Gui python tkinter калькулятор

Gui python tkinter калькулятор

  • Python | Simple GUI calculator using Tkinter
  • Create Table Using Tkinter
  • Python | GUI Calendar using Tkinter
  • File Explorer in Python using Tkinter
  • Python | ToDo GUI Application using Tkinter
  • Python: Weight Conversion GUI using Tkinter
  • Python: Age Calculator using Tkinter
  • Python | Create a GUI Marksheet using Tkinter
  • Python | Loan calculator using Tkinter
  • Python | Create a digital clock using Tkinter
  • Make Notepad using Tkinter
  • Color game using Tkinter in Python
  • Python | Simple FLAMES game using Tkinter
  • Simple registration form using Python Tkinter
  • How to create a COVID19 Data Representation GUI?



  • Python | Creating a button in tkinter
  • Python | Add style to tkinter button
  • Python | Add image on a Tkinter button
  • Python Tkinter – Label
  • Python Tkinter | Create LabelFrame and add widgets to it
  • RadioButton in Tkinter | Python
  • Python Tkinter – Checkbutton Widget
  • Python Tkinter – Canvas Widget
  • Python Tkinter | Create different shapes using Canvas class
  • Python Tkinter | Create different type of lines using Canvas class
  • Python Tkinter | Moving objects using Canvas.move() method
  • Combobox Widget in tkinter | Python
  • maxsize() method in Tkinter | Python
  • minsize() method in Tkinter | Python
  • resizable() method in Tkinter | Python
  • Python Tkinter – Entry Widget
  • Tkinter – Read only Entry Widget
  • Python Tkinter – Text Widget
  • Python Tkinter – Message
  • Python | Menu widget in Tkinter
  • Python Tkinter – Menubutton Widget
  • Python Tkinter – SpinBox
  • Progressbar widget in Tkinter | Python
  • Python-Tkinter Scrollbar
  • Python Tkinter – ScrolledText Widget
  • Python Tkinter – ListBox Widget
  • Scrollable ListBox in Python-tkinter
  • Python Tkinter – Frame Widget
  • Scrollable Frames in Tkinter
  • How to make a proper double scrollbar frame in Tkinter
  • Python Tkinter – Scale Widget
  • Hierarchical treeview in Python GUI application
  • Python-Tkinter Treeview scrollbar
  • Python Tkinter – Toplevel Widget
  • Python | askopenfile() function in Tkinter
  • Python | asksaveasfile() function in Tkinter
  • Python – Tkinter askquestion Dialog
  • Python Tkinter – MessageBox Widget
  • Create a Yes/No Message Box in Python using tkinter
  • Change the size of MessageBox – Tkinter
  • Different messages in Tkinter | Python
  • Change Icon for Tkinter MessageBox
  • Python – Tkinter Choose color Dialog
  • Popup Menu in Tkinter
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Geometry Management

Binding Functions

Working with Images in Tkinter

Tkinter Advance

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  • Python | focus_set() and focus_get() method
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  • Tkinter | Adding style to the input text using ttk.Entry widget
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  • Creating Tabbed Widget With Python-Tkinter
  • Open a new Window with a button in Python-Tkinter
  • Cryptography GUI using python
  • Python | Simple GUI calculator using Tkinter
  • Create Table Using Tkinter
  • Python | GUI Calendar using Tkinter
  • File Explorer in Python using Tkinter
  • Python | ToDo GUI Application using Tkinter
  • Python: Weight Conversion GUI using Tkinter
  • Python: Age Calculator using Tkinter
  • Python | Create a GUI Marksheet using Tkinter
  • Python | Loan calculator using Tkinter
  • Python | Create a digital clock using Tkinter
  • Make Notepad using Tkinter
  • Color game using Tkinter in Python
  • Python | Simple FLAMES game using Tkinter
  • Simple registration form using Python Tkinter
  • How to create a COVID19 Data Representation GUI?


Калькулятор с графическим интерфейсом с помощью tkinter

Сначало всё по стандарту. Импортируем библиотеки. Использовать мы будем сам tkinter и библиотеку математических функций math.

from tkinter import * from tkinter import messagebox import math

Далее задаем функции кнопок.(Я пару шагов пропустил, точнее написал после, но калькулятор от этого не сломается.):

def add_digit(digit): value = calc.get() if value[0]=='0' and len(value)==1: value = value[1:] calc.delete(0, END) calc.insert(0, value + digit) def add_operation(operation): value = calc.get() if value[-1] in '-+/*': value = value[:-1] elif '+' in value or '-' in value or'*' in value or'/' in value: calculate() value = calc.get() calc.delete(0, END) calc.insert(0, value + operation) def calculate(): value = calc.get() if value[-1] in '-+/*': value = value+value[:-1] calc.delete(0, END) try: calc.insert(0, eval(value)) except (NameError, SyntaxError): messagebox.showerror('Внимание!', 'Нужно вводить только числа и цифры!') calc.insert(0, 0) except ZeroDivisionError: messagebox.showerror('Внимание!', 'На ноль делить нельзя!') calc.insert(0, 0) def add_sqrt(): value = calc.get() value = float(value) value = math.sqrt(value) calc.delete(0, END) calc.insert(0, value) def add_fabs(): value = calc.get() value = eval(value) value = math.fabs(value) calc.delete(0, END) calc.insert(0, value) def clear(): calc.delete(0, END) calc.insert(0, 0) def make_calc_button(operation): return Button(text=operation, bd=5, font=('Times New Roman', 13), command=calculate) def make_clear_button(operation): return Button(text=operation, bd=5, font=('Times New Roman', 13), command=clear) def make_operation_button(operation): return Button(text=operation, bd=5, font=('Times New Roman', 13), command=lambda : add_operation(operation)) def make_sqrt_button(operation): return Button(text=operation, image=img, bd=5, font=('Times New Roman', 13), command=add_sqrt) def make_fabs_button(operation): return Button(text=operation, bd=5, font=('Times New Roman', 13), command=add_fabs) def make_digit_button(digit): return Button(text=digit, bd=5, font=('Times New Roman', 13), command=lambda : add_digit(digit))

Теперь создаём окно, в котором будет наш пример и ответ.

tk=Tk() tk.geometry('260x360+100+200') tk.resizable(0,0) tk.title("Калькулятор") tk['bg']='#FFC0CB' #Цвет фона - чёрный. Его можно поменять на любой другой.

Если посмотреть на оригинальный калькулятор Виндовс мы увидим, что текст располагается с правой стороны, сделаем также. Для этого в ткинтер используется функция justify :

calc = Entry(tk, justify=RIGHT, font=('Times New Roman', 15), width=15) calc.insert(0, '0'), y=20, width=220, height=30)

Следующий шаг прост. Располагаем кнопки.

make_digit_button('1').place(x=20, y=250, width=40, height=40) make_digit_button('2').place(x=80, y=250, width=40, height=40) make_digit_button('3').place(x=140, y=250, width=40, height=40) make_digit_button('4').place(x=20, y=190, width=40, height=40) make_digit_button('5').place(x=80, y=190, width=40, height=40) make_digit_button('6').place(x=140, y=190, width=40, height=40) make_digit_button('7').place(x=20, y=130, width=40, height=40) make_digit_button('8').place(x=80, y=130, width=40, height=40) make_digit_button('9').place(x=140, y=130, width=40, height=40) make_digit_button('0').place(x=20, y=310, width=100, height=40) make_digit_button('.').place(x=140, y=310, width=40, height=40) make_operation_button('+').place(x=200, y=310, width=40, height=40) make_operation_button('-').place(x=200, y=250, width=40, height=40) make_operation_button('*').place(x=200, y=190, width=40, height=40) make_operation_button('/').place(x=200, y=130, width=40, height=40)

В моей задаче было использование картинки в качестве корня, поэтому используем PhotoImage для импортировки фотографии(фотография должна быть в одной папке с кодом)

img=PhotoImage(file='radical.png') make_sqrt_button('').place(x=80, y=70, width=40, height=40)

Последние шаги по мелочам. В качестве дополнительной функции добавим модуль. Кнопку очистки всего и равно добавляем обязательно!

#Модуль числа make_fabs_button('|x|').place(x=140, y=70, width=40, height=40) #Очистка make_clear_button('C').place(x=20, y=70, width=40, height=40) #Равно make_calc_button('=').place(x=200, y=70, width=40, height=40) tk.mainloop()

Полный код выглядит как-то так:

#Бібліотека модулів from tkinter import * from tkinter import messagebox import math def add_digit(digit): value = calc.get() if value[0]=='0' and len(value)==1: value = value[1:] calc.delete(0, END) calc.insert(0, value + digit) def add_operation(operation): value = calc.get() if value[-1] in '-+/*': value = value[:-1] elif '+' in value or '-' in value or'*' in value or'/' in value: calculate() value = calc.get() calc.delete(0, END) calc.insert(0, value + operation) def calculate(): value = calc.get() if value[-1] in '-+/*': value = value+value[:-1] calc.delete(0, END) try: calc.insert(0, eval(value)) except (NameError, SyntaxError): messagebox.showinfo('Внимание!', 'Нужно вводить только числа!') calc.insert(0, 0) except ZeroDivisionError: messagebox.showinfo('Внимание!', 'На ноль делить нельзя!') calc.insert(0, 0) def add_sqrt(): value = calc.get() value = float(value) value = math.sqrt(value) calc.delete(0, END) calc.insert(0, value) def add_fabs(): value = calc.get() value = eval(value) value = math.fabs(value) calc.delete(0, END) calc.insert(0, value) def clear(): calc.delete(0, END) calc.insert(0, 0) def make_calc_button(operation): return Button(text=operation, bd=5, font=('Times New Roman', 13), command=calculate) def make_clear_button(operation): return Button(text=operation, bd=5, font=('Times New Roman', 13), command=clear) def make_operation_button(operation): return Button(text=operation, bd=5, font=('Times New Roman', 13), command=lambda : add_operation(operation)) def make_sqrt_button(operation): return Button(text=operation, image=img, bd=5, font=('Times New Roman', 13), command=add_sqrt) def make_fabs_button(operation): return Button(text=operation, bd=5, font=('Times New Roman', 13), command=add_fabs) def make_digit_button(digit): return Button(text=digit, bd=5, font=('Times New Roman', 13), command=lambda : add_digit(digit)) tk=Tk() tk.geometry('260x360+100+200') tk.resizable(0,0) tk.title("Калькулятор") tk['bg']='#FFC0CB' calc = Entry(tk, justify=RIGHT, font=('Times New Roman', 15), width=15) calc.insert(0, '0'), y=20, width=220, height=30) #Числа от 1 до 9 и точка make_digit_button('1').place(x=20, y=250, width=40, height=40) make_digit_button('2').place(x=80, y=250, width=40, height=40) make_digit_button('3').place(x=140, y=250, width=40, height=40) make_digit_button('4').place(x=20, y=190, width=40, height=40) make_digit_button('5').place(x=80, y=190, width=40, height=40) make_digit_button('6').place(x=140, y=190, width=40, height=40) make_digit_button('7').place(x=20, y=130, width=40, height=40) make_digit_button('8').place(x=80, y=130, width=40, height=40) make_digit_button('9').place(x=140, y=130, width=40, height=40) make_digit_button('0').place(x=20, y=310, width=100, height=40) make_digit_button('.').place(x=140, y=310, width=40, height=40) #Основные математические действия make_operation_button('+').place(x=200, y=310, width=40, height=40) make_operation_button('-').place(x=200, y=250, width=40, height=40) make_operation_button('*').place(x=200, y=190, width=40, height=40) make_operation_button('/').place(x=200, y=130, width=40, height=40) #Корень img=PhotoImage(file='radical.png') make_sqrt_button('').place(x=80, y=70, width=40, height=40) #Модуль make_fabs_button('|x|').place(x=140, y=70, width=40, height=40) #Кнопка очистки make_clear_button('C').place(x=20, y=70, width=40, height=40) #Равно make_calc_button('=').place(x=200, y=70, width=40, height=40) tk.mainloop()


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