Hp service manager api python

sm-tools | Tools for interacting with HP Service Manager | REST library

sm-tools is a Python library typically used in Web Services, REST, Jira applications. sm-tools has no bugs, it has no vulnerabilities and it has low support. However sm-tools build file is not available. You can download it from GitHub.

Tools for interacting with HP Service Manager




sm-tools has no vulnerabilities reported, and its dependent libraries have no vulnerabilities reported.



sm-tools has no build file. You will be need to create the build yourself to build the component from source.

Top functions reviewed by kandi — BETA

kandi has reviewed sm-tools and discovered the below as its top functions. This is intended to give you an instant insight into sm-tools implemented functionality, and help decide if they suit your requirements.

  • Synthesize a request .
  • Create ticket from message dict .
  • Adds configuration options to a command line parser .
  • Converts a message to a ticket .
  • Simple search program .
  • Create a SOAP object .
  • Read config files .
  • Perform an delete program .
  • Send a SMS message .
  • Invoke an update program .

sm-tools Key Features

sm-tools Examples and Code Snippets

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Trending Discussions on REST

«Configuring the trigger failed, edit and save the pipeline again» with no noticeable error and no further details

I am trying to upgrade to React Router v6 ( react-router-dom 6.0.1 ).

Answered 2022-Mar-18 at 18:41

I think you should use the no match route approach.

Check this in the documentation.

[..] An object that is not a subobject of any other object is called a complete object [..].

So consider this snippet of code:

Answered 2022-Mar-21 at 00:32

  1. An object is not a class.
  2. An object is an instantiation of a class, an array, or built-in-type.
  3. Subobjects are class member objects, array elements, or base classes of an object.
  4. Derived objects (and most-derived objects) only make sense in the context of class inheritance.

I was wondering if there was an easy solution to the the following problem. The problem here is that I want to keep every element occurring inside this list after the initial condition is true. The condition here being that I want to remove everything before the condition that a value is greater than 18 is true, but keep everything after. Example

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Answered 2022-Feb-05 at 19:59

«Configuring the trigger failed, edit and save the pipeline again» with no noticeable error and no further details

I have run in to an odd problem after converting a bunch of my YAML pipelines to use templates for holding job logic as well as for defining my pipeline variables. The pipelines run perfectly fine, however I get a «Some recent issues detected related to pipeline trigger.» warning at the top of the pipeline summary page and viewing details only states: «Configuring the trigger failed, edit and save the pipeline again.»

The odd part here is that the pipeline works completely fine, including triggers. Nothing is broken and no further details are given about the supposed issue. I currently have YAML triggers overridden for the pipeline, but I did also define the same trigger in the YAML to see if that would help (it did not).

I’m looking for any ideas on what might be causing this or how I might be able to further troubleshoot it given the complete lack of detail that the error/warning provides. It’s causing a lot of confusion among developers who think there might be a problem with their builds as a result of the warning.

Here is the main pipeline. the build repository is a shared repository for holding code that is used across multiple repos in the build system. dev.yaml contains dev environment specific variable values. Shared holds conditionally set variables based on the branch the pipeline is running on.

Answered 2021-Aug-17 at 14:58

I think I may have figured out the problem. It appears that this is related to the use of conditionals in the variable setup. While the variables will be set in any valid trigger configuration, it appears that the proper values are not used during validation and that may have been causing the problem. Switching my conditional variables to first set a default value and then replace the value conditionally seems to have fixed the problem.

It would be nice if Microsoft would give a more useful error message here, something to the extent of the values not being found for a given variable, but adding defaults does seem to have fixed the problem.


HP Service Manager Sync Integration

If you currently use Device42 and HP Service Manager, you can now easily sync your Device42 data to HPSM with our new, open source Device42-HPSM Sync Integration. When this python-based script is run, it reads the relevant Configuration Item (CI) data, compares it to data in HPSM if it exists via serial number, or if there is no serial, by logical name. The data is then sent from Device42 to HPSM.

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After you’ve done your initial sync, devices are “locked” between HPSM and Device42 by their Device42 Primary Key, and all updates after the initial use the PK. Going forward, Device42’s Continuous Discovery can automatically keep your physical, virtual, cloud servers and containers, network components, software, services, and applications inventory and interdependency information up-to-date.

HP Service Manager users can enhance both their ITSM processes and change management processes by syncing the Asset and CMDB data from Device42 to their HPSM instance. Enjoy an improved HP Service Manager experience by leveraging Device42’s comprehensive Continuous Discovery, and then begin linking service requests to the relevant CI, searching for issues using CI attributes, and of course see Device42 CI details in HPSM!

The Device42 / HPSM integration can sync the following CI attributes to your HP Service Manager Instance:

Running the script is fast and simple. Once you’ve downloaded, just extract, configure, and run. For detailed setup information [including step-by-step screenshots!], check out the HP Service Manager Integration page on our Docs Site.

Integration Highlights

Link Service Requests

Once Device42’s Configuration Management Database is synced to HPSM, users can use link service requests to those synced CIs. Associate CIs with the ticket they concern for enhanced issue tracking, resulting in an improved IT Service Management experience.

Search issues by associated CI attributes

Search by CI in HPSM

Once the CIs from Device42 are synced to HP Service Manager, a simple search is all it takes to find all issues concerning that CI. All synced CIs are completely searchable from within HPSM using all native HPSM search tools!

Configuration and Usage Overview

    1. Create a working directory foo and copy the contents of the Device42 Device42_HPSM_Sync repository to it
    2. Copy (or move/rename) the settings file conf.sample to conf
    3. Edit the conf file you created in the last step to contain your Device42 & HPSM instance info [host, user, pass]:
    # ========= Device 42 ========= # d42_host = '' d42_username = 'user' d42_password = 'pass' # ========= HPSM ========= # hpsm_host = '' hpsm_protocol = 'http' hpsm_port = '13080' hpsm_username = 'user' hpsm_password = 'pass' hpsm_api_version = '9' # ========= Options ========= # opt_debug = True opt_dry_run = True

    Configure HPSM:

    1. Open the Database Dictionary and add field (type ‘number’, name ‘device42.id’) to both the models ‘computer’ and ‘networkcomponents’
    2. Operator should have access to the REST API. The API should allow “Computer” and “NetworkDevice” access, allowing both ‘add’ and ‘save’ actions
    3. Both endpoints must allow access to add & update all of the fields listed on this page. For the exact field names, see README.MD
    4. Set the unique key for both endpoints to: ‘logical.name’
    5. Run $ python starter.py

    If you run into any unexpected behavior, bugs, or otherwise have questions, comments, or feature requests, feel free to reach out to [email protected]

    Download Device42 and the HPSM integration script today!



    i’m trying interact hp service manager using soap requests,wireshark shows password client sent in format not clear text , not base64. can see characters between fefe , efef below idea type of encoding or hashing , how generate it?

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    javascript — Clear button on addentry page doesn’t work —

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    this question has answer here: using c++ library in c# 5 answers i have library(.lib) been implemented in vc++. want include or use library in c# wpf project how can achieve it. you can use marshalling access c++ code in c# code. have @ msdn , too. an example [dllimport(«example.dll»)] static public extern void dosomething(int value); and can use method in c# code usual dosomething(42); can bit confusing because have «map» c++ types c# , reverse.

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