Error code 1601 при установке java

Java: error code 1601 fix — how to

In rare cases, it may happen that the Installation of Java fails with the error code 1601. We will explain you how to solve the Problem, and Java can use.

Error 1601 in the Java Installation fix — method 1

Cancels the Installation of Java with error code 1601, you should first start your PC, and then a re-installation attempt to perform. If this fails, follow these steps:

  1. Press the key combination [Win] + [R] to open the Run Dialog. Type the command «services.msc» (without the quotes) and confirm with «OK».
  2. In the list of «services (local)» find the entry «Windows Installer» and open it with a double click.
  3. The startup type should be set to Disabled to»», change it to «Manual». Then click on the «Start» Button. Now try to install Java again.

Error 1601 in the Java Installation fix — method 2

  1. Open the Run Dialog of Windows by pressing the key combination [Win] + [R].
  2. Type the command «msiexec /unreg» (without the quotation marks) and press OK to confirm. You now start your PC.
  3. You can open the Run Dialog by pressing the key combination [Win] + [R].
  4. Now enter the command «msiexec /regserver» (without the quotation marks) and confirm again with OK.


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