Find which python modules are installed

How to find where python modules are installed

Then type: For example to find out «pygal» location: Output: Solution 3: On Windows machine python modules are located at (system drive and python version may vary): Solution 2: On python command line, first import that module for which you need location.

Where are the python modules stored?

Usually in /lib/site-packages in your Python folder. (At least, on Windows.)

You can use sys.path to find out what directories are searched for modules.

On python command line, first import that module for which you need location.

For example to find out «pygal» location:

import pygal print(pygal.__file__) 

On Windows machine python modules are located at (system drive and python version may vary):


How to locate a particular module in Python?, Method 1: Using os module. For a pure python module we can locate its source by module_name.__file__. This will return the location where the module’s .py file exists. To get the directory we can use os.path.dirname () method in os module. For example if we want to know the location of ‘random’ module …

How to find out the Python library installation path?

If the packages have already been installed, you could just import them, and look into their __file__ property:

>>> import mymodule >>> print mymodule.__file__ '/path/to/' 

Nearly found a solution to this problem. I refereed to this question and this question so thanks to answers given there.

Firstly you’ll need to get a list of all installed modules into a list. Use this question to capture the output of the solution to this question.

Now you have a list of all installed python modules. You will need to see the format of list and then format it properly to get individual elements as the names of the modules.

Then you can import the modules from their names as strings as explained here. Then as alejandro already said mymodule.__file__ contains the paths.

This is one solution that should work. Not very elegant but I am just a Python beginner who is better at google search than Python

I found a much easier way to find where modules are. This might be the «elegent» solution that OP was looking for.

From the Python docs about sys module sys.path contains

A list of strings that specifies the search path for modules. Initialized from the environment variable PYTHONPATH, plus an installation-dependent default.

A quick command line way of doing this is as follows:

% python3 -c "import sys; print(list(filter(lambda s: s.find('packages') > -1, sys.path)))" 

This will list all packages folders for python3. For example:

['/home/toor/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages', '/home/toor/.pyenv/versions/3.7.9/lib/python3.7/site-packages'] 

If looking or the executable path:

% python3 -c "import sys; print(sys.executable)" 
% /home/toor/.pyenv/versions/3.7.9/bin/python3 

Where Are Python Packages Installed, Python Installation. Created: May-19, 2021. Use the pip Command to List the Packages Installed. Use the conda Command to List the Locally Installed Packages. Use the python Command to List the Packages Installed. Use the distutils.sysconfig Module to List the Packages Installed. Use the sysconfig …

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How to view installed Python packages

pip list will show you installed packages in your environment.

Sublime is a text editor, not an IDE, and therefore does have this feature built in. I’m unaware of extensions that offer similar functionality. Your interpreter will determine where to check for packages when the script is ran, not Sublime.

From your command-line prompt:

>> pip3 install dropbox >> pip3 list # alternatively, pip3 show dropbox . dropbox 9.4.0 . >> python3 path/to/my/dropbox/using/ 

pip3 show will list information about the package including where it is located.

Installed packages are kept in this directory: C:\Python\Lib\site-packages

There is a pip command called list . Use this command to see all packages you have installed. There are also some options to use along with this command. See the » pip list documentation for more information.

If the package has been installed elsewhere, you can find the installation location using the show your_package command. This command will show all information about the installed package.

Name: dropbox Version: 9.4.0 Summary: Official Dropbox API Client Home-page: Author: Dropbox Author-email: License: MIT License Location: c:\users\jean extreme\appdata\local\programs\python\python36\lib\site-packages Requires: six, requests Required-by: 

Try importing dropbox to find out if it works:

import dropbox print("It works :)") 

You can use pip list or pip list > requirements.txt and process the file manualy to generate a requirements file to no virtual enviroments.

Where are the python modules stored?, Python Modules are usually stored in /lib/site-packages in your Python folder. If you want to see what directories Python checks when importing modules, you can log the following: You can also list where individual modules being used by a script (say reside on the system using the python -v …

How do I get a list of locally installed Python modules?


How to find Python List Installed Modules and Version using pip?

Do you want to know all the Python version installed on your system?

I have also recorded a video with a live demo. You can watch or else continue reading.

The main strength of the Python is, the wide range of external libraries are available. As we keep coding in Python, we install many packages. It is easy getting a Python list installed modules on the system. There are a couple of ways you can do that.

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Following are the two ways that will work for you to get this list…

1. Using help() function (without pip):

The simplest way is to open a Python console and type the following command…

This will gives you a list of the installed module on the system. This list contains modules and packages that come pre-installed with your Python and all other you have installed explicitly.

Here is an example of running help function on my system (Python version 2).

list of Python modules using help function example

You don’t need to install any external module to get this list with help() function. But this command does not give you any other information about the package.

If you want to know the version of each installed modules, you can use pip program.

2. Using pip to find Python list installed modules and their Versions:

To find the list of Python packages installed on the system, you can use pip program.

Those who don’t know about pip, it is the best program which is used to install and to manage other Python packages on your system. For more understanding, you can check the complete guide for managing Python modules using pip.

If you have the latest version of Python, pip comes preinstalled with Python.

Run following commands on the command line (not on Python console). You get the complete list of installed Python modules with their versions.

Here is an example of listing Python package you have installed on your system using the pip tool.

list of Python modules using pip freeze example

Unlike help function, it does not list down preinstalled Python packages.

You can see all the Python packages followed by their version.

Note: Before running this command, ensure if there is a pip installed on your system. For Python version 2.7+ and 3.4+, it comes pre-installed with Python.

The format of the output list of both commands is totally different. Suppose you are using these command in shell scripting. You can choose any of the commands which you find easy for parsing the output package list and get the information.

If you already have parsing code for any of the output from two commands, you can use that command.

Related Read: Why you should learn Shell scripting? (Python vs Shell Scripting)

For more detail about any specific module, run command.

It returns the name of the module/package, version, author, author email, license, location of the installed module and requires.

You can get the author’s email. You can reach out to the author for any specific query related to the Python package.

If you are using python code for commercial purpose, knowing the package’s license is important.

How to Check if Python module is installed?

You can use pip commands with grep command to search for any specific module installed on your system.

For instance, you can also list out all installed modules with the suffix “re” in the module name.

How to count the number of Python modules installed on your system?

You can use wc (word count) command.

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Note: grep and wc commands only work with Linux based systems.

What is the use of these commands?

  • You can use these commands to list out all the installed modules on your system. Later you can use this list to set up a new identical environment.
  • If you face any issue in installed Python package, running these commands make debugging easier.
  • Knowing Python module version, you can update the module if a new version of the module is available.

In an upcoming article, I will share, how you can write a Python program to get a list of Python packages and save them in a list.

If you find these commands useful for Python list installed modules, share with your friends. Feel free to write a comment if you have any question regarding handling Python packages.


Where Are Python Packages Installed

Where Are Python Packages Installed

  1. Use the pip Command to List the Packages Installed
  2. Use the conda Command to List the Locally Installed Packages
  3. Use the python Command to List the Packages Installed
  4. Use the distutils.sysconfig Module to List the Packages Installed
  5. Use the sysconfig Module to List the Packages Installed

A package in Python can be defined as a directory that contains Python files. These files are usually Python Modules.

As the program grows larger and gets more complex, similar modules are positioned in a package, which helps in making the program easier to manage and have better readability. This approach is often called Modular Programming, and packages help in achieving it.

The file must be contained inside the directory in order for Python to consider it as a Package. This file usually has the initialization code for the package, but it can be left empty.

This tutorial will discuss different methods to find the directories in which python packages are installed.

Use the pip Command to List the Packages Installed

In Python, the packages can be installed both globally and locally.

A package, when installed globally, is available to all the users in the system. The same package, when installed locally, would only be available to the user that manually installed it.

By default, the pip command installs the packages globally.

The following code uses the pip command to list the packages installed globally.

# we can also use "pip list command" pip freeze 

Although, by default, the pip command installs packages globally, the packages that have been manually installed locally can also be seen using this command.

The following code uses the pip command to list the packages installed locally.

# we can also use "pip list --user" pip freeze --user 

Use the conda Command to List the Locally Installed Packages

This method works only for programmers working on Anaconda IDE. It is possible to list the locally installed package in a conda environment. To execute this, we just have to write a single line of code in the Anaconda prompt.


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