Draw an image with php

How to generate an image: using PHP GD Library. (part 1)

photo by Christiana Morillo from Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/close-up-photo-of-person-typing-on-laptop-1181675/

PHP GD is a library that performs fantastic tasks that helps you to do several things with your image. As a PHP Developer, There are times when you have to survey into some advance functionality of your stack. And one is the GD library, is not easily done by most developers.
and it helps you do anything with image. If you’re ready, let’s proceed to this PHP amazing library that helps you generate, and draw an image.

What is GD Library

GD is an acronym that stands for “GRAPHIC DRAW”. The GD library in PHP enables you to create image data, and it’s the most used image processing tool in PHP. GD was originally developed by Thomas Boutell. By far it is a powerful image-processing library for PHP (it is also available for other languages like Perl). GD library allows you to dynamically create and edit of images, charts thumbnails, etc. The following file type that can be created or edited using the GD library, are GIF, JPEG, and PNG.

How Does GD Library work

One thing you should understand is that the GD library has a pattern in which it works. Now if you don’t follow the process of the GD library you won’t see anything on your interface. Below are the steps for implementing GD library in your project: Step 1:
You must check if the GD library is enabled in your system local server (XAMMP). If it’s disabled you have to enable it, once it’s enabled you are good to go. If yours is enabled you will see a display similar to the image below. To see if the GD library is enabled in your local server, go to your PHP index file and echo **phpinfo();** then you’ll see the GD support in your interface. little example, from (me) Rabbi Emmykolic Step 2:
You will go to your **index.php** and create an image tag. And in the src of the image tag, you’ll write the address of the PHP file where you want to write the GD codes. So the image tag will look like this. An Example From (me) Rabbi Emmykolic Now, this is where you’ll write the PHP code. little example, from (me) Rabbi Emmykolic

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After this step, you’ll start writing some functions of the GD library. In the PHP file your GD will start working automatically.

Using GD Library in your projects

Example *****1:* Using GD Library to create a Color-box with a JPEG extension, when saved. *****Step1:* Create an image with the specified dimensions

Step2: Create a color (this first call to imageColorAllocate also automatically sets the image background color)

 $colorRed = imageColorAllocate($image, 255,0,0); 
$colorYellow = imageColorAllocate($image, 255,255,0); 
imageFilledRectangle($image, 50, 50, 250, 150, $colorYellow); 
header("Content-type: image/jpeg"); imageJpeg($image); 

little example, from (me) Rabbi Emmykolic

By running the above code, you will get the output seen in the image below: Example *****2:* How to use GD library to create and rotate a png image. Run the code below to see how to rotate an image. You’ll have to put an image to the PHP file you’re working with, else it won’t dispaly on your interface.

// Create an image with the specified dimensions $image = imagecreatefrompng("africa_coin.png");//and the name of the image with specified extension. // Create a color $colorYellow = imageColorAllocate($image, 255,255,0); // Rotate $image=imagerotate($image, 60, $colorYellow); // Set type of image and send the output header("Content-type: image/png"); imagePng($image); // Release memory imageDestroy($image); 

little example, from (me) Rabbi Emmykolic

By running the above code, you will get the output below:

Why you should use GD Library

GD is an advanced PHP, you can agree with me often advanced PHP developers are the one using GD library. So if you want to be a king in the PHP realm you have to use stuff like this. Another reason you should use GD library is that it helps you do dynamic things with images, in your PHP files. Lastly, It saves you the stress of writing lots of JavaScript, CSS & HTML code…

Other things GD Library can be used for

  • You can use the GD library to build a Captcha system.
  • You can use the GD library to reduce the quality of an image. ## How to generate an image with GD Library

The way to generate images in GD is pretty simple if you have used it before. The first step to making an image to show is to use the **ImageCreate()** function. Then specify the width and height. But if you want to create an image with a png extension you’ll have to use the **ImageCreatePng()** function.

The functions mentioned above, are few listed function that can be used to create a GD library. so the pics below shows some of those function.

little example, from (me) Rabbi Emmykolic


We’ve come to the end of this tutorial, hopefully you got some ideas from the teaching. From the tutorial, we were able to bring to generate an png and jpg images using the GD library.

This is not the end of the tutorial, we’ll talk more about how to use GD to make other things.

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About the Author

Emmanuel C. Okolie kick-started his journey as a software engineer in 2020. Over the years, he has grown full-blown skills in JavaScript, PHP, HTML & CSS, and more.

He is freelancing, building clients’ websites, and writing technical tutorials teaching others how to do what he does.

Emmanuel C. Okolie is open and available to hear from you. You can reach him on Linked In, Google, Facebook, GitHub, Twitter, or on his website.


Php can we draw images using php

If you want to preserve original image before flip, then use to duplicate image then call using new duplicate image. Solution 3: Saroj, http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.imagecreate.php and from same page, here is the example snippet HTH!

How to draw a png image in php?

You have to load an image you want to draw and then use imagecopy() to draw it:

// the part you already have; creates 538x616 px black image $image = imagecreatetruecolor(538,616); $black = imagecolorallocate($image,0,0,0); imagefill($image,0,0,$black); // load image from file and draw it onto black image; // for loading PNG, use imagecreatefrompng() $overlayImage = imagecreatefromjpeg('macro_photo_1.jpg'); imagecopy($image, $overlayImage, 10, 10, 0, 0, imagesx($overlayImage), imagesy($overlayImage)); // send image to the browser header("Content-Type: image/png"); imagepng($image); exit; 

I would also advise to go through the list of GD and Image functions to see what (and how) can be done with images in PHP.

And if you haven’t already you need:

header('Content-Type: image/png'); 

Before you call imagepng to let the browser know it’s looking at an image not an HTML page.

Saroj, http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.imagecreate.php and from same page, here is the example snippet

Using Ajax with PHP to send image to the page, (2) Next, mod your draw.php page just to echo out the drawing to the screen. Ensure it is doing what you expect. (3) Use the full $.ajax()

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You are echoing data before you send the headers.

If you want to overwrite the image in the location and then display it in the browser, maybe you can work with this adjustment:

 switch ($type) < case 1 : $im = imageCreateFromGif($src_path); break; case 2 : $im = imageCreateFromJpeg($src_path); break; case 3 : $im = imageCreateFromPng($src_path); break; >if (!$im) return false; imagesetthickness($im, 5); $color = imagecolorallocate($im, 255, 255, 255); //echo $color; imageline($im, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $color); imageline($im, $x2, $y2, $x3, $y3, $color); imageline($im, $x3, $y3, $x4, $y4, $color); imageline($im, $x4, $y4, $x1, $y1, $color); imagejpeg($im,$src_path); imagedestroy($im); $fp = fopen($src_path, 'rb'); header("Content-Type: image/jpeg"); header("Content-Length: " . filesize($src_path)); fpassthru($fp); exit; > 

How to draw an image into a div via php, The above code snippet goes through a folder and draws all the images therein into stylized div tags. Please note here that I get the div blog-

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How can I draw a flipped image and original image side by side in PHP?

if you want you can use javascript if you know it to get the style of it then add a new one but that can be complicated. I can walk you through it, although that will take quite a bit of time. I can help if you have a github

If you want to preserve original image before flip, then use imagecopy() to duplicate image then call imageflip() using new duplicate image.

$flipImage = imagecreatetruecolor(400, 300); imagecopy($flipImage, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, 400, 300); imageflip($flipImage, IMG_FLIP_HORIZONTAL); 

How to draw an interactive image in PHP?, $x = $_POST[‘myimage_x’]; $y = $_POST[‘myimage_y’];. For more interaction, you’ll have to look at javascript, and for even more possibilities I

Using Ajax with PHP to send image to the page

This is because your input s ID s are different from the ones retrieved in your $.post call: you’ve set your ID s to be both width and height and yet, you are retrieving them as #Width and #Height .

Have your jQuery code like so:

jQuery(function($) < $('#SubmitRailing').on('click', function()< $.post("draw.php", , // note #height and #width function(data) < $('#DrawBox').html(data); >); >); >); 

or have your HTML like so:


One of either solution will work.

This is not an answer, just some tips:

(1) Divide and conquer. Break up the problem into simple examples, and get each part working independently. For example, first just get the button to reveal a hidden div — that shows that jQuery and the code are loaded and working properly.

$('#SubmitRailing').click(function()< $("hiddenDIV").show() >); 

(2) Next, mod your draw.php page just to echo out the drawing to the screen. Ensure it is doing what you expect.

(3) Use the full $.ajax() format, instead of shorthand forms such as $.post() , $.get() or $.load() . Not only is the structure easier to troubleshoot, but you get additional capabilities.

See these posts for simple examples of AJAX:

Further to your question, refactor your code thus:

NOTE THAT: AJAX cannot post to the same page — it must post to a different PHP page. See this SO question.

Also ensure that you have loaded the jQuery libraries, usually in the head tags something like this:

If you use a CDN to load jQuery, as in the above example, it is probably already pre-loaded from other websites — especially if you load from googleapis or jquery.com CDN sites.

If you want some fast, free, 10-min refresher lessons on jQuery, find free video tuts here:

Drawing lines and patterns using different thickness and colours, We can draw lines over and image by using imageline() in PHP GD. We can create Duration: 12:30


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