Host javascript on google

Server Side JavaScript on Google App Engine

JavaScript is a popular programming language that is not limited to client-side web development. It can also be used for server-side programming. Google App Engine (GAE) is a cloud computing platform that allows developers to build and host applications in Google-managed data centers. In this guide, we will explore how to use server-side JavaScript on Google App Engine.


Before we get started, you will need the following:

  1. A Google Cloud Platform account
  2. A project on Google Cloud Platform
  3. The Google Cloud SDK installed on your computer
  4. Node.js installed on your computer

Setting up the project

  1. Create a new project on Google Cloud Platform
  2. Install the App Engine component of the Google Cloud SDK by running the following command:
gcloud components install app-engine-nodejs 
mkdir my-gae-project cd my-gae-project 

Writing the code

const express = require('express'); const app = express(); app.get('/', (req, res) => < res.send('Hello, world!'); >); const PORT = process.env.PORT || 8080; app.listen(PORT, () => < console.log(`Server listening on port $`); >); 

Deploying the application


In this guide, we explored how to use server-side JavaScript on Google App Engine. We learned how to set up a new project, install the necessary tools, write our code, test the application locally, and deploy it to GAE. With this knowledge, you can build and host your own server-side JavaScript applications on Google’s cloud platform.


How to host JavaScript file on Google Code for free

Do you want to host your JavaScript file on Google-Code free? Google Code provide you the opportunity to host your JavaScript file on Google code for fully free with easy access. Just host the code/file and then use it anywhere on the web. Not only JavaScript you can host all types of web code including JavaScript, Python, AJAX, MySQL, PHP etc. Though here you can host all types of file), but it is mostly used as a free code/project hosting server.

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Let’s host your javascript file on Google-Code (Google Project Hosting server)

1. At first go to and Login with your Google account.
You’ll see a screen like this below.
2. Click on “Create a new project”

3. On the next screen you’ll see a form like this. Fill out the form as like the example below.

4. Click on “Create project”

5. On the next screen Expand “Download” tab and click on “New download” button. See screenshot below.
6. Write Summary and Description info. Select file from your local drive by clicking “Browse” button.
7. Click on “Submit file”

8. On the next screen right click on your uploaded file’s download button and “Copy Link Location”

9. Now you can link the JavaScript file on your website with this copied address. See example below..

How to host JavaScript file on Google Code for free

How to host JavaScript file on Google Code for free Reviewed by Shuvojit Das on 3:32 PM Rating: 5


How to Host JavaScript or CSS Files on Google Drive

1. Many bloggers use a custom template for their blog and a custom template sometimes requires an external JavaScript file, but sadly we can’t host the JavaScript or CSS file on Blogger because Blogger only allows us to upload images and videos.

2. Actually it is not so hard to use Google Drive, just create a folder, upload the JavaScript file (or any other file like images, videos, documents including PDFs and Microsoft Office files) and then change the file’s sharing settings from «private» to «public on the web», or simply change the folder’s sharing settings from «private» to «public on the web» and all files inside that folder will have the same sharing permissions, but the tricky part is getting the proper direct link for the JavaScript or CSS files, so we can use it on the blogger template. Please follow the steps below to host your JavaScript or CSS file using Google Drive:

Method 1
With this method you can get the proper link with the file name:

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Blogger Tips and Tricks

How To Host JavaScript Files on Google Code+Unlimited Bandwidth

Posted by Lasantha Bandara on December 20th, 2009 File Under : google, java script, web hosting 12 Comments

Do you want to host your external java script files in unlimited bandwidth?If you host your files in google code you can do it for free .It helps your page load faster than other free webhosting services.

1.First login to your google account and go to Google Code Hosting.

You can see screen look like this.

Create a new project

2.Click on » Create a new project «.Next screen will look like this:

Create a new project

3.Fill above form with your information and click on » Create project «.Next screen will look like this:

Create a new project

4.Click on » Downloads » tab.Now click on » New download » tab.

Create a new project

6.Fill up the needed information. Browse for your JavaScript(.js) file and attach it. Now click on «Submit file».

host your js files here

7.Now your java script file will upload to google.After that you can see the screen like this:

your hosted js file

8.If you want to get direct link of your java script file,click on file name and select » Copy link address «.

copy your js file link as this

9.Now you can use it as external java script file.Look at the example below:' type='text/javascript'/>


Blogging tips and tricks

How To Host Javascript Files on Google Code For Free

Google Code is one of the best sites who can host project files like Javascript and CSS with Greater Bandwidth. Even though it is possible to include JavaScript Files into Blogger itself but sometimes while editing ,due to Blogger’s habit to Escape Code automatically it can become a bit frustrating. Today, I will share to you how to host project files to Google Code. Please follow the simple steps below.

How to Host JS Files to Google Code

Step 1. First you need a (Google) gmail account.
Step 2. Log in to and click create a new project as shown in the screenshot below

how to host js files to

Step 3. Give your Project a name without spaces. Now fill all blank spaces with your blog title or as it requires.

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hosting js files to

Note: Make sure you set the Version control system as Subversion & the Source code license as Mozilla Public License 1.1 (this is suited for general use)

Step 4. After creating the name of your project, you will be redirected to the Home Screen of your Project which is explained in more detail in the Image below.

how to host js and css files to googlecode
Step 5. To start hosting your JS files, click Source >> Browse >> svn >> trunk >> Create or Upload
submit js files to
Note: You can copy and paste your CSS or JavaScript codes into the box directly.

Step 6. After creating or uploading js files to be hosted to google code , write a brief description of what its about and then click the Commit button. Type the name for your file, including its extension. (If your file is about JavaScript, then end the name with .js . If it’s a CSS file, add .css extension at the end of the path). Again no space will be left unwritten.

hosting javascript to

how to host js files to googlecode

Step 7. After the above step, you will be redirected to a Page with the whole code of your project file , there in the right side you will see View raw file particularly at the bottom , click it and copy the URL in the Address bar. This is the exact URL of your JS file.

Step 8. Copy and paste the URL of the JS file that you have copied step 7 in behalf of the link (highlighted with pink color) in the script tag below.

Final words:

The best thing of hosting JS files to Google Code is to make our tutorial pretty and more simple in looks. It saves the loading time of your widgets because the script is located on Google servers. In the other hand, you can save Javascripts on Blogger too but it is advisable to keep your template uncluttered if possible.

tilt hover effect

Hello folks! This is GOLDEN WORKS TV, the admin of this blog. No words could described my grateful appreciations to all newbie and professional bloggers around the world and most especially to Almighty God who gave me the wisdom. Read More


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