Error loading python dll python38 dll

Error python38.dll not found while using Merge method in Pyinstaller

Following line used to work, but now returns an error message: Someone suggested adding the dll folder to the dll search path. Solution: OK, I figured-out the issue: Python returned error message: «Could not find module ‘mydll.dll'» whether is had a problem locating mydll, or another dll that mydll depends upon .

Error python38.dll not found while using Merge method in Pyinstaller

I have two EXE’s let’s say one.exe and two.exe which were created using Pyinstaller (as —onefile). The one.exe(74 MB in size) calls two.exe(50 MB in size) upon execution. Since these are bundled EXE’s they extract all the files to the temporary folder first and then use them. so upon running one.exe, it takes about 40sec to unbundle and start the actual program, and then after the one.exe calls the two.exe, it takes another 40 secs. I am trying to bring down the loading times of the exe’s so, I am using the Merge method to combine the spec files of both EXE’s and make use of shared resources as mentioned in this Link . I also followed this Link to try out different things to get it working but the two.exe is not able to use shared python.dll I am able to create the exe’s successfully but after running the two.exe it gives me this error, how do I make it work.

Any help would be appreciated.

here is the spec file I used:

la_block_cipher = None la_options = [('W ignore', None, 'OPTION') ] da_block_cipher = None la = Analysis(['C:\\Rohith\\python\\'], pathex=['C:\\Rohith\\python'], binaries=[], datas=[ ('C:\\Rohith\\python\\','.'), ('C:\\Rohith\\python\\pages','pages'), ('C:\\Rohith\\python\\static','static'), ], hiddenimports=[], hookspath=[], hooksconfig=<>, runtime_hooks=[], excludes=['PySide', 'asyncio', 'curses', 'overlapped', 'PyQt4', 'scipy', 'matplotlib', 'tornado', 'MySQLdb', 'psycopg2', 'win32com','tkinter','PyQt6','PyQt5'], win_no_prefer_redirects=False, win_private_assemblies=False, cipher=la_block_cipher, noarchive=False) da = Analysis(['C:\\Rohith\\python\\'], pathex=['C:\\Rohith\\python'], binaries=[], datas=[ ('C:\\Rohith\\python\\','.'), ('C:\\Rohith\\python\\pages','pages'), ('C:\\Rohith\\python\\static','static'), ], hiddenimports=[], hookspath=[], hooksconfig=<>, runtime_hooks=[], excludes=['PySide', 'PyQt4', 'scipy', 'matplotlib', 'tornado', 'MySQLdb', 'psycopg2', 'win32com','tkinter','PyQt6','PyQt5'], win_no_prefer_redirects=False, win_private_assemblies=False, cipher=da_block_cipher, noarchive=False) MERGE((la, 'ONE', 'ONE'),(da, 'TWO', 'TWO')) la_pyz = PYZ(la.pure, la.zipped_data, cipher=la_block_cipher) da_pyz = PYZ(da.pure, da.zipped_data, cipher=da_block_cipher) la_exe = EXE(la_pyz, la.scripts, la.binaries, la.zipfiles, la.datas, [], name='ONE', debug=False, bootloader_ignore_signals=False, strip=False, upx=True, upx_exclude=[], runtime_tmpdir=None, console=True, disable_windowed_traceback=False, target_arch=None, codesign_identity=None, entitlements_file=None ) # -*- mode: python ; coding: utf-8 -*- da_exe = EXE(da_pyz, da.scripts, da.binaries, da.zipfiles, da.datas, [], name='TWO', debug=False, bootloader_ignore_signals=False, strip=False, upx=True, upx_exclude=[], runtime_tmpdir=None, console=True, disable_windowed_traceback=False, target_arch=None, codesign_identity=None, entitlements_file=None ) coll = COLLECT(la_exe, la.binaries, la.zipfiles, la.datas, da_exe, da.binaries, da.zipfiles, da.datas, strip=False, upx=True, upx_exclude=[], name='Combined_Foo', ) 
  1. Make separate spec files for each.
  2. Then combine them into a single spec file.
  3. Make sure the pathex in the analysis is correct and verify each component’s paths inside the datas.
  4. if the exe still loads slow, try to sign the exe. By this, I’m to add a digital signature to the EXE. This will prevent windows from flagging EXE as a threat.
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Python 3.8 not loading C dll

My working code broke after upgrading to Python 3.8.1. Following line used to work, but now returns an error message:

cdll.LoadLibrary('mydllpath/mydll.dll') ==> Could not find module 'mydll.dll'. Try using the full path with constructor syntax. 

Someone suggested adding the dll folder to the dll search path. So I changed the code to:

 os.chdir('mydllpath') print(os.listdir()) # Proof of success os.add_dll_directory('mydllpath') cdll.LoadLibrary('my.dll') # cdll.LoadLibrary('mydllpath/my.dll') # Also unsuccessful 

Well, the print() on second line of code lists mydll.dll as one of the files in the directory, but Python/cdll still returns the exact same error message: «Could not find . »
Looking for ideas/suggestions. Thanks .

OK, I figured-out the issue: Python returned error message: «Could not find module ‘mydll.dll'» whether is had a problem locating mydll, or another dll that mydll depends upon . Python 3.8.2 also makes the error message a bit more descriptive.
In my case, mydll.dll depends on a widely used dll located one level-up the directory tree. Once I added that folder to my search path using os.add_dll_directory(), the program started working again.

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Where do I get the Python DLLs for Visual Studio?

This is probably a pretty stupid question but surprisingly I have been unable to find any information about it (partly due to there being so many different variations on the theme of Python & C clogging up my search results).

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I want to build an application in C++ that can be extended using Python. To this end the application should able to execute Python scripts which can in turn call methods provided by the application. I specifically want to be able to do this on Windows.

I’ve examined the source of the Blender project ( and I found a set of header files from Python and some binaries (python34.dll, python34.lib). Where do I get these binaries officially? I can’t find a package of them anywhere, nor can I work out if one of the source packages is supposed to compile into them. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

They are part of the Python 3.4 Windows installation. The library file is in c:\python34\libs and the DLL is in c:\python34\DLLs. Assuming c:\python34 is the Python installation folder.

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Import of DLL with pythonnet

I am trying to import and use a DLL in python. Therefore I am using pythonnet.

import sys import clr sys.path.append('C:\PathToDllFolder') clr.AddReference('MyDll.dll') 

However the code yields the following error:

Traceback (most recent call last): File "E:\NET\", line 6, in clr.AddReference('MyDll.dll') System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Unable to find assembly 'MyDll.dll'. bei Python.Runtime.CLRModule.AddReference(String name) 

Target runtime of the DLL is: v4.0.30319

Is there any way to find out why the import is failing and how i can fix it?

(If necessary i can also provide the DLL)

This is how it works for me. Dll sits in ‘/SDK/dll/some_net64.dll’ Note: no .dll extension needed.

import os, sys, clr dll_dir = './SDK/dll/' dllname = 'some_net64' path = r'%s%s' % (dll_dir, dllname) sys.path.append(os.getcwd()) clr.AddReference(path) 

clr.AddReference() is bad at describing the error. A better way to find out why the import fails is to use this.

#use this section of code for troubleshooting from clr import System from System import Reflection full_filename = r'C:\foo\bar\MyDll.dll' Reflection.Assembly.LoadFile(full_filename) #this elaborate the error in details 

One possibility is that the system knows that your DLL is downloaded from somewhere else (even Dropbox sync counts) and does not allow you to use that DLL file. In that case, you can download a tool from and run this command to remove all those flags from the DLL file.

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After that, the import with clr.AddReference() should work.

In python strings «\» is an escape character. To have truly a backslash character in a Python string, you need to add a second one: «\\» .

Change sys.path.append(‘C:\PathToDllFolder’) to sys.path.append(‘C:\\PathToDllFolder’) .

I am not sure about clr.AddReference(‘MyDll.dll’) , the version without .dll should work: clr.AddReference(‘MyDll’)

use absolute path to your dll

import clr clr.AddReference('C:\PathToDllFolder\MyDll.dll') 

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