Font style all caps html


The font-variant CSS shorthand property allows you to set all the font variants for a font.

You can also set the CSS Level 2 (Revision 1) values of font-variant , (that is, normal or small-caps ), by using the font shorthand.

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Constituent properties

This property is a shorthand for the following CSS properties:


font-variant: small-caps; font-variant: common-ligatures small-caps; /* Global values */ font-variant: inherit; font-variant: initial; font-variant: revert; font-variant: revert-layer; font-variant: unset; 


Specifies a normal font face. Each longhand property has an initial value of normal .

Sets the value of the font-variant-ligatures as none and the values of the other longhand properties as normal , their initial value.

Specifies the keywords related to the font-variant-ligatures longhand property. The possible values are common-ligatures , no-common-ligatures , discretionary-ligatures , no-discretionary-ligatures , historical-ligatures , no-historical-ligatures , contextual , and no-contextual .

stylistic() , historical-forms , styleset() , character-variant() , swash() , ornaments() , annotation()

Specifies the keywords and functions related to the font-variant-ligatures longhand property.

small-caps , all-small-caps , petite-caps , all-petite-caps , unicase , titling-caps

Specifies the keywords and functions related to the font-variant-caps longhand property.

Specifies the keywords related to the font-variant-numeric longhand property. The possible values are lining-nums , oldstyle-nums , proportional-nums , tabular-nums , diagonal-fractions , stacked-fractions , ordinal , and slashed-zero .

Specifies the keywords related to the font-variant-east-asian longhand property. The possible values are jis78 , jis83 , jis90 , jis04 , simplified , traditional , full-width , proportional-width , and ruby .

Specifies the keywords and functions related to the font-variant-position longhand property.

Specifies the keywords and functions related to the font-variant-emoji longhand property.

Formal definition

Formal syntax

font-variant =
normal |
none |
[ [ || || || ] || [ small-caps | all-small-caps | petite-caps | all-petite-caps | unicase | titling-caps ] || [ stylistic( ) || historical-forms || styleset( # ) || character-variant( # ) || swash( ) || ornaments( ) || annotation( ) ] || [ || || || ordinal || slashed-zero ] || [ || || ruby ] || [ sub | super ] || [ text | emoji | unicode ] ]

common-ligatures |

discretionary-ligatures |

historical-ligatures |

contextual |

Читайте также:  Javascript this and jquery this


lining-nums |

proportional-nums |

diagonal-fractions |

jis78 |
jis83 |
jis90 |
jis04 |
simplified |

full-width |


Setting the small-caps font variant


p class="normal">Firefox rocks!p> p class="small">Firefox rocks!p> 


p.normal  font-variant: normal; > p.small  font-variant: small-caps; > 



Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser

See also

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This page was last modified on Feb 21, 2023 by MDN contributors.

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The font-variant-caps CSS property controls the use of alternate glyphs for capital letters.

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When a given font includes capital letter glyphs of multiple different sizes, this property selects the most appropriate ones. If petite capital glyphs are not available, they are rendered using small capital glyphs. If these are not present, the browser synthesizes them from the uppercase glyphs.

Fonts sometimes include special glyphs for various caseless characters (such as punctuation marks) to better match the capitalized characters around them. However, small capital glyphs are never synthesized for caseless characters.

Language-specific rules

This property accounts for language-specific case mapping rules. For example:

  • In Turkic languages, such as Turkish (tr), Azerbaijani (az), Crimean Tatar (crh), Volga Tatar (tt), and Bashkir (ba), there are two kinds of i (one with the dot, one without) and two case pairings: i / İ and ı / I .
  • In German (de), the ß may become ẞ (U+1E9E) in uppercase.
  • In Greek (el), vowels lose their accent when the whole word is in uppercase ( ά / Α ), except for the disjunctive eta ( ή / Ή ). Also, diphthongs with an accent on the first vowel lose the accent and gain a diacritic on the second vowel ( άι / ΑΪ ).


/* Keyword values */ font-variant-caps: normal; font-variant-caps: small-caps; font-variant-caps: all-small-caps; font-variant-caps: petite-caps; font-variant-caps: all-petite-caps; font-variant-caps: unicase; font-variant-caps: titling-caps; /* Global values */ font-variant-caps: inherit; font-variant-caps: initial; font-variant-caps: revert; font-variant-caps: revert-layer; font-variant-caps: unset; 

The font-variant-caps property is specified using a single keyword value from the list below. In each case, if the font doesn’t support the OpenType value, then it synthesizes the glyphs.


Deactivates of the use of alternate glyphs.

Enables display of small capitals (OpenType feature: smcp ). Small-caps glyphs typically use the form of uppercase letters but are reduced to the size of lowercase letters.

Enables display of small capitals for both upper and lowercase letters (OpenType features: c2sc , smcp ).

Enables display of petite capitals (OpenType feature: pcap ).

Enables display of petite capitals for both upper and lowercase letters (OpenType features: c2pc , pcap ).

Enables display of mixture of small capitals for uppercase letters with normal lowercase letters (OpenType feature: unic ).

Enables display of titling capitals (OpenType feature: titl ). Uppercase letter glyphs are often designed for use with lowercase letters. When used in all uppercase titling sequences they can appear too strong. Titling capitals are designed specifically for this situation.

Accessibility concerns

Large sections of text set with a font-variant value of all-small-caps or all-petite-caps may be difficult for people with cognitive concerns such as Dyslexia to read.

Formal definition

Formal syntax

font-variant-caps =
normal |
small-caps |
all-small-caps |
petite-caps |
all-petite-caps |
unicase |


Setting the small-caps font variant


p class="small-caps">Firefox rocks, small caps!p> p class="normal">Firefox rocks, normal caps!p> 


.small-caps  font-variant-caps: small-caps; font-style: italic; > .normal  font-variant-caps: normal; font-style: italic; > 



Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser

See also

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This page was last modified on Feb 21, 2023 by MDN contributors.

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Portions of this content are ©1998– 2023 by individual contributors. Content available under a Creative Commons license.


All Caps in CSS — How to Uppercase Text with Style

Dillion Megida

Dillion Megida

All Caps in CSS - How to Uppercase Text with Style

When you’re designing a website or working on a project, you might want to use uppercase text for various reasons. Maybe you want to use an abbreviation or acronym, emphasize certain text, or use it for headings.

There are multiple ways to uppercase text in HTML. The first way is to hardcode the uppercase text in HTML:

The second way is to use the toUpperCase() JavaScript String method and render it on the DOM:

const upper = string.toUpperCase() // then render 

The third way, which we will look at in this article, is using the text-transform CSS property.

How to Use text-transform in CSS

You can use the text-transform CSS property to capitalize text in different forms. This property can modify text to be in uppercase, lowercase, or capitalized (so that each word begins with a capital letter and the remaining characters in the word retain their original form).

To transform text to uppercase in CSS, use the following style declaration:

This styles the text in the selected element to uppercase.

This declaration does not change the content of the DOM. For example, take a look at this HTML code:

On the UI, the text is styled like this:


But in the DOM, the text remains the same like this:


When you copy the text on the browser, the original text «Some text» is copied in some browsers, but in others, the styled version is copied.

Should you Use text-transform in CSS or the Other Methods?

If you’re using uppercase for styling purposes, I recommend using CSS. The reason is there can be inconsistencies in how different browsers and browser tools handle uppercased text.

One inconsistency is the copy-pasting differences I mentioned earlier.

Another inconsistency is that some screen readers interpret the uppercase text as abbreviations. So a text like «SOME TEXT» will be read as «S.O.M.E T.E.X.T», which can affect how a reader understands a message.

Although, it is worth noting that some screen readers also interpret text uppercased with CSS as abbreviations.

However, it is recommended to keep styles as styles. If you want to have uppercase text just for style purposes, use CSS, and have the original text in HTML. But if you’re using uppercase for abbreviations or a specific reason to have uppercased text, you can hardcode that in HTML.

You can refer to this tweet on uppercasing without CSS to see discussions around it.

Dillion Megida

Dillion Megida

Developer Advocate and Content Creator passionate about sharing my knowledge on Tech. I simplify JavaScript / ReactJS / NodeJS / Frameworks / TypeScript / et al My YT channel:

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