Exaple of pre tag.

HTML: Вставка компьютерного кода в HTML

При ведении учебных блогов по программированию, либо при написании статей, возникает необходимость продемонстрировать код. В каждом уроке на Code Basics есть такие блоки:

Для создания блока с кодом используется тег , внутри которого записывается код на любом языке программирования.

// Пример кода на JavaScript const square = (num) => < return num * num; >; 

Тег часто используют вместе с тегом , что позволяет сохранить форматирование. Если тег не используется, то переносы строк нужно контролировать самостоятельно, например, оборачивая каждую строку в тег


Важно, что все теги внутри будут обработаны браузером, по этой причине внутри используются специальные символы. Также частое решение — оборачивание названия тега в отдельный тег, например :

 <p>Вставляем тег p в виде простого текста </p> 


Добавьте любой текст в тег и вставьте его в редактор. Попробуйте различные варианты текстов

Если вы зашли в тупик, то самое время задать вопрос в «Обсуждениях». Как правильно задать вопрос:

  • Обязательно приложите вывод тестов, без него практически невозможно понять что не так, даже если вы покажете свой код. Программисты плохо исполняют код в голове, но по полученной ошибке почти всегда понятно, куда смотреть.

Тесты устроены таким образом, что они проверяют решение разными способами и на разных данных. Часто решение работает с одними входными данными, но не работает с другими. Чтобы разобраться с этим моментом, изучите вкладку «Тесты» и внимательно посмотрите на вывод ошибок, в котором есть подсказки.

Это нормально 🙆, в программировании одну задачу можно выполнить множеством способов. Если ваш код прошел проверку, то он соответствует условиям задачи.

В редких случаях бывает, что решение подогнано под тесты, но это видно сразу.

Создавать обучающие материалы, понятные для всех без исключения, довольно сложно. Мы очень стараемся, но всегда есть что улучшать. Если вы встретили материал, который вам непонятен, опишите проблему в «Обсуждениях». Идеально, если вы сформулируете непонятные моменты в виде вопросов. Обычно нам нужно несколько дней для внесения правок.

Кстати, вы тоже можете участвовать в улучшении курсов: внизу есть ссылка на исходный код уроков, который можно править прямо из браузера.

Читайте также:  Django rest framework css


How to show HTML code on a web page?

In this tutorial you will learn how we can show our HTML, C#, Java, C language etc. code on webpage.

I tried to find the solution of this problem, but I didn’t found any helpful solution on the internet. Here you will get your problem solution in easy way.

If you found any difficulty and mistakes in this tutorial please let me know by posting comment in comment box or send me message in contact us form.

Types of tag to display code on webpage.

The tag that is use to show the coding of html, java c etc on page are given below.

Introduction of




tag is use to display or show the all language coding as same on HTML webpage. We will use HTML


tag to display or show the coding on our HTML webpage. With the help of


tag we can do it.



tag we write or paste our HTML, C#, Java, C etc. code. It will show or display same code as you written or pasted in



You can see the output below.



Step 1.

Open your Notepad or Adobe Dreamweaver or any other HTML editor. I am using Adobe Dreamweaver. I am suggesting to you use Notepad for better practice.

To open the Notepad press window + r and type notepad, then press enter. Or you can find in start menu.

Start Menu All programs Accessories Notepad.

Step 2.

Let’s start working with





tag we show the HTML angle brackets ( ) tags with help of & lt ; ( less then angle bracket) and & gt ; (> greater then angle bracket).

Let suppose you want to display a tag in


tag then we will use above angle brackets.


I hope now you have understood the concept of


tag. Now our beginning level has been finished.

Now we will work on our different language coding like html, c#, java, etc. which we want to show on webpage.

Step 3.

First create


tag and copy the below html code and paste it in between



You will see the HTML angle brackets I replaced with & lt ; and & gt ; angle brackets because we want to display or show it on webpage.


&lt;html&gt; &lt;head&gt; &lt;title&gt;Welcome to campuslife.&lt;/title&gt; &lt;/head&gt; &lt;body&gt; &lt;h1&gt;Campuslife Wesbite&lt;/h1&gt; &lt;h2&gt;My first page.&lt;/h2&gt; &lt;p&gt; Campuslife is a free learning source website for users. &lt;p&gt; &lt;/body&gt; &lt;/html&gt; 

Step 4.

Now we will apply the css to above HTML code. First create the class of your


tag like below.

I have created mycode class for my



Now apply the CSS to your


tag for better presentation. First create CSS

tag in between .. tag like below.


Now copy the below CSS code and paste it in between


Step 5. Final Step

Now save your file with any name with .html extension. Like mypage.html. After saving the file open the file by double click on it. It will be open in browser. Now you will see your coding on webpage same as in editor it is.



Campuslife Wesbite

My first page.

Campuslife is a free learning source website for users.


How to display code snippets in HTML?

Indie maker with a passion for SEO working on web projects. Ex-mobile dev-agency owner. Now, helping early stage founders turn their side projects into businesses.

You want your code snippets to look ‘pretty,’ but do you know how to display them properly in HTML and make them awesome? Do you want to display formatted code on your custom or WordPress blogs but don’t know the best resources, plugins, or libraries to do it? In this tutorial, I will share with you the possible easiest ways to display code snippets in HTML, along with examples.

Why do you need to display code snippets in HTML?

Showcasing code in HTML can be beneficial if you want to share your programming knowledge with your audience in the shape of code snippets. Let’s say you have a blog and you’re writing a technical guide with some code examples. You want to demonstrate parts of this code in your article with the proper format and styling. In that case, you will need a way to present them.

Normally, when you try to indent the text inside HTML tags. It ignores the line breaks and renders single lines. But, in

(preformatted) tag, spaces and line breaks aren't ignored. Just look into the simple text example below: You can easily print the code with the same approach. Just place it inside 
tag, and that's it. There is another tag combined with 
tag, which gives more semantic meaning to search engines. The HTML code tag. tag is used for the piece of computer code. Usually, you include this tag inside of the 
tag to tell a browser, and Google that’s a block of code you want to display, not to render. Here is an example:

Encode Reserved tags into HTML entities

What if you want to display the HTML code block using the

tag? Looking at the example below, you will see that the entered HTML code has been rendered but not displayed because of reserved characters. To fix this issue, you will need to use HTML entities. Like this: Now, don't get yourself confused. There are tools available to convert HTML tags into HTML entities to make your life easier. For example, you can use Text HTML entities Convertor or HTML Encode.

Syntax highlighting of code blocks

And if you're using WordPress, you can use the plugin Prismatic by Jeff Starr.

Using PrismJS to style your code block in 3 easy steps

  1. Download the JavaScript and CSS files of Prismjs or use CDN
  2. Now, link the CSS files inside the head section and the JavaScript file at the bottom
  3. Use the pre-defined class names in tag

You can use PrismJS for different languages like CSS, JavaScript, Go, PHP, etc.

Colors schemes vary on the style or theme you choose, like:

There are endless customizations that you can do to highlight your code blocks.

Some useful List of plugins are:

  • Line Numbers
  • Line Highlight
  • Show Language
  • Command Line
  • Highlight Keywords
  • and much more

By default, plugins are not included in downloaded files.

Before downloading the files, you must enable or select your desired plugins and languages.

Adding line numbers to code block:

Or copy to clipboard option:


So far, you've learned about sharing code snippets on a website by displaying them through preformatted and computer code tags.

You have also learned about JS libraries and the WordPress plugin to integrate into your blog or website.

But now, what if you want to share useful code snippets with the team or friends in a more modern and smarter way?

Here comes the new code snippets manager by Codiga. It allows you to add, manage, and share code snippets within your chosen IDE. We provide plugins for VS Code, IntelliJ/Jetbrains and Google Chrome.


What is a code snippet?

In simple words, a code snippet is a block of code you can utilize in various programming projects. Code snippets are useful for reducing the time it takes to create software by allowing developers to reuse code.

Is it good approach to use tag inside tag?

Yes, if you want to display the computer/programming code, then using inside tag is recommended.

How to organize code snippets efficiently?

You can use smart code snippets to organize your code blocks; the best part is you can instantly share them with your team or the world!

Is there a way to embed code snippets into the website without javascript?

Yes, there is a way to display code snippets on the website without using the JavaScript library. You can use the and tags to insert preformatted text or source code and style them accordingly.

Do you recommend to use 3rd party libraries for Syntax Highlighting?

Yes, using a 3rd party solution for syntax highlighting on your websites is beneficial. I prefer Prism, a feature-rich Syntax Highlighting JS library.

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