Hello KaiOS!

How to convert Android apps to KaiOS

Developers ask us all the time whether it’s possible to convert Android apps to KaiOS.

If it’s a web application built with JavaScript and web technologies, the answer is yes – and it’s actually pretty simple.

If it’s a native Android app built with Java, though, then porting is a bit trickier, and we recommend starting a new web application project in KaiOS.

In this post, we’ll share tips to help you get started, including how to ensure your apps run smoothly in smart feature phones.

Converting web apps to KaiOS

To migrate your web-based app to KaiOS, follow the instructions in the Getting Started section of our Developer Portal.

If you run into any trouble, contact developersupport@kaiostech.com and a KaiOS developer will get back to you shortly.

Converting native Android apps to KaiOS

Converting a native Android app into a web app isn’t possible.

You could try using the Google Web Toolkit to translate your Java code to JavaScript, but we can’t guarantee it will work.

Instead, we recommend starting a new web application project using the resources on our Developer Portal.

Don’t worry, you won’t have to start from scratch. You can keep the architecture of your original app and reuse assets such as icons, images, and audio files.

Things to keep in mind when converting Android apps to KaiOS

  1. Smart feature phones are non-touch devices. Redesigning your Android app for smart feature phones is all about transferring touchable elements to physical keys.
    For tips on how to do this while still providing a good experience for users, check out Optimizing Smartphone Apps for Smart Feature Phones.
  2. Smart feature phones have small screens.Use the devtools in your browser to see how your app performs in 320×240 screen sizes.
  3. Smart feature phones are low-memory devices. Keep your app light (file size under 15MB) to ensure users connecting in 2G and 3G networks, or via pay-by-the-byte plans, can download it. The average KaiOS app file size is around 2MB.
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Get help from a KaiOS Certified Partner

Need a hand migrating your Android app to KaiOS?

Certified Partners are developers and studios with experience developing for KaiOS and availability to work on KaiOS outsourcing projects.
If you’d like help converting your Android app to KaiOS, contact us at developersupport@kaiostech.com and we’ll connect you with a certified partner.



As of February 2023, most other popular social network, music streaming, chat, or shopping apps are not available. The following are not officially available on KaiOS:

  • Gmail (use default Email app)
  • Discord
  • Amazon
  • Reddit (see Zap Reddit)
  • Telegram (see Telekram, an open-source client)
  • SnapChat
  • Zoom
  • Signal

Does KaiOS have group messaging?

No, KaiOS does not support group text messages (SMS or MMS). Also KaiOS does not support Rich Communication Services (RCS) used by modern Android phones as a subtitute for Apple’s iMessage.

Is KaiOS open source?

KaiOS is a proprietary operating system based on Firefox OS, which was released under the “file-level” Mozilla Public License (MPL) 2.0. Parts of KaiOS source is available on KaiOS Tech’s GitHub.

What’s the difference between KaiOS 2.5 and 3.0?

Thanks to a combination of hardware and software upgrades, newer KaiOS 3.0 devices are noticeably smoother than older models running KaiOS 2.5. From a user perspective, there’s little discernable difference. Most of the changes are under the hood. Here’s a summary of key differences.

KaiOS 2.5 KaiOS 3.0
Availability Global US-only
Apps 1300+ 420
Gecko Engine v48 v84
ECMAScript ES2015 ES2021
PWAs No Yes
WebP No Yes
App Origin app://app_name.com http://app_name.localhost
Manifest manifest.webapp manifest.webmanifest
WASM asm.js Yes
Debug Enabled Select Models No

Note: Many popular apps like Facebook and WhatsApp are not available on KaiOS 3.0. Additionally, you cannot sideload apps on KaiOS 3.0 so it’s not possible to debug apps on KaiOS 3.0 devices.

Can KaiOS 2.5 devices update to KaiOS 3.0?

No KaiOS 2.5 device has received an over-the-air (OTA) update with KaiOS 3.0, nor has KaiOS 3.0 been ported to older devices.

Can KaiOS devices run Android?

No. It might be possible to port older versions of Android or MocorDroid to KaiOS phones, but not without great effort.

Is there a BlackBerry-like KaiOS phone with a QWERTY keyboard?

There are two, the JioPhone 2 (India-only), and the Xandos X5 (3G only).

Can KaiOS run Android apps?

No, Android apps are distributed as Android Packages (.apk) that require the Android Runtime (ART).

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Can KaiOS run Java/ J2ME games?

No, KaiOS does not include the Java 2 Mobile Edition (J2ME) runtime. It is possible to emulate J2ME on KaiOS with emulators like Project Kava but compabilitiy and usability will likely be poor.

Can KaiOS play NES games?

Yes, there is an NES Emulator for KaiOS 3.0. Similar projects might work on KaiOS 2.5, but with poor performance.


KaiOS Operating System

KaiOS is a mobile operating system that is designed to run on low-powered phones and IoT devices. It offers a middle ground between traditional flip phones and full-fledged smartphones, supporting features like 4G LTE, GPS, and Wi-Fi. Originally based on Firefox OS, KaiOS is now web-based and offers users a few extra apps beyond calling and texting, making it a good option for those who want more than a basic phone but don’t need all the features of a smartphone.

Developing for KaiOS

To develop an app for KaiOS, you will need to use web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. You can find more information on how to develop KaiOS apps on the KaiOS developer portal.


Here’s an example of a simple HTML5 app that can be developed for KaiOS −


Hello KaiOS!

This is a simple HTML5 app developed for KaiOS.

Comparing KaiOS to other Operating Systems

When it comes to comparing KaiOS with other operating systems like iOS and Android, there are several factors that come into play. One of the most significant differences between KaiOS and other operating systems is its low memory requirement. KaiOS only needs 256 MB of memory, while iOS and Android require significantly more.

Another factor that sets KaiOS apart is its HTML5-based application store. Unlike iOS and Android, which use Java-based software, KaiOS’s app store is HTML5-based. This means that it uses fewer resources, and the apps run much faster on this operating system.

Additionally, KaiOS’s app store is much more open than those of other operating systems, and developers can upload their programs directly to the app store. The app selection on KaiOS is also broader than that of iOS and Android and includes all the essential messaging apps

Best phones that support KaiOS

There are several phones that support KaiOS, but here are some of the best −

  • Nokia 8110 4G: This phone comes with a 2.4-inch display, a 2-megapixel rear camera, 4 GB of extendable storage, and 512 MB of RAM. It is unique, inexpensive, and powerful.
  • Alcatel Go Flip 2: The first phone to use KaiOS, this phone has a simple design that looks like a vintage phone. It is slightly inferior to the Nokia 8110 4G and Jio Phone 2 but is a less expensive phone that works very effectively.
  • Jio Phone 2: This phone has 512 MB of RAM and 4 GB of storage, just like the Nokia 8110 4G. It has a 2000mAh battery and extendable storage.
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KaiOS vs. iOS and Android

KaiOS offers texting capabilities, an app store, and a web browser similar to iOS and Android. However, there are several differences between KaiOS and other operating systems −

HTML5-based app store making it easier for tech companies to develop apps for KaiOS.

Usually not an HTML-based app store.

Low memory requirement of only 256 MB.

Require significantly more.

Broad app selection that includes all essential messaging apps and is comparatively more open than those of other stores.

Not as open as iOS and Android’s app stores.

Scope for KaiOS

KaiOS has immense scope in emerging markets like India. For instance, Reliance Jio, a network that has disrupted the local mobile industry with significantly discounted 4G data plans, sold subsidized phones that run KaiOS software. According to a report by Counterpoint Research, KaiOS had a 46% market share in India in the first quarter of 2019, ahead of both iOS and Android. This growth in popularity is due to KaiOS’s low memory requirement, which makes it ideal for low-end phones that are affordable to a large segment of the Indian population.

Limitations of KaiOS

  • Limited app availability compared to iOS and Android.
  • User interface and experience may not be as polished as other operating systems.
  • Limited support for third-party hardware accessories.
  • Limited support for high-end features like high-resolution displays and advanced camera features.

Features of KaiOS

  • KaiOS is suitable for low-end phones since it requires only 256 MB of memory to run.
  • KaiOS supports almost all modern connectivity features like 4G LTE, GPS, VoLTE, and Wi-Fi despite its low memory requirement.
  • KaiOS uses fewer resources than Java-based software since it has an HTML5-based application store. This usually allows apps to run faster.
  • The app store in KaiOS compared to those of other operating systems. This makes it easier for tech companies to develop apps for this OS.
  • Developers can upload their programs directly to the app store. This results in a broad app selection inclusive of essential messaging apps like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google Maps, Search, and Assistant apps.


KaiOS is an innovative and versatile operating system for low-powered phones and IoT devices that provides a great user experience. Its low memory requirement, modern connectivity features, and broad app selection make it perfect for emerging markets. With Google investing over $ 20.


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