How to highlight any text in html

How to Highlight Text with HTML and CSS: Tips and Methods

Learn how to highlight text with HTML and CSS using different methods, including the tag, ::selection selector, and CSS Custom Highlight API. Enhance your webpages and improve user experience today.

  • The tag in HTML and the ::selection selector in CSS
  • Other methods to highlight text
  • Change Text Highlight Color in CSS
  • Disabling text selection highlighting in HTML and CSS
  • CSS Custom Highlight API
  • Adding text highlights in Divi
  • Other Quick CSS Code Examples for Highlighting Text
  • Conclusion
  • How do I highlight text in CSS?
  • How do you change text highlight in CSS?
  • How do you highlight text color in HTML?
  • How do you highlight specific text?

Highlighting text can be an effective way to draw attention to important phrases in long texts on webpages. There are various methods to highlight text using html and css, and this blog post will cover the key points, important points, and helpful points related to highlighting text using HTML and CSS. By the end of this post, you will be able to add text highlights to your webpages using different methods.

The tag in HTML and the ::selection selector in CSS

The tag in HTML is used to mark or highlight text. It renders text with a yellow background by default and can be used to highlight multiple words consecutively. The ::selection selector in CSS can also be used to highlight selected text. It can also be used to style selected text, and to change the color of the highlighted text, target the ::selection selector and define the color of the background property.

To use the tag, simply wrap the text you want to highlight in the tag like this:

This text will be highlighted. 

To use the ::selection selector, use the following CSS code:

Multiple words can also be highlighted consecutively with the ::selection selector:

Other methods to highlight text

Apart from using the tag and the ::selection selector, there are other ways to highlight text using CSS. The CSS Highlight Tool is a useful tool that can be used to highlight text. The span element can also be used to highlight text. However, it is important to note that the tag is not intended to be used for merely applying highlighter styling.

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Low highlight text effects can also be created using CSS. One way to create this effect is by using the following CSS code:

Change Text Highlight Color in CSS

Change Text Highlight Color in CSS | 60 Seconds of Less. Sup y’all this is the first video in Duration: 1:00

Disabling text selection highlighting in HTML and CSS

There may be instances where you want to prevent text selection on an element, or disable text selection highlighting. To achieve this, you can use the user-select property.

To prevent text selection on an element, use the following CSS code:

To disable text selection highlighting, use the following CSS code:

It is important to note that text outside of highlighted text should be on the same level. The ::selection selector can also be used to style selected text in addition to highlighted text.

CSS Custom Highlight API

The css custom highlight api is a powerful tool for search and highlight, and it can be used to highlight text in search results. The API can be used to highlight text based on user input.

To use the CSS Custom Highlight API, use the following CSS code:

Adding text highlights in Divi

Divi is a popular WordPress theme that makes it easy to create beautiful websites. To add text highlights in Divi, you can use the pa-bold-highlight class. The pa-bold-highlight class can be added to modules in Divi to add text highlights. It can also be used to add bold text highlights in Divi. The pa-bold-highlight class can be customized to change the color of the highlight, and it can be used for both single words and multiple words.

To use the pa-bold-highlight class, add the following code to the Divi module:

To customize the color of the highlight, use the following CSS code:

Other Quick CSS Code Examples for Highlighting Text

In Html case in point, html highlight text code example

For HTML5: (with 'mark' tag)

Do not forget to buy milk today.

In CSS file: (To customize highlight)mark

In Css as proof, style highlight css

/* Now supported by all major browsers */::selection < background-color: #000 /* Selection highight color */ color: #FFF /* Optional colour change of text that is being selected */ >

In Css case in point, css text highlight

/*Term: css text highlight*//*This uses the element ::selection, which is as far as i know only supported by Google Chrome so far. This is not a problem though, since other browsers will simply keep the regular highliting styles.*//*Example*/ ::selection < background-color: #000; /*Highlight Color*/ color: #fff; /*Text Color*/ >

In Html , in particular, how to highlight text in html code example

In Html , for instance, how to highlight any text in html and css code example


Bharath Matha Ki Jai

In Css as proof, how to highlight text in css code sample


The Math test is on Friday.


Highlighting text is an effective way to draw attention to important phrases in long texts on webpages. The tag in HTML and the ::selection selector in CSS are the most common ways to highlight text. The CSS Custom Highlight API is a powerful tool for search and highlight. Adding text highlights in Divi can be easily done using the pa-bold-highlight class. By using these different methods, you can add text highlights to your webpages and enhance the user experience.

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How to highlight text in color using HTML and CSS

Highlighting text with color

Computer Hope

Highlighting text on a web page helps bring important information immediately to the reader’s attention. For example, this text is highlighted in yellow and probably caught your eye first. There are several methods for highlighting text. To proceed, select a method from the list below and follow the instructions.

Highlight using the HTML5 tag

If you are working on an HTML5 page, the tag can quickly highlight text. Below is an example of the how to use the mark tag and its result. If your browser supports the tag, «highlighted text» should have a yellow background.

Example code

Here is an example of highlighted text using the <mark> tag.

Example result

Here is an example of highlighted text using the tag.

Highlight text with only HTML code

To highlight text with HTML (hypertext markup language) code and support for all browsers, set the background-color style, as shown in the example below, using the HTML tag.

Example code

This text is highlighted in yellow.

Example result

This text is highlighted text in yellow.

In the example above, the HTML tag has a background-color code of #FFFF00, which is yellow. In this case, the word «yellow» could be used in place of the color code, or any other color name for that matter.

With the same code, you could also highlight one or more words within a paragraph to draw attention to a specific section of the text.

Highlight text with CSS & HTML

You can also create a CSS (cascading style sheets) class and set the «background-color» attribute, as shown in the example below.

Example code

In the CSS code above, there are three elements being defined. First, the body background color is set to blue, second, a new class called «highlightme» with a yellow background, and finally, the paragraph tag has a white background.

To use the «highlightme» class to highlight your text, you can create a tag in your HTML which references the CSS class.

Example code

The CSS class or style class mentioned above could also be applied to a paragraph tag if you wanted to highlight a complete paragraph as shown below.

Example code

This whole paragraph of text is highlighted in yellow.

Example result

This whole paragraph of text is highlighted in yellow.


How to highlight text inside an input field?

What I want to achieve with my question

Developing an application where I must highlight characters inputted in an input[type=text] . Characters can be spaces and tabs too. That is a reason I do not want to give a color to a text, but a background color, so that my users know that there’s something written inside an element. I have got nothing to aid you answering, but the hand-made picture of what I want to achieve and a jsfiddle link where I will try along with people who don’t mind helping me achieving my goal for free.

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2 Answers 2

::first-line pseudo-element (for Webkit browsers)

One option is using ::first-line pseudo-element, as follows:

I should note that this only works on Webkit web browsers including Safari, Chrome and Opera15+.

7.1. The ::first-line pseudo-element

In CSS, the ::first-line pseudo-element can only have an effect when attached to a block-like container such as a block box, inline-block, table-caption, or table-cell.

Hence, based on CSS level 3 spec ::first-line is applicable to inline-block elements. Since Webkit based web browsers display element as inline-block we can use the pseudo-element on input s in order to select the text.

Whereas some other web browsers (including Firefox) display input as inline and this is why ::first-line has no effect on input elements on such web browsers.

Multiple text-shadow values

This doesn’t seem to be a real solution, but we can fake the effect by using multiple text-shadow values as follows:

WORKING DEMO (Or something fancier)

Content Editable & ::first-line

As an option, you can use contenteditable attribute for a element, and use appearance property to apply the useragent default stylesheet of text inputs to the element, as follows:

text with background-color

Then, you can use :first-line pseudo-element to assign the background color:

.text-input < display: inline-block; width: auto; min-width: 200px; -webkit-appearance: textfield; -moz-appearance: textfield; appearance: textfield; white-space: nowrap; >.text-input:first-line


  • You have to disable the Enter key for the element and/or submit the form by pressing that via JavaScript.
$('.text-input').keypress(function(e) < if (event.keyCode == 10 || event.keyCode == 13) < e.preventDefault(); // Submit the form >>); 
  • You have to get the content of the content editableand assign that value to a hidden element on submitting the form via JavaScript. For instance, check the link below:
    • Using HTML5, how do I use contenteditable fields in a form submission?

    Redesign entirely by JavaScript

    Finally, you can use JavaScript to create/adjust the colored box beneath the input element.

    In this approach, we wrap the by a relative positioned wrapper having a zero-width colored child and then we remove the input from document normal flow by using absolute positioning and put that over the colored box.

    As we start typing in the text input, the same content will be inserted to the nether colored box, So the width of the colored box matches the width of the text.

    The input shouldn’t have any border, background or even default appearance . And it’s better to wrap the colored box itself by another element, and apply the proper styles to that element to make it look like a real input element.

    Here is a sort of implementation of the above logic using jQuery highlightTextarea plugin. It may not look good for the elements as it’s designed for s.


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