Firebase cloud functions python

firebase-functions 0.1.1

The Firebase Functions Python SDK provides an SDK for defining Cloud Functions for Firebase.

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Лицензия: Apache License 2.0

Автор: Firebase Team

Метки firebase, functions, google, cloud

Требует: Python >=3.10



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0.1.0rc0 предварительный выпуск

0.0.1rc0 предварительный выпуск

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Source Distribution

Uploaded 6 июл. 2023 г. source

Built Distribution

Uploaded 6 июл. 2023 г. py3

Хеши для firebase_functions-0.1.1.tar.gz

Хеши для firebase_functions-0.1.1.tar.gz
Алгоритм Хеш-дайджест
SHA256 8ec345d92e396144535bcf6a4d85bf2f95ea9fd62ca1c55b5c41b821bab69f5d Копировать
MD5 bd10bf52c961a6aab1de1d9c04af5aa6 Копировать
BLAKE2b-256 de92cfb22c9a977ad21b7aeb6535d3d0c2f367095f3ee3d7a708243153b8a0f7 Копировать

Хеши для firebase_functions-0.1.1-py3-none-any.whl

Хеши для firebase_functions-0.1.1-py3-none-any.whl
Алгоритм Хеш-дайджест
SHA256 296322a01385c2d9d8b5e6e8d9bda846bd4d3913d6d6241e137d148c4b4a78d6 Копировать
MD5 54417347f8395034c7d6d5cb6a5150e1 Копировать
BLAKE2b-256 c1829ab74b8a496515555b6fa6c1adcdc948ac147fc03ea8ceeb26d5cc10f0a1 Копировать



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Cloud Functions for Firebase Python SDK (Public Preview)

The firebase-functions package provides an SDK for defining Cloud Functions for Firebase in Python.

Cloud Functions provides hosted, private, and scalable environment where you can run server code. The Firebase SDK for Cloud Functions integrates the Firebase platform by letting you write code that responds to events and invokes functionality exposed by other Firebase features.

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Learn more

Learn more about the Firebase SDK for Cloud Functions in the Firebase documentation or check out our samples.

Here are some resources to get help:

  • Start with the quickstart:
  • Go through the guide:
  • Read the full API reference:
  • Browse some examples:

If the official documentation doesn’t help, try asking through our official support channels:


# functions/ from firebase_functions import db_fn from notify_users import api @db_fn.on_value_created(reference="/posts/") def new_post(event): print(f"Received new post with ID: ") return notifyUsers( 

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