Function is checked php

  1. PHP If Function Not Exists PHP: Best Practices for Checking Function or Method Existence
  2. Introduction
  3. Built-in PHP functions for checking if a function or method exists
  4. Using function_exists()
  5. Using method_exists()
  6. Using property_exists()
  7. Limitations of isset() function in checking for function or method existence
  8. Using defined() function to check if a constant exists and is defined
  9. Avoiding redeclaring functions in PHP
  10. Best practices for defining and calling functions in PHP
  11. Checking for function or method existence within a class
  12. Other functions for checking if a function or method exists
  13. Using is_callable()
  14. Using array_key_exists()
  15. Using file_exists() to check if a file exists before including it
  16. Best practices for preventing errors related to undefined functions in PHP
  17. How autoloading classes can help prevent errors related to undefined functions in PHP
  18. Advanced techniques for checking if a function exists in PHP
  19. Using reflection
  20. Using the ?? operator in PHP 7 to check for function or variable existence
  21. Other quick code samples for checking PHP function or method existence
  22. Conclusion
  23. Frequently Asked Questions — FAQs
  24. Why is it important to check if a PHP function or method exists before calling it?
  25. What are the built-in PHP functions for checking function or method existence?
  26. How do I avoid redeclaring functions in PHP?
  27. How do I check for function or method existence within a class?
  28. What are some other functions for checking if a function or method exists?
  29. How can I prevent errors related to undefined functions in PHP?
  30. How to determine if function is Checked from IF
  31. 2 Answers 2

PHP If Function Not Exists PHP: Best Practices for Checking Function or Method Existence

Learn why it’s important to check if a PHP function or method exists before calling it, and discover the best practices for avoiding errors and improving code quality. Find out how to use built-in PHP functions, how to avoid redeclaring functions, and advanced techniques for checking function existence.

  • Introduction
  • Built-in PHP functions for checking if a function or method exists
  • Avoiding redeclaring functions in PHP
  • Checking for function or method existence within a class
  • Other functions for checking if a function or method exists
  • Best practices for preventing errors related to undefined functions in PHP
  • Advanced techniques for checking if a function exists in PHP
  • Other quick code samples for checking PHP function or method existence
  • Conclusion
  • How to check if a function exists or not in PHP?
  • How to define function test () in PHP?
  • What is an undefined function in PHP?
  • How do you know if a function exists?

As a developer, you might have come across a situation where you need to check if a PHP function or method exists before calling it. This is a common scenario when working with PHP, and it is important to understand the best practices for checking the existence of a function or method in order to prevent errors and improve the quality of your code.


In this blog post, we will discuss the importance of checking if a PHP function or method exists before calling it. We will cover the key points, important points, and helpful points that will be covered in this article.

Built-in PHP functions for checking if a function or method exists

PHP provides a set of built-in functions that can be used to check if a function or method exists. These functions include function_exists() , method_exists() , and property_exists() .

Using function_exists()

The function_exists() function is used to check if a function exists. It takes a string as its parameter, which represents the name of the function that needs to be checked. If the function exists, it will return true , otherwise it will return false .

if(function_exists('my_function'))  // Call my_function my_function(); > else  // Function does not exist echo 'my_function does not exist'; > 

Using method_exists()

The method_exists() function is used to check if a method exists within a class. It takes two parameters: the name of the class and the name of the method. If the method exists, it will return true , otherwise it will return false .

class MyClass  public function myMethod()  // Do something > >if(method_exists('MyClass', 'myMethod'))  // Call myMethod $obj = new MyClass(); $obj->myMethod(); > else  // Method does not exist echo 'myMethod does not exist'; > 

Using property_exists()

The property_exists() function is used to check if a property exists within an object or class. It takes two parameters: the name of the object or class and the name of the property. If the property exists, it will return true , otherwise it will return false .

class MyClass  public $myProperty; >$obj = new MyClass();if(property_exists($obj, 'myProperty'))  // Do something with myProperty echo $obj->myProperty; > else  // Property does not exist echo 'myProperty does not exist'; > 

Limitations of isset() function in checking for function or method existence

The isset() function is commonly used to check if a variable is set or not. However, it should not be used to check for the existence of a function or method. This is because isset() only checks if a variable is set and does not check if a function or method exists.

Using defined() function to check if a constant exists and is defined

The defined() function is used to check if a constant exists and is defined. It takes a string as its parameter, which represents the name of the constant that needs to be checked. If the constant exists and is defined, it will return true , otherwise it will return false .

define('MY_CONSTANT', 'my_value');if(defined('MY_CONSTANT'))  // Do something with MY_CONSTANT echo MY_CONSTANT; > else  // Constant does not exist echo 'MY_CONSTANT does not exist'; > 

Avoiding redeclaring functions in PHP

In PHP, a function can be declared but not exist. This can happen if a function is defined in a file that is not included or if the function is defined conditionally. To avoid redeclaring functions, it is important to use function_exists() before defining a function.

Best practices for defining and calling functions in PHP

It is good practice to define functions in a separate file and include them in the main PHP file using the include() or require() function. This helps to keep the code modular and organized. When calling a function, it is important to check if the function exists using function_exists() before calling it.

Checking for function or method existence within a class

To check if a function or method exists within a class, you can use the method_exists() function. However, if the function is defined within a namespace, the function_exists() function may not work. In this case, you can use the class_exists() function to check if the class exists before using method_exists() .

namespace MyNamespace;class MyClass  public function myMethod()  // Do something > >if(class_exists('MyNamespace\MyClass') && method_exists('MyNamespace\MyClass', 'myMethod'))  // Call myMethod $obj = new MyNamespace\MyClass(); $obj->myMethod(); > else  // Method does not exist echo 'MyNamespace\MyClass::myMethod does not exist'; > 

Other functions for checking if a function or method exists

In addition to the built-in PHP functions, there are other functions that can be used to check if a function or method exists.

Using is_callable()

The is_callable() function is used to check if a function or method is callable. It takes a string or an array as its parameter, which represents the name of the function or method that needs to be checked. If the function or method is callable, it will return true , otherwise it will return false .

function myFunction()  // Do something >if(is_callable('myFunction'))  // Call myFunction myFunction(); > else  // Function is not callable echo 'myFunction is not callable'; > 

Using array_key_exists()

The array_key_exists() function is used to check if a key exists in an array. It can be used to check if a method exists within a class.

class MyClass  public function myMethod()  // Do something > >$obj = new MyClass();if(array_key_exists('myMethod', get_class_methods($obj)))  // Call myMethod $obj->myMethod(); > else  // Method does not exist echo 'myMethod does not exist'; > 

Using file_exists() to check if a file exists before including it

The file_exists() function is used to check if a file exists. It can be used to check if a file exists before including it in the main PHP file.

if(file_exists('my_file.php'))  include 'my_file.php'; > else  // File does not exist echo 'my_file.php does not exist'; > 

It is important to check if a function or method exists before calling it in production environments. This helps to prevent errors and improve the quality of your code.

In addition to checking for function or method existence, it is also important to keep your code modular and organized. This can be achieved by defining functions in separate files and including them in the main PHP file using the include() or require() function.

How autoloading classes can help prevent errors related to undefined functions in PHP

Autoloading classes can help prevent errors related to undefined functions in PHP. This is because autoloading classes automatically loads the required classes when they are needed. This helps to ensure that all required functions and methods are available before they are called.

Advanced techniques for checking if a function exists in PHP

In addition to the built-in PHP functions, there are advanced techniques that can be used to check if a function exists in PHP.

Using reflection

Reflection is a powerful feature in PHP that can be used to inspect classes, functions, and methods at runtime. By using reflection, you can check if a function exists and get information about its parameters and return type.

class MyClass  public function myMethod($param1, $param2)  // Do something > >if(method_exists('MyClass', 'myMethod'))  $reflection = new ReflectionMethod('MyClass', 'myMethod'); $params = $reflection->getParameters(); $returnType = $reflection->getReturnType(); // Do something with the parameters and return type > else  // Method does not exist echo 'myMethod does not exist'; > 

Using the ?? operator in PHP 7 to check for function or variable existence

The ?? operator is a new feature in PHP 7 that can be used to check for the existence of a function or variable. It returns the left operand if it exists and is not null , otherwise it returns the right operand.

$myFunction = function()  // Do something >;$result = $myFunction ?? 'default';echo $result; 

In this example, the ?? operator checks if $myFunction exists and is not null . Since $myFunction exists, it returns its value. If $myFunction did not exist, it would return ‘default’ .

Other quick code samples for checking PHP function or method existence

In Php as proof, if function not exists php code sample

if(!function_exists('my_function')) < function myfunction()<>>

In Php , if function not exists php code sample

if(function_exists('my_function'))< // my_function is defined >


In this blog post, we have discussed the importance of checking if a PHP function or method exists before calling it. We have covered the built-in PHP functions for checking if a function or method exists, avoiding redeclaring functions in PHP, checking for function or method existence within a class, other functions for checking if a function or method exists, best practices for preventing errors related to undefined functions in PHP, and advanced techniques for checking if a function exists in PHP. By following these best practices, you can prevent errors and improve the quality of your PHP code.

Frequently Asked Questions — FAQs

Why is it important to check if a PHP function or method exists before calling it?

Checking for function or method existence helps prevent errors and improves code quality, as it ensures that the function or method is defined before it is called.

What are the built-in PHP functions for checking function or method existence?

The built-in PHP functions for checking function or method existence are function_exists(), method_exists(), and property_exists().

How do I avoid redeclaring functions in PHP?

To avoid redeclaring functions in PHP, it is important to use function_exists() before defining a function and to follow best practices for defining and calling functions.

How do I check for function or method existence within a class?

What are some other functions for checking if a function or method exists?

Other functions for checking if a function or method exists include is_callable() and array_key_exists().

To prevent errors related to undefined functions in PHP, it is important to check if a function or method exists before calling it in production environments, keep code modular and organized, and use autoloading classes.


How to determine if function is Checked from IF

While working in a project written by some one else ,there’s a Function which retrieves some Data’s and it’s return is the Array with Data.

if(getSomedata()) getSomedata(); 

Without editing every piece of code ,can i get notified from php if that Function is called from an IF Statement and return a Boolean instead of the Array with Data.

Even if you find a way to do this, you should not do it. It will make your code so much more difficult to debug, and will give a headache to anyone trying to read your code. Instead why don’t you assign the result of getSomedata() to a variable, then check if that variable is empty?

2 Answers 2

Theoretically, you could use backtracing to figure out which code called a piece of code and read and introspect the code to figure out if the function was called in an if statement. But I’m not even going to go into the details of how to do this, because it’s utter madness.

if (function()) function() is an anti-pattern, broken code, bad, bad, bad. You need to fix this misuse instead of fighting it with more madness. If that’s used in a lot of places, bite the bullet and fix it once instead of having to deal with it forever.

I think the best thing you can do is just to use $GLOBALS to check if the Array is set:

Something like that. It will work for you if data is not changing during script execution. But I suggest you to fix your code.


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