element comes in pairs. The content is written between the opening () and closing (

Html tags in title tag

Тег (от англ. title — заголовок) определяет заголовок документа.

Элемент не является частью документа и не показывается напрямую на веб-странице. Текст заголовка отображается, как правило, на вкладке браузера. Допускается использовать только один на документ и размещать его в контейнере .


head> title>Заголовокtitle> head> 

Закрывающий тег обязателен.



Описание и примеры¶

 html> head> title>Как правильно писать заголовок страницыtitle> head> body> p>. p> body> html> 


Элемент выполняет множество задач, как прямо, так и косвенно. Ниже описано какую роль выполняет заголовок страницы.

  • По тексту заголовка пользователь получает дополнительную информацию, что это за сайт, на котором он находится и как называется текущая страница.
  • Большинство браузеров поддерживают возможность сохранения веб-страницы на локальный компьютер. В этом случае имя сохраненного файла совпадает с названием заголовка документа. Если в тексте заголовка содержатся символы, недопустимые в имени файла, они будут проигнорированы или автоматически заменены другими дозволенными символами.
  • При сохранении в разделе браузера «Избранное», адрес текущей страницы с её заголовком помещается в список предпочитаемых ссылок.
  • В результатах поиска по ключевым словам, поисковые системы используют заголовок страницы для указания ссылки на данный документ. Интересно написанный заголовок, содержащий ключевые слова, привлечёт больше внимания посетителей и увеличит шансы на то, что сайт посетит больше людей.


: The Document Title element

The HTML element defines the document’s title that is shown in a browser’s title bar or a page’s tab. It only contains text; tags within the element are ignored.

title>Grandma's Heavy Metal Festival Journaltitle> 
Content categories Metadata content.
Permitted content Text that is not inter-element whitespace.
Tag omission Both opening and closing tags are required. Note that leaving off should cause the browser to ignore the rest of the page.
Permitted parents A element that contains no other element.
Implicit ARIA role No corresponding role
Permitted ARIA roles No role permitted.
DOM interface HTMLTitleElement


This element only includes the global attributes.

Usage notes

The element is always used within a page’s block.

Page titles and SEO

The contents of a page title can have significant implications for search engine optimization (SEO). In general, a longer, descriptive title performs better than short or generic titles. The content of the title is one of the components used by search engine algorithms to decide the order in which to list pages in search results. Also, the title is the initial «hook» by which you grab the attention of readers glancing at the search results page.

A few guidelines and tips for composing good titles:

  • Avoid one- or two-word titles. Use a descriptive phrase, or a term-definition pairing for glossary or reference-style pages.
  • Search engines typically display about the first 55–60 characters of a page title. Text beyond that may be lost, so try not to have titles longer than that. If you must use a longer title, make sure the important parts come earlier and that nothing critical is in the part of the title that is likely to be dropped.
  • Don’t use «keyword blobs.» If your title is just a list of words, algorithms often reduce your page’s position in the search results.
  • Try to make sure your titles are as unique as possible within your own site. Duplicate—or near-duplicate—titles can contribute to inaccurate search results.


title>Awesome interesting stufftitle> 

This example establishes a page whose title (as displayed at the top of the window or in the window’s tab) as «Awesome interesting stuff».

Accessibility concerns

It is important to provide an accurate and concise title to describe the page’s purpose.

A common navigation technique for users of assistive technology is to read the page title and infer the content the page contains. This is because navigating into a page to determine its content can be a time-consuming and potentially confusing process. Titles should be unique to every page of a website, ideally surfacing the primary purpose of the page first, followed by the name of the website. Following this pattern will help ensure that the primary purpose of the page is announced by a screen reader first. This provides a far better experience than having to listen to the name of a website before the unique page title, for every page a user navigates to in the same website.


title>Menu - Blue House Chinese Food - FoodYum: Online takeout today!title> 

If a form submission contains errors and the submission re-renders the current page, the title can be used to help make users aware of any errors with their submission. For instance, update the page title value to reflect significant page state changes (such as form validation problems).

title> 2 errors - Your order - Sea Food Store - Food: Online takeout today! title> 

Note: Presently, dynamically updating a page’s title will not be automatically announced by screen readers. If you are going to update the page title to reflect significant changes to a page’s state, then the use of ARIA Live Regions may be necessary, as well.


Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser

See also

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This page was last modified on Apr 14, 2023 by MDN contributors.

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The tag defines a title of an HTML document. A title tag must be the precise description of a page’s content. The title is displayed in the browser toolbar and on search engine results pages (SERPs) as a clickable headline.

The content of the title is an important component that search engine algorithms use to determine the order of list pages’ appearance in search results.

An optimized title tag increases the rank on SERPs and the click-through rate.

  • the short title and description of a page which is displayed at the top of the browser window,
  • the ranking of search engines,
  • the default name for bookmarks created by the user,
  • the link headline when it is shared on social media,
  • the clickable headline.

There should be only one element in an HTML document located inside the section.

Here are some tips to create good titles:

  • Avoid the use of titles with one or two words. Instead, you can use a descriptive phrase.
  • If possible, avoid special characters as they can be displayed by browsers differently.
  • In general, search engines display about 55-60 characters of a title. When using a longer title, ensure that the important parts are at the beginning.
  • Avoid the use of a list of words as a title.
  • Ensure that the title is unique in your site.


The ) tags.

Example of the HTML tag:

html> html> head> title>W3Docs - learn HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript online. title> head> body> p>The main content of the page. p> body> html>


HTML Title and page structure in head tags

Title tag is the main tag used inside head tags of the html page. Title tag is not visible on the browser window ( display area ) but is visible at the top of the browser. Take a look at the top most part of the screen you are viewing. You will see it reads

HTML title with codes and tags descriptions for learning

This is like any other html tags and have one starting and ending tag. The maximum length should be ( around ) 75 character length. The title tag is displayed at the top of the search result of the site in many search engines including google. Search engines like google give high importance to this tag so the highest targeted keyword of the page is to be used in the title tag of the page. For example if the targeted keyword for search engine ranking is BUDGET TRAVEL then the title should contain the word BUDGET TRAVEL in a human readable form. Keeping other two or three keywords in the title tag will also help.

  • There can be one title tag in a page
  • Kept inside head area of the page and not displayed in the body of the page
  • Visible when user bookmark or add the page to favorite


Meta tags for description & keywords inside head tag
Head Tag to keep title, description, keyword, script etc in a webpage
Body tag to display content in a webpage
Title tag kept inside head tag of the page
Comments are hidden to the user & kept at different parts of the page
Reloading the page by using meta tags
Adding blank Space to our HTML page


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