Find thread by name java

Find thread by name java

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[Solved]-Get Thread By Name-android-Java

You can find all active threads using ThreadGroup:

  • Get your current thread’s group
  • Work your way up the threadgroup hierarchy by calling ThreadGroup.getParent() until you find a group with a null parent.
  • Call ThreadGroup.enumerate() to find all threads on the system.
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The value of doing this completely escapes me . what will you possibly do with a named thread? Unless you’re subclassing Thread when you should be implementing Runnable (which is sloppy programming to start with).

That’s how I did it on the basis of this:

/* MIGHT THROW NULL POINTER */ Thread getThreadByName(String name) < // Get current Thread Group ThreadGroup threadGroup = Thread.currentThread().getThreadGroup(); ThreadGroup parentThreadGroup; while ((parentThreadGroup = threadGroup.getParent()) != null) < threadGroup = parentThreadGroup; >// List all active Threads final ThreadMXBean threadMXBean = ManagementFactory.getThreadMXBean(); int nAllocated = threadMXBean.getThreadCount(); int n = 0; Thread[] threads; do < nAllocated *= 2; threads = new Thread[nAllocated]; n = threadGroup.enumerate(threads, true); >while (n == nAllocated); threads = Arrays.copyOf(threads, n); // Get Thread by name for (Thread thread : threads) < System.out.println(thread.getName()); if (thread.getName().equals(name)) < return thread; >> return null; > 

I like the HashMap idea best, but if you want to keep the Set, you can iterate over the Set, rather than going through the setup of converting to an array:

Iterator i = threadSet.iterator(); while(i.hasNext()) < Thread t =; if(t.getName().equals(threadName)) return t; >return null; 

Pete B. 3112

An iteration of Pete’s answer..

public Thread getThreadByName(String threadName) < for (Thread t : Thread.getAllStackTraces().keySet()) < if (t.getName().equals(threadName)) return t; >return null; > 

VicVu 6883

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