How to code in python for beginners

Python tutorial for total beginners: Build a project from scratch

If you are a coding novice and want to start your coding journey, you’ve probably heard of Python. Python is one of the most popular language out there, and it continues to rise in popularity in demand. It’s an ideal language because it’s intuitive and simple.

Today, we will go through a Python beginner’s tutorial and build a simple dice rolling project step-by-step. Most Python tutorials jump into libraries right away, but you need a solid understanding of the basic syntax first.

We will discuss the basics of Python that you’ll use throughout your career. No prerequisite knowledge is required, but to be most successful with this article, a basic understanding of programming is helpful. For a quick introduction or refresher, check out our Absolute Beginner’s Guide to Programming.

Today we will cover:

Become a Python developer for free.

Get a handle on the basics of Python and learn how to build your own projects.

What is Python?

Python is a general purpose programming language that was first developed in 1990. It is one of the most popular programming languages around the world. The term “general-purpose” means that Python can be used for a variety of applications and uses.

Python is very intuitive and easy to use. Python is not only easy to pick up, but it is beloved by developers around the world.

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Python can be used for things like:

  • Web and mobile app development
  • Mathematical analysis
  • Processing big data and data science
  • Desktop apps and software development
  • Writing system scripts
  • Video game development

Properties of Python

Python is strongly typed, which means that the type of data in your program is enforced. Python is also object-oriented, which means that all the elements of your programs are object you can act upon and manipulate.

Like many programming languages, Python is also case sensitive. This means that capitalized letters are recognized as different elements than lowercase letters, i.e. token and TOKEN are different variables. Lastly, Python is dynamically and implicitly typed. This means that a data type is enforced when we run the program.

Popularity of Python

Python remains one of the most popular programming languages around the world. In the 2020 StackOverflow survey, it ranks 1st for most popular language and 1st the most wanted language.

One reason Python is so popular is that important frameworks are written in Python, most notably machine learning frameworks. This means that Python’s popularity isn’t going anywhere, especially as data science become more commonplace across industries. Learning this language is an important step for becoming a professional programmer.

Hello World in Python

By now, we’ve learned the basics properties of Python. We are now ready to see some code. Whenever we learn a new language, it is an age-old tradition to start by displaying the text “Hello World” on the screen.

Since Python is one of the most readable languages out there, we can print data on the terminal by simply using the print statement.

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Whatever we need to print is encapsulated in the parentheses following the print keyword, which is a command to the computer to print the text. Take a look and then try it yourself with the code tab.


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