Html and space tag

HTML Entities

Reserved characters in HTML must be replaced with character entities.

HTML Entities

Some characters are reserved in HTML.

If you use the less than (<) or greater than (>) signs in your text, the browser might mix them with tags.

Character entities are used to display reserved characters in HTML.

A character entity looks like this:

Advantage of using an entity name: An entity name is easy to remember.
Disadvantage of using an entity name: Browsers may not support all entity names, but the support for entity numbers is good.

Non-breaking Space

A commonly used entity in HTML is the non-breaking space:  

A non-breaking space is a space that will not break into a new line.

Two words separated by a non-breaking space will stick together (not break into a new line). This is handy when breaking the words might be disruptive.

Another common use of the non-breaking space is to prevent browsers from truncating spaces in HTML pages.

If you write 10 spaces in your text, the browser will remove 9 of them. To add real spaces to your text, you can use the   character entity.

Tip: The non-breaking hyphen (‑) is used to define a hyphen character (‑) that does not break into a new line.

Some Useful HTML Character Entities

Result Description Entity Name Entity Number Try it
non-breaking space     Try it »
less than < < Try it »
> greater than > > Try it »
& ampersand & & Try it »
« double quotation mark " " Try it »
single quotation mark (apostrophe) ' ' Try it »
¢ cent ¢ ¢ Try it »
£ pound £ £ Try it »
¥ yen ¥ ¥ Try it »
euro Try it »
© copyright © © Try it »
® registered trademark ® ® Try it »

Note: Entity names are case sensitive.

Combining Diacritical Marks

A diacritical mark is a «glyph» added to a letter.

Some diacritical marks, like grave ( ̀) and acute ( ́) are called accents.

Diacritical marks can appear both above and below a letter, inside a letter, and between two letters.

Diacritical marks can be used in combination with alphanumeric characters to produce a character that is not present in the character set (encoding) used in the page.

Mark Character Construct Result Try it
̀ a Try it »
́ a Try it »
̂ a Try it »
̃ a Try it »
̀ O Try it »
́ O Try it »
̂ O Try it »
̃ O Try it »

You will see more HTML symbols in the next chapter of this tutorial.


How to Make Spaces in HTML

Jennifer Kyrnin is a professional web developer who assists others in learning web design, HTML, CSS, and XML.

Jon Fisher headshot

Jonathan Fisher is a CompTIA certified technologist with more than 6 years’ experience writing for publications like TechNorms and Help Desk Geek.

Adding a string of spaces to your HTML only to have them disappear because of the way HTML handles spaces is a frustrating, familiar experience for anyone who works in web design. An HTML space tag would be convenient for creating spaces, but the fact is that none exists..

The source of the problem is that HTML compresses all space characters—tabs, spaces, and carriage returns—to one character. If you want to indent your paragraphs, you can’t simply type five spaces and then begin the text. That doesn’t mean you don’t have any control over spaces in your HTML, however.

Person adding an HTML space tag to code

Alternatives to the Nonexistent HTML Space Tag

You have several options for creating and controlling white space on your webpages:

  • The HTML tag denotes a line break, like a carriage return in a word processing program. You’d use it at the end of each line of an address, for example, to get the block format people are accustomed to seeing.
  • The tag generates a paragraph break. It is applied to a section of text that is a block of text separated from nearby blocks of text by a blank space and/or first-line indent.
  • The tag is used with preformatted text. It instructs the browser that the text is to appear exactly as written in the HTML file, including any spaces or blank lines. If you type five spaces inside tags, you get five spaces on the website.character
  • The   character creates a space that does not break into a new line. Two words that are separated by a non-breaking space always appear on the same line.
  • The and characters create tab spaces in HTML. Unfortunately, they can’t be used independently. Any time you want a tab in HTML, you’ll either need to use one of these characters inside tags or fake it with CSS.
  • You can also add space around text using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). If you’re looking to create spacing anywhere around a full block of text, this is absolutely the way to do it. CSS also affords plenty of stylistic controls for the text itself, making it the first choice for many web developers.

Practice using these simple tags, noting the outcome of each. Getting around the lack of an HTML space tag isn’t complicated if you get to know these quick methods.


HTML Space: how to include spaces directly in HTML

HTML Space: how to include spaces directly in HTML

Did you know that you can include HTML space directly in your .html document, without having to use CSS?

Currently, CSS3 allows you to insert several styles. Therefore, you can control the spacing between any HTML elements.

However, often, to save time, we can use blanks spaces by the HTML itself. Imagine an example where you just want to include a space between lines. If you were to use CSS, you could spend some time doing this styling. Therefore, you can do this with just a line-breaking HTML tag.

Most developers may also find it difficult to include greater spacing in some parts of the text, especially when they want to exemplify code. That way, with HTML space techniques, you can do this quickly using just one entity.

Therefore, in this article, you can read the following topics:

  • Space with the HTML tag
  • The non-breaking space entity
  • Space with an HTML tag
    : line break
  • The tag
  • The HTML space in practice
  • How to generate space between lines with CSS?

Space with the HTML tag

The tag allows the insertion of paragraphs in HTML content. By default, HTML paragraphs are separated by a space between them. Therefore, even if you write everything on the same line of code, if there is more than one

tag, it will result in spacing between paragraphs. That is: when closing the tag with , HTML generates a line break. The tag brings with it the standard characteristics of the upper and lower margin in the value of 1em, which generates a greater space between this tag and any other element. This is one of the basic HTML space techniques. Let’s see the example below:

my line of code

my second paragraph

Therefore, just with the simple correct use of the tag, you will be able to format the spacing of your content in HTML well.

The non-breaking space entity

Let’s say that inside an element you want to include a space equivalent to pressing the space key 4 times. It would then be necessary to include four spaces between the elements, correct?

Wrong. In HTML, you can include multiple spaces between one word and another, but the document will only be rendered as if there were only a single blank space between those words. Let’s see the example below:

So how to solve this problem in HTML? What should I do if I want to include more than one blank space between words?

The best way to resolve this is to use entities. HTML allows you to use entities that represent symbols or keys. Among these, there is the non-breaking space entity:  . Therefore, you can add one or more blanks between words just by adding the entity   between them. Try to redo the previous code, only this time you can use the entity referring to white space four times:

With that, you can see the result as below:

In a search on HTML Entities, you may notice that there are other formats that have the same function and represent the same entity.

There are also two pre-established entities that add two or four spaces: and . Let’s see the example below:

The result of this will be:

Therefore, this technique greatly facilitates the work of the developer, even allowing the use of tab rules, which are very important for writing codes.

We can see other HTML entities through the official W3C documentation.

Space with an HTML tag
: line break

Previously, we saw that a line break is performed between paragraphs.

But, how can we add one or more lines to this break? To do this, just use the tag
which means break. With that, we can include as many line breaks as we want between paragraphs or words.

Therefore, this method is widely used to generate a space directly in the HTML code without having to stylize it in the CSS.

You can break lines between any element, not just paragraphs, such as . Another important feature of the break tag is that it has no margin characteristics. Therefore, it acts differently from the

tag’s line break. That is, with it, you can use a different way to format your content.

Let’s look at the following example:

How to insert a
line break

That way, you get the following result:

How to insert a
line break

As explained earlier, we can apply as many breaks as we want. Therefore, we can create a larger spacing. Let’s see the example below:

Let's insert a

three line break.

With this example, we can reach the following result:

Through the HTML tag, we can include text that will have the original formatting. That is, it will assume all the characters typed. With that, all spaces entered in the element will be included in the rendering. In addition, the tag carries an upper and lower margin value of 1em, as well as the

tag. Let’s look at the following example:

With that, we can see the result:

Therefore, we can use the tag to facilitate it especially when we want to use tabs, for example: when writing codes.

The HTML space in practice

As we saw in this article, there are several ways to use spacing techniques using the HTML code itself. That way, as a developer, you can implement several solutions that through CSS could take much longer. However, we recommend that you use it with some moderation, and for really necessary situations, as this implies a larger number of bits in your code. That is, it would result in a longer rendering time. Therefore, depending on the need, it is more worth styling an element with CSS than using line breaks several times.

We also recommend that you create an HTML document and use the techniques explained above to practice!

How to generate space between lines with CSS?

Finally, it is worth understanding the line-height property, a CSS property that modifies the default HTML space without having to change the margin, padding or border properties. That is: this property is capable of changing the spacing between lines. With this, we can use pre-established values, values in units of measure (such as px, em, and others), percentage or a numerical value. See in the following example, different ways to use the line-height property.

In addition, you can also access the official W3C documentation to learn other features of this property.


Html and space tag

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