Get all cookies in javascript

How To Create, Read, Update, & Delete Cookies In JavaScript

Web servers and HTTP servers are stateless, so when a web server sends a web page to a browser, the connection is cut off and the server forgets about everything related to the user.

How can the browser and web server remember information about the user? Cookies were invented to solve this problem.

When a user comes to a web page, their name, unique id, or any other information can be stored in a cookie in their browser. And the next time the user comes back to the webpage, the cookie will remember their name or unique id.

Cookies are simply small text files of data that are stored in your computer’s browser. They contain this data:

  1. Name-value pair with actual data.
  2. Expiry date for when the cookie becomes invalid.
  3. Domain and path of the server it should be sent to.

And cookies also have some limitations that are worth mentioning:

  • Maximum size of 4096 Bytes per individual cookie.
  • Maximum of 20 cookies per domain (this is slightly different for each browser).
  • Cookies are private to its own domain (a site cannot read other domain’s cookies, only it’s own).
  • Size limits apply to the entire cookie, not just its value.

In the browser, cookies are exposed via the document object as document.cookies .

In the sections below, we’ll go over how to set, get, update, and delete cookie data in your browser using JavaScript.

Table Of Contents

Create Cookies

Setting a cookie in your browser using JavaScript is easy! We’ll show you how below.

Here is the JavaScript to create a new cookie in the browser the code is executed in:

document.cookie = "userId=nick123" 

Once you run that code, open a browser and you should find the cookie in the Developer Tools Application (Safari or Chrome) or Storage (Firefox) section.

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You can also add an expiration date (in UTC) to the cookie that tells the browser when it should be deleted:

document.cookie = "userId=nick123; expires=Wed, 15 Jan 2020 12:00:00 UTC" 

You can also tell the browser the path that the cookie belongs to (default value is the path of the current page):

document.cookie = "userId=nick123; expires=Wed, 15 Jan 2020 12:00:00 UTC; path=/user" 

And the last piece of data we’ll cover is the domain that the cookie belongs to (defaults to the current domain):

document.cookie = "userId=nick123; expires=Wed, 15 Jan 2020 12:00:00 UTC; path=/user;" 

Read Cookies

Reading cookies is also really simple using JavaScript by accessing the document.cookie object:

Read All Cookies For A Page

To get all the cookies for a single page as a string with each one separated by semicolons:

const cookies = document.cookie 

To access a cookie with a specific name, we need to get all the cookies on the page and parse the string to find a match for the name of the cookie we’re looking for.

Here is a function that does the job using a regular expression:

function getCookieValue(name)

And you use the function like this:

getCookieValue("userId") //returns nick123 

That will return the string value of the name parameter you provide to the function.

If regex expressions aren’t your thing, here is another function that works:

function getCookieValue(name) < const nameString = name + "=" const value = document.cookie.split(";").filter(item =>< return item.includes(nameString) >) if (value.length) < return value[0].substring(nameString.length, value[0].length) >else < return "" >> 

The function is used the same way:

getCookieValue("userId") //returns nick123 

Update Cookies

You can change a cookie the same way you create them by overwriting it with a new value.

You could use this code to override the userId cookie created earlier in this article:

document.cookie = "userId=new_value" 

And the new value will be returned when you run the getCookieValue function again:

getCookieValue("userId") //returns new_value 

Delete Cookies

You can delete a cookie by giving it an empty value and setting its expiration date to any time in the past.

If we wanted to delete the userId cookie from previous examples, here is how we’d do it:

document.cookie = "userId=; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 UTC;" 


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The getAll() method of the cookies API retrieves all cookies from a single cookie store that match the given information.

This is an asynchronous function that returns a Promise .


let getting = browser.cookies.getAll( details // object ) 


An object containing details that can be used to match cookies to be retrieved. Included properties are as follows (see Cookie type for more information on these):

A string representing a domain that cookies must be associated with (they can be associated either with this exact domain or one of its subdomains).

A string representing the first-party domain with which the cookie to retrieve is associated.

This property must be supplied if the browser has first-party isolation enabled. You can however pass null in this situation. If you do this, then cookies with any value for firstPartyDomain , as well as cookies which do not have firstPartyDomain set at all, will be included in the results. See First-party isolation.

A string representing a name that the cookies should have.

An object defining which storage partitions to return cookies from:

  • if omitted, returns only cookies from unpartitioned storage.
  • if included without topLevelSite , returns all cookies from partitioned and unpartitioned storage.
  • if included with topLevelSite specified, returns cookies from the specified partition storage.

A string representing the first-party URL of the top-level site storage partition containing the cookies.

A string representing a path — the cookies’ path must be identical to this one.

A boolean — filters cookies by their secure property, allowing you to filter secure cookies vs. non-secure cookies.

A boolean — filters the cookies by their session property, allowing you to filter session cookies vs. persistent cookies.

A string representing the cookie store to retrieve cookies from. If omitted, the current execution context’s cookie store will be used.

A string representing a URL that the retrieved cookies must be associated with.

Return value

A Promise that will be fulfilled with an array of cookies.Cookie objects that match the properties given in the details parameter. Only unexpired cookies are returned. The cookies returned will be sorted by path length, longest to shortest. If multiple cookies have the same path length, those with the earliest creation time will be first.

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Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser


In the following snippet, we are making a call to get all of the cookies the browser currently has stored that have a name of «favorite-color». When the result is returned, we are printing the value of each result to the console.

function logCookies(cookies)  for (const cookie of cookies)  console.log(cookie.value); > > browser.cookies .getAll( name: "favorite-color", >) .then(logCookies); 

Example extensions

Note: This API is based on Chromium’s chrome.cookies API. This documentation is derived from cookies.json in the Chromium code.

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How to Store Data In Cookies Using JavaScript

Store Data In Cookies Using JavaScript, before we start setting the cookie using JavaScript, first we should discuss what are Cookies in.

How to Store Data In Cookies Using JavaScript

Store Data In Cookies Using JavaScript, before we start setting the cookie using JavaScript, first we should discuss what are Cookies in JS. And then we start all the cookie operations.

On this complete article we majorly discuss about,

How to Store Data In Cookies Using JavaScript

  1. What are the Cookies?
  2. JavaScript Cookies Operations
  3. Store Data In Cookies using JavaScript (Set Cookie) with example
  4. JavaScript Get Cookie By Name with example
  5. JavaScript Get all Cookies with example
  6. Delete Cookie in JavaScript with example

What are Cookies?

Cookies are the set of information that is stored on the user’s system or browser.

Cookies were invented to solve the problem of “how to remember information about the user”,

  • When any user visits any page of the website.
  • Cookies are remember their details by cookie.

JavaScript Cookies Operations

  1. Set-Cookie in JS
  2. JavaScript Get Cookie by name
  3. JavaScript Get all Cookies
  4. Delete Cookie JavaScript

Store Data In Cookies using JavaScript (Set Cookie)

For storing user data on cookie using JavaScript is we use document.cookie syntax. Generally we can set 3 parameters to the document.cookie ,

  • Any name or other information like “username=John Doe”
  • The expiry time of the cookie from user’s system.
  • Path of the cookies on the same.


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