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How to display pdf file in HTML

I have an auto generated PDF file by itext and I need to display that PDF file in HTML. My question is: How to display a local PDF file in HTML using pdf.js? Should that PDF file be generated by some standards?


Implementation of a PDF file in your HTML web-page is very easy.

Make sure to change the width and height for your needs.Good luck!


If you want to use pdf.js, I suggest you to read THIS

You can also upload your pdf somewhere (like Google Drive) and use its URL in a iframe


I use Google Docs embeddable PDF viewer. The docs don’t have to be uploaded to Google Docs, but they do have to be available online.


In html page for pc is easy to implement

but pdf show in mobile by this code is not possible you must need a plugin

if you have not responsive your site. Then above code pdf not show in mobile but you can put download option after the code


you can display easly in a html page like this


I’ve had something similar before and used normally tags

but it’s interesting to find out some other ways as above!


    Any Browser « Use _Embeddable Google Document Viewer to embed the PDF file in iframe .

width="100%" height="500" alt="pdf" pluginspage="http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html"
background-color="0xFF525659" top-toolbar-height="56" full-frame="" internalinstanceid="21"

image is an artifact that depicts visual perception

Streaming an Image form Response Stream (binary data) « This buffers the output in smaller chunks of data rather than sending the entire image as a single block.

Red dot

Streaming an Image form Base64 String « embedding images directly into your HTML.

Data URI scheme

, Convert Your Image to Base64

data:[<media type>][;base64],<data>


Using Javascript, it is possible to display a PDF file in HTML via Mozilla’s PDF.JS library. See here for a demo.

There is also a PDF Viewer Javascript plugin to embed PDF files. Here is a demo. (the plugin is not free)


The simplest way is to use,

and if its still getting downloaded instead of viewing, check the server response header, it should have, Content-Disposition:Inline and not, Content-Disposition:Attachment .


Html – Change background color in PDF viewer using either embed, object or iframe methods

Here is a simple example using object tags (I get the same result with embed and iframe tags):

Best Solution

You can but cannot!

I mean, Every browser (Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari, etc.) use their own PDF engine for displaying embedded PDF Files. You can use JavaScript or jQuery to detect the element which has the grey color and change it to white but you’ll have to do this for every browser available in the market which is nearly impossible. Moreover, Web Browsers do not provide you an API for this.

The only better solution for this is to make your own PDF Viewer: You can use this https://mozilla.github.io/pdf.js/ opensource package (By Mozilla) to get it done.

Html – Embed a local PDF in HTML page

I had a similar problem a while ago, unfortunately there is no way of directly embedding a local file of any kind into a webpage.

Four solutions (neither that nice):

  1. Build a signed (so it can access the client’s computer) java app with an embedded PDF viewer using http://djproject.sourceforge.net/ns/ (or try to open the file using the default viewer). This applet could then be embedded in the webpage.
  2. In HTML and a server side language, build an upload script to upload the PDF on the client’s computer to a temp dir on your server, then display this PDF through another page.
  3. Create an html page with the PDF embed code and the file:// at the beginning (giving an absolute path). Use headers to indicate this page is to be downloaded rather than viewed. The user would then open the file in their browser which would let the PDF be viewed (because the webpage is local, from the same IP address). This would work in IE, Opera but not Chrome, FF or Safari.
  4. (What I would do) Make an application (.exe) in say Visual Studio C++. Embed the PDF viewer as activex, using the known url to the PDF (which could be stored in a static char array so your server side script could directly edit the exe to put the PDFs path in it). Then I would use the browser component to embed a browser next to the PDF on the screen — thus showing your online webpage next to the PDF, even if one can’t be embedded in the other.
Html – How to embed a PDF viewer in a page

You could consider using PDFObject by Philip Hutchison.

Alternatively, if you’re looking for a non-Javascript solution, you could use markup like this:


Html to pdf node js background color

Solution 1: You can use inbuilt print window dialogue box where user can choose print in whatever size they want It can be done by using an onclick function with your pdfgenertaor button Let me know if it work or not Solution 2: Solution 2: This would overlap your text with you Image (will act as background image).

Export html text to PDF (with inline styles). backgound-color does not work

Exporting Html string to pdf in c#.Net web application

Response.ContentType = "application/pdf"; Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment;filename=LetterListing.pdf"); Response.Cache.SetCacheability(HttpCacheability.NoCache); StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(PrintLetter()); HtmlTextWriter hw = new HtmlTextWriter(sw); StringReader sr = new StringReader(sw.ToString()); Document pdfDoc = new Document(PageSize.A2, 7f, 7f, 7f, 0f); HTMLWorker htmlparser = new HTMLWorker(pdfDoc); PdfWriter.GetInstance(pdfDoc, Response.OutputStream); pdfDoc.Open(); htmlparser.Parse(sr); pdfDoc.Close(); Response.Write(pdfDoc); Response.End(); 

How to convert whole html design to pdf with javascript, Teams. Q&A for work. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Learn more

Generating PDF from a HTML page

You can use inbuilt print window dialogue box where user can choose print in whatever size they want

It can be done by using an onclick function with your pdfgenertaor button

Let me know if it work or not

If you want a solution which works inside the browser, you can create the PDF-button metioned earlier (https://stackoverflow.com/a/71439381/16342675) and then use several CSS media-queries to design your page for printing.

Media queries are explained here: https://developer.mozilla.org/de/docs/Web/CSS/@media

For hiding the button you could write some CSS like:

Just combine both previous answers, the page button to invoke «save as PDF» OR other user choice of printout, will not show in the print media as shown here.

    @media print < #button < display: none; >> table < border-collapse: collapse; width: 50%; align-self: center; >th, td < text-align: left; padding: 8px; >tr:nth-child(even) th 
Display Data using Node.js & MySQL %>
Date Description Debit Credit
) %> else < %>
No Data Found

Node.js — Add image in header using html-pdf node, I am using this to convert the html to PDF.The conversions are really good.But the problem is to add header and footer in the PDF pages.In the options if i add the header text i got the result what i . Stack Overflow. About; Products For Teams; Stack Overflow Public questions & answers; Stack Overflow for Teams …

Embedding a background image in pdfmake

Turns out that in order to set an image as the background, one needs to decide on the .pdf output size, size the bkg image appropriately and then indicate all dimensions in the function as follows (I’m using AngularJS with this):

$scope.pdfMaker = function() < var docDefinition = < pageSize: 'LETTER', background: [ < image: '. ', width: 792 >], //other parameters go here > 

Indicating pageSize and width of the image was crucial to having the image appear in the background.

Let me know if there are errors in this method or if anyone had success doing it in a simpler way.

This would overlap your text with you Image (will act as background image). This solution can work for multiple images as well.

You can also use the background property

which allows you to spcify the width of the image and use the absolutePosition to give it a position that suits your use case

How To Convert HTML To PDF Using JavaScript, Creating an HTML Page for converting the HTML to PDF. Add the following table in your HTML page. I will demonstrate how to generate PDF file of your HTML page with CSS using JavaScript and J query. Add the style of this HTML page. Add the «Print» button in this page, above the form tag. Add the following …

Adding page border to HTML/PDF generation in Node/Puppeteer/Handlebars

You can access styling for the page like so:

So by adding the above to the handlebars template you’re able to add the desired 10px of margin to the top and bottom of the document.

Search Code Snippets, html to pdf node js background color manually parsing pdf in node.js generate pdfs from html & css with node.js using puppeteer node js serve pdf file pdf extract text nodejs how to dynamically populate pdf with pdfmake node how to upload pdf and send to client on nodejs nodejs extract pdf data nodejs create pdf extract data …


Html – Change background color in PDF viewer using either embed, object or iframe methods

Here is a simple example using object tags (I get the same result with embed and iframe tags):

Best Solution

You can but cannot!

I mean, Every browser (Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari, etc.) use their own PDF engine for displaying embedded PDF Files. You can use JavaScript or jQuery to detect the element which has the grey color and change it to white but you’ll have to do this for every browser available in the market which is nearly impossible. Moreover, Web Browsers do not provide you an API for this.

The only better solution for this is to make your own PDF Viewer: You can use this https://mozilla.github.io/pdf.js/ opensource package (By Mozilla) to get it done.

Html – Embed a local PDF in HTML page

I had a similar problem a while ago, unfortunately there is no way of directly embedding a local file of any kind into a webpage.

Four solutions (neither that nice):

  1. Build a signed (so it can access the client’s computer) java app with an embedded PDF viewer using http://djproject.sourceforge.net/ns/ (or try to open the file using the default viewer). This applet could then be embedded in the webpage.
  2. In HTML and a server side language, build an upload script to upload the PDF on the client’s computer to a temp dir on your server, then display this PDF through another page.
  3. Create an html page with the PDF embed code and the file:// at the beginning (giving an absolute path). Use headers to indicate this page is to be downloaded rather than viewed. The user would then open the file in their browser which would let the PDF be viewed (because the webpage is local, from the same IP address). This would work in IE, Opera but not Chrome, FF or Safari.
  4. (What I would do) Make an application (.exe) in say Visual Studio C++. Embed the PDF viewer as activex, using the known url to the PDF (which could be stored in a static char array so your server side script could directly edit the exe to put the PDFs path in it). Then I would use the browser component to embed a browser next to the PDF on the screen — thus showing your online webpage next to the PDF, even if one can’t be embedded in the other.
Html – How to embed a PDF viewer in a page

You could consider using PDFObject by Philip Hutchison.

Alternatively, if you’re looking for a non-Javascript solution, you could use markup like this:


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