How to set background color html

  1. How to Set Background Color with HTML and CSS
  2. Add the style attribute to the element
  3. Example of setting a background color with the style attribute:
  4. Result
  5. Add the CSS background-color property to the element
  6. Example of setting a background color with the CSS background-color property:
  7. Example of adding a background color to specific elements:
  8. Example of setting background colors with different color types:
  9. Create a background with gradients
  10. Example of setting a linear-gradient background:
  11. Example of setting a radial-gradient background:
  12. Create a changing background
  13. Example of creating a changing background:
  14. How to Add & Change Background Color in HTML
  15. Free Guide: 25 HTML & CSS Coding Hacks
  16. You’re all set!
  17. HTML Background Color
  18. How to Add Background Color in HTML
  19. 1. Identify the HTML element you’d like to add a background to or create one.
  20. 2. Choose an HTML background color.
  21. Free Guide: 25 HTML & CSS Coding Hacks
  22. You’re all set!
  23. How to Change a Div Background Color
  24. 1. Add a CSS class to the div you’d like to change.
  25. 2. Add the new class selector to your CSS code.
  26. 3. Choose a new background color.
  27. Try It Yourself!
  28. Free Guide: 25 HTML & CSS Coding Hacks
  29. You’re all set!
  30. How to Add Transparency to Your HTML Background Color
  31. Adding Transparency Using RGBA
  32. Try It Yourself!
  33. Free Guide: 25 HTML & CSS Coding Hacks
  34. You’re all set!
  35. How to Create an HTML Background Color Gradient
  36. Linear Gradient Tutorial — Top to Bottom
  37. Linear Gradient
  38. Try It Yourself!
  39. Free Guide: 25 HTML & CSS Coding Hacks
  40. You’re all set!

How to Set Background Color with HTML and CSS

First thing you should know is that there are different types of HTML colors, such as Hex color codes, HTML color names, RGB and RGBa values, HSL colors, etc. To choose your preferred color use our Color Tools.

In this snippet, you can find many different ways of adding a background color. Let’s start from the easiest one.

Add the style attribute to the element

You can set a background color for an HTML document by adding style=»background-color:» to the element.

Example of setting a background color with the style attribute:

html> html> head> title>Title of the document title> head> body style="background-color:#1c87c9;"> h1>Some heading h1> p>Some paragraph for example. p> body> html>


Some paragraph for example.

Add the CSS background-color property to the element

The background-color property is used to change the background color. Inserting it to the element you will have a full colored cover of the page.

Example of setting a background color with the CSS background-color property:

html> html> head> title>Title of the document title> style> body < background-color: #1c87c9; > style> head> body> body> html>

You can also add a background color to specific elements in your document. For example, let’s see how to change the color of the heading and paragraphs.

Example of adding a background color to specific elements:

html> html> head> title>Title of the document title> style> body < background-color: #e6ebef; > h2 < background-color: #8ebf42; > p < background-color: #1c87c9; > style> head> body> h2>Some heading with green background. h2> p>Some paragraph with blue background. p> body> html>

Let’s see another example, where we add a background color with a color name value to the element. We specify a RGB value for the , HSL for the , and RGBa value for the element.

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Example of setting background colors with different color types:

html> html> head> title>Title of the document title> style> h1 < background-color: lightblue; > h2 < background-color: rgb(142, 191, 66); > p < background-color: hsl(300, 100%, 25%); > span < background-color: rgba(255, 127, 80, 0.58); > style> head> body> h1>Example h1> h2>Some heading with green background. h2> p>Some paragraph with blue background. p> span>Some paragraph for span> body> html>

Create a background with gradients

Gradient backgrounds let you create smooth transitions between two or more specified colors.

There are two types of gradient backgrounds: linear-gradient and radial-gradient.

In linear-gradient backgrounds, you can set a starting point for the colors. If you don’t mention a starting point, it will automatically set «top to bottom» by default.

Example of setting a linear-gradient background:

html> html> head> title>Title of the document title> style> #grad < height: 500px; background-color: blue;/* For browsers that do not support gradients */ background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #1c87c9, #8ebf42); > style> head> body> h1>Right to Left Linear Gradient background h1> div id="grad"> div> body> html>

The given example shows a linear gradient that starts from the left. It starts from blue, transitioning to green. Change it according to your requirements.

In radial gradient backgrounds, the starting point is defined by its center.

Example of setting a radial-gradient background:

html> html> head> title>Title of the document title> style> #grad < height: 500px; background-color: grey;/* For browsers that do not support gradients */ background-image: radial-gradient(#e6ebef, #1c87c9, #8ebf42); > style> head> body> h1>Radial Gradient Background h1> div id="grad"> div> body> html>

Create a changing background

You can create a background which will change its colors in the mentioned time. For that, add the animation property to the element. Use the @keyframes rule to set the background colors through which you’ll flow, as well as the length of time each color will appear on the page.

Example of creating a changing background:

html> html> head> title>Title of the document title> style> body < -webkit-animation: colorchange 20s infinite; animation: colorchange 20s infinite; > @-webkit-keyframes colorchange < 0% < background: #8ebf42; > 25% < background: #e6ebef; > 50% < background: #1c87c9; > 75% < background: #095484; > 100% < background: #d0e2bc; > > @keyframes colorchange < 0% < background: #8ebf42; > 25% < background: #e6ebef; > 50% < background: #1c87c9; > 75% < background: #095484; > 100% < background: #d0e2bc; > > style> head> body> h1>Changing Background h1> body> html>

The percentages specify the animation length mentioned in «colorchange» (e.g. 20s).


How to Add & Change Background Color in HTML

Setting the background color of a web page or an element on the page can enable you to create unique layouts.

Person adding and changing the background color of a website in html

Take the homepage of Delish as an example. The background image of its header section is a colorful soup. To ensure readers can still see the name of the recipe, the background color of the text box is set to white. The effect is striking and easy to read.

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HTML Background Color

In HTML and CSS, background color is denoted by the background-color property. To add or change background color in HTML, simply add inline CSS to your code. Here’s an example:

In the past, you could use the bgcolor attribute to change the background color of a page or element.

Say you wanted to change the background color of a web page to maroon. You would have simply added the bgcolor attribute in the opening body tag and set it to the hex color code #800000, as shown below.

However, this attribute has been deprecated in the latest version of HTML and replaced by a much better alternative, the CSS background-color property. Using this property, you can add and change background colors on your website.

Below, we cover a tutorial in more detail.

How to Add Background Color in HTML

To add background color in HTML, use the CSS background-color property. Set it to the color name or code you want and place it inside a style attribute. Then add this style attribute to an HTML element, like a table, heading, div, or span tag.

Adding a background color can help a certain element stand out on the page, making it more readable.

We’ll walk through this process step-by-step. For this tutorial, we’ll make a table in HTML as an example.

1. Identify the HTML element you’d like to add a background to or create one.

Scan your HTML code to pinpoint which element you’d like to change. If it’s the header, look for the opening tag. If it’s a div, look for the tag.

2. Choose an HTML background color.

You have plenty of HTML color codes to choose from. For this example, we’ll make the color #33475b.

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How to Change a Div Background Color

A div is a container element that’s commonly used to designate different sections of a webpage.

Changing the background color of a div is identical to changing the background color of your web page’s body.

Usually, a web page will have many divs. In this tutorial, we’ll teach you how to change one div only.

Let’s go through the process step-by-step.

1. Add a CSS class to the div you’d like to change.

First, find the div in your HTML code and add a class to the opening tag. Adding a class to an element will allow you to change that element only.

Here’s what that looks like:

2. Add the new class selector to your CSS code.

Next, head over to your CSS code and add your new class selector. Within the brackets, include the background-color property.

Here’s what that looks like:

3. Choose a new background color.

Next, choose a CSS background color for your background-color property. We chose rgb(255, 122, 89).

Here’s what that code looks like:

Here’s the result:

Image showing two divs with different background colors

All done! You’ve changed the background of a div on your web page.

Try It Yourself!

The code module below is editable. Toggle between the HTML and CSS tabs, edit the code, and click rerun in the bottom right-hand corner.

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How to Add Transparency to Your HTML Background Color

When changing background color in HTML, you aren’t limited to solid colors. You can change the opacity and transparency to create interesting visual effects.

Adding Transparency Using RGBA

You can set an opacity level of your color with the CSS function rgba(). The “a” stands for alpha channel, which represents the level of transparency in a color. This function takes one extra value from 0 to 1, where 0 is completely transparent and 1 is completely opaque.

So, if I wanted to use Solaris with 75% transparency, I’d write the following:

Try It Yourself!

The code module below is editable. Toggle between the HTML and CSS tabs, edit the code, and click rerun in the bottom right-hand corner.

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How to Create an HTML Background Color Gradient

For even more style options, you can create a gradient background. This is a special type of image that most commonly shows one color gradually changing to another color in a certain direction like top to bottom, left to right, or diagonally.

These are known as linear gradients. To create a linear gradient, you have to specify at least two color stops.

Let’s look at four quick examples below.

Linear Gradient Tutorial — Top to Bottom

Say you want your background color to transition from white at the top of the screen to blue at the bottom.

Using the body CSS selector, you’ll apply unique style properties to the body of the web page. Here’s what that looks like from beginning to end.

  • Step 1: Find the body selector in your CSS code.
  • Step 2: Your body might already have a background-color property. Delete that. Rather than use the background-color property, you’ll use the background-image property.
  • Step 3: Set the property to “linear-gradient” and specify two color stops in parentheses. Here’s the syntax:
  • Step 4: Next, you want to set the HTML element’s height to 100% to ensure this image takes up the entire screen.

All together, here’s the CSS:

Here’s the HTML (including the body tags):

Linear Gradient

This linear gradient starts as white at the top and transitions to orange at the bottom.

Here’s the result:

Linear gradient as a background color in an HTML web page

Try It Yourself!

The code module below is editable. Toggle between the HTML and CSS tabs, edit the code, and click rerun in the bottom right-hand corner.

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