Hell во для css

Hell Yes! CSS!

I wrote this zine because, for most of the last 15 years, I found CSS confusing and upsetting (not “hell yes!” at all!). Even CSS changes that I felt like should be “simple” would take forever, and I was often just changing random things and copying and pasting from Stack Overflow. At the end I usually didn’t understand exactly why my CSS code worked, and it wasn’t a good feeling.

And if you feel like CSS is weird, you’re not wrong. It is! Did you know that an inline-block element’s vertical alignment changes depending on whether it has text in it or not? It’s true! (Here’s the code showing this: https://css-examples.wizardzines.com/#inline-block-text)

But you can learn the weird things about CSS. Once you learn some of the basic weird things, it’s much easier to approach your CSS problems with the confidence that you can actually understand them. And then you can start learning from your CSS bugs (“oh, margin: auto behaves differently depending on whether the parent is a flexbox? Ok, good to know!!“), which means that every weird CSS situation you run into will make you a little bit better at CSS.

  • Explain a more productive attitude towards CSS (“it’s not easy, but you can learn it if you put in the work!”)
  • Learn some of the basics of CSS (what’s a block element? how does position: absolute work? what’s the difference between padding and margin?)
  • Show a few examples about how flexbox and grid are a WAY easier and less painful way to do layout than what people did (centering with flexbox or grid is actually really easy!)

This zine is 28 pages, and learning some terminology and a few CSS fundamentals won’t magically make you a CSS wizard. But I found that after learning these fundamentals, I’m now a LOT more confident when using resources like MDN and CSS Tricks, and I’ve been able to fix a lot of CSS problems on my own (and understand the fixes) where previously I would have given up. I think it’ll be the same for you.

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and it comes with examples!

A lot of the concepts in this zine are kind of surprising, and they’re hard to fully understand just by reading about them. So this zine comes with a bunch of examples that you can play with. If you see “try me!” on a page in the zine, that means there’s an example you can try out corresponding to that page.

Here’s where to get the examples: CSS Examples


Hell во для css

Collection of common CSS mistakes, and how to fix them

content is your Content?

I saw a developer using the content property for adding extra text to a label, because why not, he said. Sadly, this raises several issues.

content: "My label";

One size should fit all?

In modern web development, there is less and less reason to use fix sizing for an element, especially when it’s a content wrapper.

height: 800px;
width: 1024px;

We don’t float down here anymore

I just realised I can’t tell when was the last time I used the float property. There are so many other ways to align items without any fuss!

Convenient CSS naming conventions

I often run into the problem where I see the same class name being reused on different parts and context of the website, but when 1 out of the 3 properties don’t match with the design, developers just use inline styling to override the desired rule.

color: #000;
font-family: "Open Sans";
line-height: 1.2;

Let’s talk about units

There is a life beyond pixels and percentages. Using px units is fine in certain cases, the real mistake is using absolute instead of relative units.

font-size: 16px;
line-height: 20px;
margin-bottom: 8px;

Made with love by @cat_a_flame © csshell.dev since 2021


Addon Details

Hell Mod v2.0 ScreenShot


Forum discussion: http://forums.mattie.info/cs/forums/viewtopic.php?p=246311#246311 This is the latest and ultimate version of Hell sky ,now it’s 2.0 What things are new in this script: *All bugs are fixed *Many funny sounds are downloadable and played when players are plant the bomb,defuse the bomb,when a player enter at server,when bomb explode,when round it started,when a player leaving,when a player die,when a hostage is killed, on these conditions are playing agreable and funny sounds :X *The sky is red like hell ,very nice color red+a little yellow *Big Fog with good light not dark :X *Code stolen from mattie’ napalm grenade ,so i set the radius 300 from 100 so can be more dangerous :X :X *When players are plant the bomb,defuse the bomb,when a player enter at server,when bomb explode,when round it started,when a player leaving,when a player die,when a hostage is killed, on these conditions are typing text in white of center of screen and in chat position :X :X these show all ,for what reason are disconnect players ,etc *When t or ct doing the job ,like t planting the bomb or ct defusing the bomb ,their money are in MINUS — if they failed they job look , event round_end < // Bomb exploded if (event_var(reason) equalto "1") then es ma_takecash #ct 1000 // Bomb defused if (event_var(reason) equalto "7") then ma_takecash #t 1000 // Hostages rescued if (event_var(reason) equalto "11") then ma_takecash #t 1000 // Bomb target saved (time ran out on a DE map) if (event_var(reason) equalto "12") then ma_takecash #t 1000 // Hostages not rescued (time ran out on a CS map) if (event_var(reason) equalto "13") then ma_takecash #ct 1000 >The next version 2.5 it will have in + commands ,funny commands and some admin commands ,and sounds for typing letters in chat :X :X :X i will release this version on 5 november . $$$$$$$$$$$$$$Thanks ,6 hours for made script ,made by [Cs]Lord_Inferno ,Enjoy .


Simple ! Copy materials folder to your cstrike over that materials folder ,copy sound to your cstrike over that sound folder ,then copy zombiehell folder and paste it to addons/eventscript then go to CFG folder on cstrike folder and open the autoexec.cfg and add this line es_load zombiehell then enjoy playing :X :X

Version Notes For 2.0

Updated on: 2008-11-02 07:44:09 EST by [Cs]Lord_Inferno2 (View Zip Contents)
2.0 is the most agreable script for many server i think , my third little script ,i hope you enjoy ,try it out ,download and see how is it ,give-me a woot :X




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Очень хороший кфг))5+. NopeokeR

Скрипты и конфиги CSS

Программисты и любители постоянно пишут скрипты и конфигурации для Counter-Strike Source. Они облегчают игру новичкам или добавляют трудностей в игровой процесс бывалым, создают новые условия и острые ощущения. Среди скриптов можно найти полезные коды для стрельбы, прицеливания, выслеживания и других необходимых для игры элементов. В описании конфигурации или скрипта даны советы по установке и выложен трейлер, запечатлевший расширение в действии.




Скачать Читы для CS:Source бесплатно

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Чит Magic 3.1 на CSS v34 — HvH Cheat 2022

Очень давно не было рабочих читов на Counter-Strike Source V34. Встречайте обновленную версию чита Magic 3.1 для CS:S v34. Чит создан специально под режим HvH.

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Чит ZE-Elite version 4.3 для CSS V91 — Aimbot, TriggerBot, Visuals

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Чит Mapatcher для CSS — Обход ошибок по карте КСС

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