main.css is the original CSS file that comes with the template. Afterward, when I refresh the page, the button has not changed. I’d appreciate any tips on what I should be doing differently. Thanks

Its has something to do with the order in which you are calling the css.

css has a cascade model, in which the last css you call has preference.

Try to put YOUR css after the one that comes by default.

If it does´t work, put an Important.

--- --- @import ">; /* sample code to test it */ .button

If that does´t work either, simple put another class to the button in the css AND the html

--- --- @import ">; /* sample code to test it */ .btn

First thing I would try is to close the string.

Html — Change text color of title-group CSS, .panel-title < >is not specific enough since you’re trying to target the inner a whose styles might be already defined. Try instead:.panel-title a < color: red; >by the same principle, if somewhere in CSS you already have a style like h4 a<> than you need to add again a higher specificity: h4.panel-title a < color: red; >

Including CSS stylesheets in Jekyll pages

I have been playing around with Jekyll for a couple of weeks now and I am trying to create a default style for each of my blog posts, but I’m not exactly sure where and how it’s supposed to be done. My main index page works fine in terms of styling but my posts have no CSS being passed to them whatsoever despite trying various methods.

Is the CSS for blog posts supposed to be written in _layouts/default.html or _layouts/posts.html , and do I have to specify which stylesheets I want to use in the YAML, by using , or by writing

I wasn’t able to find information that gave a clear cut answer.

The Jekyll way to do this is to take whichever layout you are going to use for the final page (for example _layouts/posts.html ) and create your HTML document skeleton there (i.e. html , head , and body tags). In the head of the layout HTML, put . This blog-head.html file is where we are going to include all of the CSS, JS, etc. that is required for every blog page.

Then in your blog-head.html , you can just write the CSS file include for a custom CSS file:

This way, you can easily include the same head section in all of your blog post pages, and you can easily update that head section (adding, removing, or changing CSS/JS) and it will automatically take effect across all of your blog posts.

The following link provides general steps on overriding theme defaults: Jekyll: Overriding Theme Defaults. The page provides instructions for getting a copy of the html base layout file (from your theme) that you will need to modify with the new CSS link.

Please follow up if you would like me to clarify anything!

When I want a quick and dirty way to add some CSS into a post, I’ll just add a tag in the body of my post.

--- layout: post title: "quick and dirty CSS in jekyll posts" date: 2016-04-08 13:04:00 --- p whoa this paragraph has a border around it, such magic 

You can get really crazy with includes and no doubt the code ends up looking well factored and cool. However, productivity can take a hit. Especially initially, when you may be doing most of your work with a ‘Live Preview’ tool like Early on you may not be ready to start your ‘jekyll serve’ workflow pattern. I suspect part of your issue is not including the ‘baseurl’ config parameter.

A happy medium solution that works for me is to conditionally include header links.

This handles all workflows: live preview, jekyll server and production.

If you are testing locally with jekyll you can pass an empty baseurl parameter.

Simple solution is create in your _includes/ a head.html (will replace the head that you use in your index c:) file that includes the import from your css. So you can include it anywhere, but you must put the ../css/main.css , the key here are the 2 dots.

Now it works. At least it solves the 404 non-style error and the url like myUrl:4000/categories .

Hope it helps you 🙂

How to make changeable themes using CSS and, So the first step to move to CSS Variables would be to refactor out the theme colors into variables —primary-color and —secondary-color. Here’s how your stylesheet looks after the change. You could begin by setting the default theme colors into the :root element style declaration: :root < --primary-color: …

Change color in my website make by jekyll

I make a website by jekyll in github.

This is my web and source code

I want to change color background(of code) from black to white like image below :

Please help me change this. Thank you

.highlight < background: white !important; >.blob-wrapper < background: white; >pre < background: white; >table.rouge-table < background: white !important; >td.code < background: white !important; > < >.blob-code < background: white !important; >.blob-num

also if you want the white text to be black add to every code section color: black;

Css — How do I change the background color for code, Go to this file /static/css/main.css and change the parameters for pre. Background is the background color for the code block, color is the font color in it. Somehow, .highlight parameters dominate over pre parameters. I commented out as well .highlight section. This is how the final code looks like. You can see …


Читайте также:  Css text color auto
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