How do you disable java

Disable or enable Java or JavaScript in your browser

Follow the steps below to disable Java or JavaScript. If your browser is not listed here, consult its support website.

All browsers

Disable Java Version 7 Update 10 from the Control Panel in Windows or System Preferences in macOS.


  1. Navigate to the Control Panel.
  2. In the Search Control panel, type Java Control Panel into the «Search» field, and click the Java icon to open it.
  3. In the Java Control Panel, click the Security tab.
  4. At the top of the Security tab, check the Enable Java content in the browser box to enable Java. Uncheck to disable.


  1. Click the Apple icon in the top left of the screen.
  2. Select System Preferences .
  3. Click the Java icon to open the Java Control Panel. Then, click the Security tab.
  4. At the top of the Security tab, check the Enable Java content in the browser box to enable Java. Uncheck to disable.


The following instructions will not work in the Home or Starter editions of Windows; Group Policy Editor is not available in these editions.

For Microsoft Edge, you must disable JavaScript from the Windows Group Policy Editor, rather than in the browser settings. To do so, in Windows 10:

  1. Launch the Edit Group Policy program.
  2. Expand the User Configuration folder.
  3. Expand the Administrative Templates folder.
  4. Expand the Windows Components folder.
  5. Expand the Microsoft Edge folder.
  6. Double-click Allows you to run scripts, like Javascript .
  7. Choose Disabled , and click Ok to confirm.


To enable or disable the Java plug-in Firefox:

  1. Open a new tab, and then, in the address bar, type about:addons .
  2. Press Enter or Return .
  3. On the left, click Plugins .
  4. Find the Java Plug-in, and then click the corresponding activation button (on the right) to select either:
    • Always Activate (to enable the plug-in by default)
    • Never Activate (to disable the plug-in by default)
    • Ask to Activate (to make Firefox prompt you whenever a website tries to access the Java plug-in)
  5. When you’re finished, close the «about:addons» tab.

To enable or disable JavaScript in Firefox:

  1. Open a new tab, and then, in the address bar, type about:config .
  2. Press Enter or Return .
  3. You’ll see a «This might void your warranty!» warning. Click I’ll be careful, I promise! to continue.
  4. In the search bar, enter javascript.enabled , and then, in the search results, under «Preference Name», locate javascript.enabled .
  5. Right-click (Windows) or Ctrl -click (macOS) javascript.enabled , and then select Toggle to change its «Value» entry to true (enabled) or false (disabled).
  6. When you’re finished, close the «about:config» tab.
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For more on the about:config feature in Firefox, see the MozillaZine about:config page.


To enable or disable Java in Chrome:

  1. In the address bar, enter chrome://plugins .
  2. Find the «Java» entry, and click its Disable link.
  3. Restart your browser.

To enable or disable JavaScript in Chrome:

  1. In the address bar, enter chrome://settings/content .
  2. Find JavaScript on the page and select either Allow all sites to run JavaScript or Do not allow any site to run JavaScript .
  3. Click Done and restart Chrome.


To enable or disable Java or JavaScript in Safari:

  1. From the Safari menu, select Preferences .
  2. Click Security .
  3. Check or uncheck the Allow Java or Enable JavaScript box.
  4. Restart your browser.

This is document bcyv in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2021-12-02 16:30:16 .


How do I disable Java?

However, if you do need the Java runtime, you can disable the Java plug-in in your browser – Java will still be available for desktop applications to use, but websites won’t be able to access it.

How do I stop Java from installing?

  1. Find and launch the Java Control Panel.
  2. Click the Update tab to access the settings.
  3. To enable Java Update to automatically check for updates, select the Check for Updates Automatically check box. To disable Java Update, deselect the Check for Updates Automatically check box.

Can I disable Java in Chrome?

To enable or disable Java in Chrome: In the address bar, enter chrome://plugins . Find the «Java» entry, and click its Disable link. Restart your browser.

How To Disable Java

Can you remove Java from your computer?

You can uninstall Java in the same way as you would uninstall any other software from your computer. You may need administrator privileges to remove programs. Java may appear in the program list as J2SE, Java 2, Java SE or Java Runtime Environment.

Is Java running on my browser?

Click Tools > Add-ons. Click on the Plugins tab, then highlight Java Plug-in 2. If the button for the plug-in says Disable, Java is enabled.

Why is Java running on my PC?

There are various application programs on the system which runs on Java or use Java Virtual Machine to run themselves and some use the services of Java that’s why it is constantly running on your system. Keep Java on your system as it is useful for other programs.

Do I need Java on my computer?

New, innovative products and digital services designed for the future continue to rely on Java, as well. While most modern Java applications combine the Java runtime and application together, there are still many applications and even some websites that will not function unless you have a desktop Java installed.

Why is Java installed on my computer?

«Java creates an environment for code to run regardless of the operating system, so software developers that write code in the Java programming language can run their programs on pretty much any operating system, including Microsoft Windows, Apple OS X, Linux and UNIX variants,» explained Marcus Carey, security .

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Do you need Java on Windows 10?

You don’t need to install Java on your computer. Many users never install Java on their Windows or Linux machines. However, if you want to play a Java based game like Minecraft you need to install Java. And if you want to develop Java applications, you must install Java and the JDK on your computer.

What is Java needed for?

Java is a multi-platform, object-oriented, and network-centric language that can be used as a platform in itself. It is a fast, secure, reliable programming language for coding everything from mobile apps and enterprise software to big data applications and server-side technologies.

How do I disable Java without uninstalling?

  1. In the Java Control Panel, click on the Security tab.
  2. Deselect the check box for Enable Java content in the browser. .
  3. Click Apply. .
  4. Click OK in the Java Plug-in confirmation window.
  5. Restart the browser for changes to take effect.

How do I get to Java settings?

Click on the Start button and then click on the Control Panel option. In the Control Panel Search enter Java Control Panel. Click on the Java icon to open the Java Control Panel.

How do you check if my computer is Java enabled?

Select Start -> Control Panel -> Add/Remove Programs, Here you can see the list of installed software on your computer. The list is displayed in alphabetical order. Check if Java name is listed in the installed software list.

How do I get rid of Java Control Panel?

  1. Go to the Windows Start Button and select Settings then Control Panel.
  2. Click Add or Remove Programs in the Control Panel list.
  3. Find Java in the list and uninstall it.

Is Java still a security risk?

While Java is considered relatively safe because it is a server side language, there are still multiple ways to attack and access secure code you’d like to remain private. Here are the top ten Java security vulnerabilities to keep in mind as you code away.

What apps use Java?

Java language provides a feature named J2ME which is a cross-platform framework to build mobile applications that can run across Java-supported smartphones and feature phones.
#3) Mobile Applications

Why is Java taking up so much CPU?

Peripheral causes of high Java CPU usage

poorly configured Java GC; issues more correctly attributable to the software stack; thread synchronization, contention and deadlock issues; and. underlying file and database I/O problems.

Why is Java taking up so much RAM?

Java is also a very high-level Object-Oriented programming language (OOP) which means that while the application code itself is much easier to maintain, the objects that are instantiated will use that much more memory.

Does Chrome need Java?

Chrome no longer supports the technology that is required to run Java Applets in the browser. Java Applets rely on the cross-platform plugin architecture NPAPI.

How do I know if my Java is connected to the Internet?

  1. Create a URL object and pass it the URL say Google.
  2. Call URL. openConnection() method to get a URLConnection object.
  3. Call URLConnection. connect() method to check the internet connectivity.

Is Java harmful to my computer?

Unless you have a Java program installed or want to develop Java programs then it’s perfectly safe, and a good idea because it will save disk space and stop occasional pop-up messages suggesting you update Java. How do I make programs open and run faster on a Windows 10 PC?

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Как отключить Java

wikiHow работает по принципу вики, а это значит, что многие наши статьи написаны несколькими авторами. При создании этой статьи над ее редактированием и улучшением работали авторы-волонтеры.

Количество просмотров этой статьи: 7969.

Java — это популярный язык программирования и платформа для интерактивных или динамических веб-сайтов и веб-приложений. Но Java может занимать большой объем памяти устройства или замедлять работу браузера. Более того, из-за Java могут возникнуть проблемы с безопасностью. Чтобы устранить описанные неполадки, просто отключите Java.

Помните, что отключение Java может вызвать проблемы с веб-сайтами, которые используют плагин Java Platform для отображения контента; также это может привести к неполадкам с играми, в которых используется Java, к примеру, с Minecraft.

Примечание: в этой статье мы расскажем вам, как отключить плагин Java в браузерах. Если вы хотите отключить JavaScript в браузере, прочитайте эту статью.

Как отключить Java во всей системе

Изображение с названием Disable Java Step 1

Изображение с названием Disable Java Step 2

  • Windows — откройте Панель управления из меню «Пуск». Пользователи Windows 8.1 должны щелкнуть правой кнопкой мыши по меню «Пуск». В меню «Просмотр» в верхнем правом углу Панели управления выберите «Крупные значки» или «Мелкие значки». Теперь щелкните по «Java», чтобы открыть панель управления Java.
  • Mac — откройте меню Apple и выберите в нем «Системные настройки». Нажмите на значок Java, чтобы открыть панель управления Java.

Изображение с названием Disable Java Step 3

Изображение с названием Disable Java Step 4

Снимите флажок у «Enable Java content in the browser» (Включить Java в браузере). Java будет отключена. Нажмите Apply (Применить), чтобы сохранить внесенные изменения.

Изображение с названием Disable Java Step 5

Отключите Java в браузере. Для этого воспользуйтесь методами, которые описаны в следующих разделах данной статьи. Если вы пользуетесь Internet Explorer, Java будет отключена, когда вы выполните действия, описанные в этом разделе.


How to disable Java in your operating system


In Java version 7 update 10, the system-level disabling of the virtual machine was introduced. In Windows, this is done via the Start -> Control Panel. Find Java in the programs list and open Java Control Panel. Now just uncheck the box “Enable Java content in the browser”: For the changes to take effect, click OK. In some Windows versions, admin rights may be needed to perform this operation.

Disable Java in OS X

Disabling Java in Mac OS X is very similar, but the Java control panel is located in the OS system preferences.

Disable Java in Linux

Under Linux, accessing the Java control panel requires opening the terminal window and then opening the Java installation folder by typing: cd /java/jre1.6.0_24 (change to another catalog if Java is installed there) Now type: ./ControlPanel The control panel is open. You can do the same via a browser like Firefox. To do that just open the file ControlPanel.html which is usually located in the Java installation catalog and the /jre subcatalog.

Removing Java in Windows 7/8


To completely delete Java in Windows 7, open the Start menu, select Control Panel, then Programs. In the program list that is now open, find Java (it may look like Java 8 Update 65), select it with the left mouse click, and press Remove: In Windows 8, the removing routine is almost identical with the only exception: the Control Panel is opened by a right click in the bottom-left part of the screen. Then click Uninstall in the panel. Watch our video



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