Generate your application encryption key using php artisan key generate

Solved — No Application Encryption Key Has Been Specified — Laravel

This tutorial will give you an example of no application encryption key has been specified. laravel. This tutorial will give you a simple example of laravel no application encryption key has been specified. We will look at an example of laravel 500 error no application encryption key has been specified. In this article, we will implement a laravel ajax no application encryption key has been specified.

You can use this solution with laravel 6, laravel 7, laravel 8, laravel 9 and laravel 10 versions.

Few days ago i was working on very old laravel app and i installed it. Then i simply run app and get «no application encryption key has been specified» error. But i know how to fix it. i need to generate app key using artisan command. so if you found following error then you can use below solution.

«no application encryption key has been specified»

You need to generate app key using laravel artisan command. let’s run below command.

Then you will see on following .env file with updated value on APP_KEY variable.


Now, you can run your laravel app and it will works.

Hardik Savani

I’m a full-stack developer, entrepreneur and owner of Aatman Infotech. I live in India and I love to write tutorials and tips that can help to other artisan. I am a big fan of PHP, Laravel, Angular, Vue, Node, Javascript, JQuery, Codeigniter and Bootstrap from the early stage. I believe in Hardworking and Consistency.

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Сервисы шифрования Laravel предоставляют простой и удобный интерфейс для шифрования и дешифрования текста через OpenSSL с использованием шифрования AES-256 и AES-128. Все зашифрованные значения Laravel подписываются с использованием кода аутентификации сообщения (MAC), поэтому их базовое значение не может быть изменено или подделано после шифрования.


Перед использованием шифровальщика Laravel вы должны установить параметр key в конфигурационном файле config/app.php . Это значение конфигурации управляется переменной окружения APP_KEY . Вы должны использовать команду php artisan key:generate для генерации значения этой переменной, поскольку команда key:generate будет использовать безопасный генератор случайных байтов PHP для создания криптографически безопасного ключа для вашего приложения. Обычно значение переменной среды APP_KEY генерируется для вас во время установки Laravel.

Использование шифровальщика

Шифрование значения

Вы можете зашифровать значение, используя метод encryptString фасада Crypt . Все значения будут зашифрованы с использованием OpenSSL и шифра AES-256-CBC . Кроме того, все зашифрованные значения подписываются кодом аутентификации сообщения (MAC). Встроенный код аутентификации сообщений предотвратит расшифровку любых значений, которые были подделаны злоумышленниками:

 namespace App\Http\Controllers; use App\Http\Controllers\Controller; use App\Models\User; use Illuminate\Http\Request; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Crypt; class DigitalOceanTokenController extends Controller < /** * Сохраните DigitalOcean API-токен пользователя. * * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function storeSecret(Request $request) < $request->user()->fill([ 'token' => Crypt::encryptString($request->token), ])->save(); > > 

Расшифровка значения

Вы можете расшифровать значения, используя метод decryptString фасада Crypt . Если значение не может быть правильно расшифровано, например, когда код аутентификации сообщения недействителен, будет выброшено исключение Illuminate\Contracts\Encryption\DecryptException :

use Illuminate\Contracts\Encryption\DecryptException; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Crypt; try < $decrypted = Crypt::decryptString($encryptedValue); >catch (DecryptException $e) < // > 

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Laravel’s encryption services provide a simple, convenient interface for encrypting and decrypting text via OpenSSL using AES-256 and AES-128 encryption. All of Laravel’s encrypted values are signed using a message authentication code (MAC) so that their underlying value can not be modified or tampered with once encrypted.


Before using Laravel’s encrypter, you must set the key configuration option in your config/app.php configuration file. This configuration value is driven by the APP_KEY environment variable. You should use the php artisan key:generate command to generate this variable’s value since the key:generate command will use PHP’s secure random bytes generator to build a cryptographically secure key for your application. Typically, the value of the APP_KEY environment variable will be generated for you during Laravel’s installation.

Using The Encrypter

Encrypting A Value

You may encrypt a value using the encryptString method provided by the Crypt facade. All encrypted values are encrypted using OpenSSL and the AES-256-CBC cipher. Furthermore, all encrypted values are signed with a message authentication code (MAC). The integrated message authentication code will prevent the decryption of any values that have been tampered with by malicious users:

 namespace App\Http\Controllers; use App\Http\Controllers\Controller; use App\Models\User; use Illuminate\Http\Request; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Crypt; class DigitalOceanTokenController extends Controller < /** * Store a DigitalOcean API token for the user. * * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function storeSecret(Request $request) < $request->user()->fill([ 'token' => Crypt::encryptString($request->token), ])->save(); > > 

Decrypting A Value

You may decrypt values using the decryptString method provided by the Crypt facade. If the value can not be properly decrypted, such as when the message authentication code is invalid, an Illuminate\Contracts\Encryption\DecryptException will be thrown:

use Illuminate\Contracts\Encryption\DecryptException; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Crypt; try < $decrypted = Crypt::decryptString($encryptedValue); >catch (DecryptException $e) < // > 

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Laravel’s encryption services provide a simple, convenient interface for encrypting and decrypting text via OpenSSL using AES-256 and AES-128 encryption. All of Laravel’s encrypted values are signed using a message authentication code (MAC) so that their underlying value can not be modified or tampered with once encrypted.


Before using Laravel’s encrypter, you must set the key configuration option in your config/app.php configuration file. This configuration value is driven by the APP_KEY environment variable. You should use the php artisan key:generate command to generate this variable’s value since the key:generate command will use PHP’s secure random bytes generator to build a cryptographically secure key for your application. Typically, the value of the APP_KEY environment variable will be generated for you during Laravel’s installation.

Using The Encrypter

Encrypting A Value

You may encrypt a value using the encryptString method provided by the Crypt facade. All encrypted values are encrypted using OpenSSL and the AES-256-CBC cipher. Furthermore, all encrypted values are signed with a message authentication code (MAC). The integrated message authentication code will prevent the decryption of any values that have been tampered with by malicious users:

namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Crypt;
class DigitalOceanTokenController extends Controller
* Store a DigitalOcean API token for the user.
public function store(Request $request): RedirectResponse
'token' => Crypt::encryptString($request->token),
return redirect('/secrets');

Decrypting A Value

You may decrypt values using the decryptString method provided by the Crypt facade. If the value can not be properly decrypted, such as when the message authentication code is invalid, an Illuminate\Contracts\Encryption\DecryptException will be thrown:

use Illuminate\Contracts\Encryption\DecryptException;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Crypt;
$decrypted = Crypt::decryptString($encryptedValue);
> catch (DecryptException $e)
// .

Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experience to be truly fulfilling. Laravel attempts to take the pain out of development by easing common tasks used in most web projects.


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