Encode space in html

An Example of Using HTML Space Character in URL Codes

To avoid issues with SEO, it is advisable to replace extended characters such as ü with their close-ascii equivalents, for example, u. However, the primary problem with SEO is not the presence of text in the URL, but rather the occurrence of deadlinks in the indexes when people change the text in the link. Both ü and u are valid URL characters, each with its own advantages and disadvantages.

What’s the best character to represent blank spaces in a URL?

Each of the URL characters has its own advantages and disadvantages, making both of them acceptable.

    According to Google’s recommendation, dashes are preferred over underscores. Matt Cutts from Google also shared his opinion on the topic of Dashes vs. underscores.

When a URL contains a hyphen between words, the webpage can appear in search results for each individual word and the combination of the words. This is why using dashes instead of underscores in URLs is my preferred choice.

Pro underscore

  • In ISO9660 file systems, the use of dashes is prohibited. This can pose an issue when your content, such as help files or eLearning materials, is distributed on CDs or DVDs.
  • In certain languages, such as German, dashes are not typically viewed as word delimiters and may instead be classified as word characters.

Dashes offer an additional benefit of occupying less space than underscores in proportional fonts, making them a more efficient choice. This can be observed through a comparison of the two.

  • What character is most suitable to indicate empty spaces in a URL? This query can be found on Stack Overflow at the following link: https://stackoverflow.com/../whats-the-best-character-to-represent-blank-spaces-in-a-url.
  • What is the optimal character for denoting empty spaces in a URL? — This is the inquiry posted on a platform called Stack Overflow.

Though it may not be a significant amount, even small contributions can make a difference.

In my opinion, hyphens are more suitable than underscores as they can conflict with the underlining created by a tags. For instance, the URL http://someurl.com/this_is_a_address may appear without any underscores due to the underlining. Conversely, http://someurl.com/this-is-a-address would look acceptable. It all depends on personal preference.

HTML URL Encoded Characters Reference, Encoding. Any character that is not an alphabetic character, a number, or a reserved character being used needs to be encoded. URLs use the ASCII (“American Standard Code for Information Interchange”) character-set and so encoding must be to a valid ASCII format. There are functions in most web …

URL encoding the space character

The mistake lies in the code of your search.php page where you must modify the limit at the end.

 $limit = 5; if (isset($_GET['page'])) < $page = $_GET['page']; >else < $page = 1; >$start_from = ($page-1) * $limit; $search = $_GET['search']; $sql = "SELECT * FROM job_post WHERE jobtitle LIKE '%$search%' ORDER BY id_jobpost DESC LIMIT $start_from, $limit"; 

On the first page, the limit used is 0 to 5, whereas on the second page, the limit is set to 5 to 10.

$limit = 5; if (isset($_GET['page'])) < $page = $_GET['page']; >else < $page = 1; >$start_from = ($page-1) * $limit; $end_at = $page * $limit; $search = $_GET['search']; $sql = "SELECT * FROM job_post WHERE jobtitle LIKE '%$search%' ORDER BY id_jobpost DESC LIMIT $start_from, $end_at"; 

While examining your search page, I observed that you are executing a query within a query. To optimize this procedure, I suggest using a join statement, which will enable you to access the database only once. Although I am unaware of your database structure, the code below serves as an example of a more efficient approach to achieve this goal.

query($sql); if ($result->num_rows>0) < while($row1 = $result1->fetch_assoc()) < ?> 
Attachment Image

"> ₱/Month

| | Experience Required(in years):
No Job Matched!"; > $conn->close(); ?>

Html — Is a URL allowed to contain a space?, A request looks like this: GET /url HTTP/1.1 (Ignoring headers) There are 3 fields separated by a white space. If you put a space in your url: GET /url end_url HTTP/1.1. You know have 4 fields, the HTTP server will tell you it is an invalid request. GET /url%20end_url HTTP/1.1.

URL Routing: Handling Spaces and Illegal Characters When Creating Friendly URLs

For better readability, I personally favor using an underscore instead of a dash. This is because when spaces are removed, the _ becomes more distinct with an underline, while it tends to blend with a dash.

Consider substituting extended characters such as ü with their close-ASCII equivalents whenever applicable.

Based on my experience, the major challenge with SEO concerns is not having a URL that includes relevant content, but rather the consequences of modifying the text in the link. This can render your SEO efforts useless since it results in having non-functional links in the indexes.

One suggestion is to adopt the approach used by stackoverflow, wherein a numerical component is used to refer to a fixed entity, while disregarding the remaining text or updating it as needed.

The hierarchical structure of URLs can lead to poor usability for humans, who generally dislike lengthy URLs. Copying and pasting them is inconvenient, and they are more susceptible to errors. To improve usability, URLs can be subdivided into lower tiers.

/article/1/Some_Article_Title_Here /article/1/Section/5/Section_Title_Here /section/19023/Section_Title_here ( == above link ) 

By using voodoo magic only when the numbered article has been removed, you can search for the actual article or something similar by using the text part as a search string.

  1. Transform any «unusual characters» into «regular characters» such as replacing à with a, ñ with n, and so on.
  2. Replace any character that is not a letter or number (i.e., not belonging to the set a-zA-Z0-9) with an underscore symbol (_).
  3. Substitute clusters of underscore characters with a solitary underscore.
  4. Eliminate underscores that appear at the beginning or end of a word or phrase.

In terms of storage, my opinion is that the database should contain the user-friendly URL, which should remain unchangeable as per the principle that «cool» URIs shouldn’t be altered.

The usual method for those is Solution 2, which can be improved by omitting apostrophes and using nothing instead of a dash to enhance readability. It is advisable to store both the original title and the modified title for URL validity in the database, allowing you to select the item using an indexed SELECT WHERE statement.

Despite the absence of an illegal character in a URL path part, it is essential to encode it appropriately. For instance, a space, hash, or slash can be encoded as %20, %23, or %2F respectively. By doing so, any string can be encoded into a URL part, allowing you to retrieve it from the database by its unchanged title.

Depending on your web framework, there could be a couple of issues to consider. For instance, frameworks using CGI may not be able to distinguish between an encoded %2F and an actual /, while certain deployments/frameworks may encounter challenges with Unicode characters.

An alternative solution that is both easy and secure involves incorporating the primary key into the URL and using the titled sections solely for aesthetic purposes. For instance:


A method employed by companies like Amazon involves the benefit of being able to automatically redirect the URL with the old title to the new one by changing the title in the database.

Html — Unicode characters in URLs, But just try to ignore it, or use a URL shortener (I would recommend goo.gl in this case, which makes a 13-character long URL). Also, if you don’t want to register for a Google account, try bit.ly (bit.ly makes slightly longer URLs, with the length being 14 characters).


How to encode Spaces and plus signs in URLS

It is a common understanding that urls cannot explicitly contain whitespace, and the form in which whitespace exists is not entirely consistent across standards, so different languages have different implementations.

Rfc2396 explicitly states that Spaces should be encoded as %20.

The W3C standard states that Spaces can be replaced with + or %20.

Xu was so confused that the space was replaced with a +, which itself could only be encoded. In that case, why not just code Spaces directly. Of course, this is just a doubt in Old Xu’s mind, the previous background we can not trace, has become a fact we can not change. However, whether Spaces should be replaced with + or 20%, and whether + needs to be encoded are all questions we need to face.

There are three URL encoding methods commonly used by Go

As Gopher, the first concern is naturally the implementation of Go language itself, so we first understand the similarities and differences of three URL encoding methods commonly used in Go.


fmt.Println(url.QueryEscape("+Gopher refers to north")) // Output: +%2BGopher% e6% 8C%87% e5% 8C%97 Copy the code

When encoded with url.queryEscape, Spaces are encoded as +, and + itself is encoded as %2B.


fmt.Println(url.PathEscape("+Gopher refers to north")) // Output: %20+Gopher%E6%8C%87%E5%8C%97 Copy the code

When encoded with url.pathescape, Spaces are encoded as 20% and + is not encoded.


var query = url.Values<> query.Set("hygz"."+Gopher refers to north") fmt.Println(query.Encode()) Hygz =+%2BGopher%E6%8C%87%E5%8C%97 Copy the code

Encode with the (Values).encode method, the space is encoded as +, and the + itself is encoded as %2B. The difference between (Values).encode and url.queryescape is that the (Values).encode only encodes the key and value in query, while the (Values).queryescape encodes both = and .

For us developers, please read on to find out which of these three coding methods should be used.

Implementations in different languages

Since space and + have different implementations of URL encoding in Go, does this also exist in other languages? PHP and JS are taken as examples.

URL encoding in PHP

echo urlencode('+Gopher refers to north'); // Output: +%2BGopher% e6% 8C%87% e5% 8C%97 Copy the code


echo rawurlencode("+Gopher refers to north"); // Output: %20%2BGopher%E6%8C%87%E5%8C%97 Copy the code

PHP’s urlencode is the same as Go’s url.QueryEscape function, while Rawurlencode encodes both Spaces and +.

URL encoding in JS

encodeURI('+Gopher refers to north') // Output: %20+Gopher%E6%8C%87%E5%8C%97 Copy the code


encodeURIComponent('+Gopher refers to north') // Output: %20%2BGopher%E6%8C%87%E5%8C%97 Copy the code

JS encodeURI is the same as Go url.pathescape, while encodeURIComponent encodes both Spaces and +.

What should we do

The url.PathEscape function is preferred

The previous paper has summarized the coding operation of Go, PHP and JS to +Gopher, and the following is a summary of the two-dimensional table of whether the corresponding decoding operation is feasible.

Encoding/decoding url.QueryUnescape url.PathUnescape urldecode rawurldecode decodeURI decodeURIComponent
url.QueryEscape Y N Y N N N
url.PathEscape N Y N YY Y YY
urlencode Y N Y N N N
rawurlencode Y YY Y Y N Y
encodeURI N Y N Y Y Y
encodeURIComponent Y YY Y Y N Y

YY and Y in the above table have the same meaning, Lao Xu only refers to YY. Url. PathEscape is recommended for encoding in Go, and Rawurldecode and decodeURIComponent are recommended for decoding in PHP and JS respectively.

In the actual development process, there must be some scenes that need to be decoded in Gopher. At this time, it is necessary to communicate with the URL encoder to get a proper way of decoding.

Encode values

Is there a universal way to do this that doesn’t require URL codec? No doubt there is! Take base32 encoding as an example, its encoding character set is A-Z and numbers 2-7. In this case, url encoding is not required after base32 encoding of values.

Finally, I sincerely hope that this article can be of some help to all readers.

This article uses Console with PHP 7.3.29, Go 1.16.6, and JS Chrome94.0.4606.71 respectively


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