Форматирование sql запроса python

sqlparse – Parse SQL statements¶

The sqlparse module provides the following functions on module-level.

sqlparse. split ( sql, encoding=None ) ¶

Split sql into single statements.

Format sql according to options.

Available options are documented in Formatting of SQL Statements .

In addition to the formatting options this function accepts the keyword “encoding” which determines the encoding of the statement.

Returns: The formatted SQL statement as string.

sqlparse. parse ( sql, encoding=None ) ¶

Parse sql and return a list of statements.

In most cases there’s no need to set the encoding parameter. If encoding is not set, sqlparse assumes that the given SQL statement is encoded either in utf-8 or latin-1.

Formatting of SQL Statements¶

The format() function accepts the following keyword arguments.

keyword_case Changes how keywords are formatted. Allowed values are “upper”, “lower” and “capitalize”. identifier_case Changes how identifiers are formatted. Allowed values are “upper”, “lower”, and “capitalize”. strip_comments If True comments are removed from the statements. truncate_strings If truncate_strings is a positive integer, string literals longer than the given value will be truncated. truncate_char (default: “[…]”) If long string literals are truncated (see above) this value will be append to the truncated string. reindent If True the indentations of the statements are changed. reindent_aligned If True the indentations of the statements are changed, and statements are aligned by keywords. use_space_around_operators If True spaces are used around all operators. indent_tabs If True tabs instead of spaces are used for indentation. indent_width The width of the indentation, defaults to 2. wrap_after The column limit (in characters) for wrapping comma-separated lists. If unspecified, it puts every item in the list on its own line. output_format If given the output is additionally formatted to be used as a variable in a programming language. Allowed values are “python” and “php”. comma_first If True comma-first notation for column names is used.

© Copyright 2023, Andi Albrecht Revision 8157d165 .


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A Python based SQL formatter



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A Python based SQL formatter

conda install -c pablormira sql_formatter

Format your SQL files via the command line

sql-formatter sql_file.sql sql_file2.sql

You can also format all your SQL-files via

To format all your SQL files recursively use

Controlling maximum length line via truncation

The sql_formatter will try to truncate too long lines in the SELECT clause for either

The default maximum line length is 82 after line stripping.

You can control the maximum length line using e.g.

sql-formatter sql_file.sql —max-line-length=50

pre-commit is a nice development tool to automatize the binding of pre-commit hooks. After installation and configuration pre-commit will run your hooks before you commit any change.

To add sql-formatter as a hook to your pre-commit configuration to format your SQL files before commit, just add the following lines to your .pre-commit-config.yaml :

repos: - repo: https://github.com/PabloRMira/sql_formatter rev: master hooks: - id: sql_formatter

If you want to install sql-formatter locally and use that instead of using pre-commit ‘s default environment, set repo: local in your .pre-commit-config.yaml file:

repos: - repo: local hooks: - id: sql_formatter name: SQL formatter language: system entry: sql-formatter files: \.sql$
repos: - repo: local hooks: - id: sql_formatter name: SQL formatter language: system entry: sql-formatter --max-line-length=50 files: \.sql$

for a custom maximum line length truncation of e.g. 50

To exemplify the formatting let’s say you have a SQL query like this

example_sql = """ create or replace table mytable as -- mytable example seLecT a.asdf, b.qwer, -- some comment here c.asdf, -- some comment there b.asdf2 frOm table1 as a leFt join table2 as b -- and here a comment on a.asdf = b.asdf -- join this way inner join table3 as c on a.asdf=c.asdf whEre a.asdf= 1 -- comment this anD b.qwer =2 and a.asdf=5 groUp by a.asdf """ 

Then you can use this package to format it so that it is better readable

from sql_formatter.core import format_sql print(format_sql(example_sql)) 
CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE mytable AS -- mytable example SELECT a.asdf, b.qwer, -- some comment here c.asdf, -- some comment there b.asdf2 FROM table1 as a LEFT JOIN table2 as b -- and here a comment ON a.asdf = b.asdf -- join this way INNER JOIN table3 as c ON a.asdf = c.asdf WHERE a.asdf = 1 -- comment this and b.qwer = 2 and a.asdf = 5 GROUP BY a.asdf 

It can even deal with subqueries and it will correct my favourite simple careless mistake (comma at the end of SELECT statement before of FROM) for you on the flow 🙂

print(format_sql(""" select asdf, cast(qwer as numeric), -- some comment qwer1 from (select asdf, qwer, from table1 where asdf = 1) as a left join (select asdf, qwer2 from table2 where qwer2 = 1) as b on a.asdf = b.asdf where qwer1 >= 0 """)) 
SELECT asdf, cast(qwer as numeric), -- some comment qwer1 FROM (SELECT asdf, qwer FROM table1 WHERE asdf = 1) as a LEFT JOIN (SELECT asdf, qwer2 FROM table2 WHERE qwer2 = 1) as b ON a.asdf = b.asdf WHERE qwer1 >= 0 

The formatter is also robust against nested subqueries

print(format_sql(""" select field1, field2 from (select field1, field2 from (select field1, field2, field3 from table1 where a=1 and b>=100)) """)) 
SELECT field1, field2 FROM (SELECT field1, field2 FROM (SELECT field1, field2, field3 FROM table1 WHERE a = 1 and b >= 100)) 

If you do not want to get some query formatted in your SQL file then you can use the marker /*skip-formatter*/ in your query to disable formatting for just the corresponding query

from sql_formatter.format_file import format_sql_commands print(format_sql_commands( """ use database my_database; -- My first view -- create or repLace view my_view as select asdf, qwer from table1 where asdf  
use database my_database; -- My first view -- CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW my_view AS SELECT asdf, qwer FROM table1 WHERE asdf  

For the SQL-formatter to work properly you should meticulously end each of your SQL statements with semicolon (;)

However, we have equiped the sql-formatter with some basic validations:

  • Forgotten semicolon validation: The validator will check if the CREATE keyword appears more than twice, indicating the user that he / she may have forgotten a semicolon
  • Unbalanced parenthesis: The validator will check if there are unbalanced parenthesis in the query
  • Unbalanced case when . end : The validator will check if there are case when statements without end or vice versa

What sql_formatter does not do

This package is just a SQL formatter and therefore

  • cannot parse your SQL queries into e.g. dictionaries
  • cannot validate your SQL queries to be valid for the corresponding database system / provider

Up to now it only formats queries of the form

Every other SQL commands will remain unformatted, e.g. INSERT INTO .

The main goal of the sql_formatter is to enhance readability and quick understanding of SQL queries via proper formatting. We use indentation and lowercasing / uppercasing as means to arrange statements / clauses and parameters into context. By programmatically standardizing the way to write SQL queries we help the user understand its queries faster.

As a by-product of using the sql_formatter , developer teams can focus on the query logic itself and save time by not incurring into styling decisions, this then begin accomplished by the sql_formatter . This is similar to the goal accomplished by the black package for the Python language, which was also an inspiration for the development of this package for SQL.

We can summarize the main steps of the formatter as follows:

  1. Each query is separated from above by two newlines.
  2. Everything but main statements* / clauses is lowercased
  • CREATE . TABLE / VIEW table_name AS
  • FROM
  • ON
  • OVER
  1. Indentation is used to put parameters into context. Here an easy example:
SELECT field1, case when field2 > 1 and field2  10 and field1 = 'a' then 1 else 0 end as case_field, . FROM table1 WHERE field1 = 1 and field2  2 or field3 = 5 ORDER BY field1;

This is a very nice, easy example but things can become more complicated if comments come into play

SELECT a.field1, a.field2, b.field3 FROM (SELECT field1, field2 FROM table1 WHERE field1 = 1) as a LEFT JOIN (SELECT field1, field3 FROM table2) as b ON a.field1 = b.field1;

We version our package via semantic versioning, i.e.,

  • We use three digits separated by points x1.x2.x3, e.g. 0.5.1
  • We increase x1 (the major version) if we introduce breaking changes
    • Exception: Versions with 0 at the beginning (e.g. 0.5.1) mean that the package is not stable yet and therefore every new feature could be a breaking change

    New documentation, refactoring / maintenance of code and admin tasks do not change the versions.

    You can follow the changes introduced by each version in our CHANGELOG

    Thank you very much to Jeremy Howard and all the nbdev team for enabling the fast and delightful development of this library via the nbdev framework.

    For more details on nbdev , see its official tutorial

    Thank you very much for the developers of the black package, which was also an inspiration for the development of this package


    A Python based SQL formatter


    Python SQL форматирование строки запроса

    Я пытаюсь найти лучший способ форматирования строки запроса sql. Когда я отлаживаю мое приложение, которое я хотел бы зарегистрировать, чтобы записать все строки запроса sql, и это важно, чтобы строка была правильно сформирована. Вариант 1

    def myquery(): sql = "select field1, field2, field3, field4 from table where condition1=1 and condition2=2" con = mymodule.get_connection() . 
    • Это полезно для печати строки sql.
    • Это нехорошее решение, если строка длинная и не соответствует стандартной ширине 80 символов.
    def query(): sql = """ select field1, field2, field3, field4 from table where condition1=1 and condition2=2""" con = mymodule.get_connection() . 
    • Здесь код ясен, но когда вы печатаете строку запроса sql, вы получаете все эти раздражающие пробелы.

    u '\nизбрать поле1, поле2, поле3, поле4\n_ ____ из таблицы \n ____, где условие1 = 1\n ____ _and condition2 = 2 '

    Примечание. Я заменил белые пробелы символом подчеркивания _ , потому что они обрезаны редактором

    def query(): sql = """select field1, field2, field3, field4 from table where condition1=1 and condition2=2""" con = mymodule.get_connection() . 
    def query(): sql = "select field1, field2, field3, field4 " \ "from table " \ "where condition1=1 " \ "and condition2=2 " con = mymodule.get_connection() . 
    • Мне не нравится этот параметр, потому что все дополнительные ввода в каждой строке и также трудно редактировать запрос.

    Для меня лучшим решением будет Вариант 2, но мне не нравятся лишние пробелы при печати строки sql.

    Знаете ли вы какие-либо другие варианты?

    Это то, что люди из Psycopg называют наивным подходом к составлению строк запросов, например, с использованием конкатенации строк - initd.org/psycopg/docs/… . Вместо этого используйте параметры запроса, чтобы избежать атак внедрения SQL-кода и автоматически преобразовывать объекты Python в литералы SQL и из них. stackoverflow.com/questions/3134691/.

    Этот вопрос на самом деле не относится к SQL-запросам, но обычно применяется для форматирования многострочных строк в Python. Тэг SQL должен быть удален.


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