Docker compose python migrate

Start a Production-Ready Dockerized Django Project

Making a Django app production-ready inside Docker is quite useful for developers. It minimizes the hassle of setup and deployment. This allows developers to focus on what’s important i.e. development and business logic.

Table of Contents


This guide assumes that you are familiar with the following technologies:

  • Intermediate Django
  • Beginner to Intermediate Docker
  • Familiarity with Postgres, Celery, Redis, Nginx


This guide is aimed at helping you start and organize your Django project to work in different environments mainly, development and production. You can then take this template, modify it to fit your specific requirements, and finally deploy it on your choice of a cloud service provider like AWS, Azure, or Digital Ocean to name a few.

Note:- If you encounter any issues throughout the tutorial, you can check out the code in the GitHub repository

Project Configuration

First, create a repo on GitHub. Initialize the repository with a README file and .gitignore template for Python.

GH Repo

Now, on your machine, open up a terminal and run the following commands to set up and open your project.

mkdir django-docker-template cd django-docker-template git clone . code . 

In the root directory of your project, create a file named requirements.txt

and add the following dependencies:

celery==5.2.7 Django==4.1.2 gunicorn==20.1.0 psycopg2-binary==2.9.5 python-decouple==3.6 redis==4.3.4 

Then, create the Dockerfile

and add the following snippet:

FROM python:3.10.2-slim-bullseye ENV PIP_DISABLE_PIP_VERSION_CHECK 1 ENV PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE 1 ENV PYTHONUNBUFFERED 1 WORKDIR /code COPY ./requirements.txt . RUN pip install -r requirements.txt COPY . . 

Then, create a docker-compose.yml file:

and add a web service inside it:

version: "3.9" services: web: build: . volumes: - .:/code env_file: - ./.env ports: - 8000:8000 

Finally, create a .dockerignore file so that Docker will ignore some files thus speeding up the build process of your image.

Add the following inside it:

Great, build your image by running the following command:

This will take some time. You can now use this image to create the Django project.

docker-compose run --rm web django-admin startproject config . 

Split Settings for Different Environments

It is important to take into account the different environments/modes your project will be running on: usually, these are development and production. However, you can apply a similar logic for other environments you may need to include.

You can split your settings to dictate which environment your project is running on, similar to what is presented below:

config │ └───settings │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ will contain the common settings used regardless of the environment. Hence, copy all the content of which Django created by default into settings/ and delete as it is no longer needed.

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Then, import in both environments. Environment-specific settings will be updated later.

# import this in, from .base import * 

Environment Variables

Using environment variables allows you to describe different environments. python decouple is one of the most commonly used packages to strictly separate settings from your source code. This package is added earlier in requirements.txt so just create a .env file in the root directory of your project:

And add the following variables:

SECRET_KEY= ALLOWED_HOSTS=.localhost,, . DEBUG=True DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=config.settings.development 

Update your settings accordingly:

# from decouple import config, Csv SECRET_KEY = config("SECRET_KEY") DEBUG = config("DEBUG", default=False, cast=bool) ALLOWED_HOSTS = config("ALLOWED_HOSTS", cast=Csv()) 

DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE tells Django which setting to use. By providing its value in an environment variable, will be able to automatically use the appropriate setting for different environments. Therefore update as follows:

# from decouple import config os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", config("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE")) 

Now, what are some of the potential environment-specific settings? Here are some of them:

You can use the console backend in development mode to write emails to the standard output.

# from .base import * EMAIL_BACKEND = "django.core.mail.backends.console.EmailBackend" 

While in production mode, use an SMTP backend like SendGrid, Mailgun, etc…

# from .base import * EMAIL_BACKEND = "django.core.mail.backends.smtp.EmailBackend" EMAIL_HOST = "''" EMAIL_PORT = 587 EMAIL_HOST_USER = config("EMAIL_USER") EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD = config("EMAIL_PASSWORD") EMAIL_USE_TLS = True 

2) Media and Static files

In production mode, you may want to use services like AWS S3 to serve your static and media files. Having multiple settings comes in handy in such scenarios.

# MEDIA_URL = "/media/" MEDIA_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "../", "mediafiles") STATIC_URL = "static/" STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "../", "staticfiles") 

And then you can add AWS-related configs in

Ideally, you don’t need to cache your site in development so you can separately add a cache server like Redis in file

# # Redis Cache CACHES =  "default":  "BACKEND": "django.core.cache.backends.redis.RedisCache", "LOCATION": config("REDIS_BACKEND"), >, > 

In addition, you can add apps, middleware, etc. separately for your environments.

Postgres Configuration

To configure Postgres, you first need to add a new service to the docker-compose.yml file:

version: "3.9" services: web: build: . command: python runserver volumes: - .:/code env_file: - ./.env ports: - 8000:8000 depends_on: - db db: image: postgres:13 volumes: - postgres_data:/var/lib/postgresql/data/ environment: - POSTGRES_USER=$ - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=$ - POSTGRES_DB=$ volumes: postgres_data: 

Next, update the .env file to include database-related variables:


Finally, update the settings to use Postgres RDBMS instead of the SQLite engine Django uses by default.

# # Remove the sqlite engine and add this DATABASES =  "default":  "ENGINE": "django.db.backends.postgresql", "NAME": config("DB_NAME"), "USER": config("DB_USERNAME"), "PASSWORD": config("DB_PASSWORD"), "HOST": config("DB_HOSTNAME"), "PORT": config("DB_PORT", cast=int), > > 

Note:- You may want to use different databases for development and production. If that’s the case, you can remove the DATABASES setting from and add different databases for development and production.

Great! Now, re-build the container to ensure what you have so far is working.

Also, ensure that the migrations are applied:

docker-compose run --rm web python migrate 

Ensure Postgres is healthy before Django is started

Usually, when working with Postgres and Django in Docker, the web service (Django) tries to connect to the db service even when db service is not ready to accept connections. To solve this issue, you can create a short bash script that will be used in the Docker ENTRYPOINT command.

In the root directory of your project create a file named

Add the following script to listen to the Postgres database port until it is ready to accept connections and then apply migrations and collect static files.

#!/bin/sh echo 'Waiting for postgres. ' while ! nc -z $DB_HOSTNAME $DB_PORT; do sleep 0.1 done echo 'PostgreSQL started' echo 'Running migrations. ' python migrate echo 'Collecting static files. ' python collectstatic --no-input exec "$@" 

Update the file permissions locally

Now, to use this script, you need to have Netcat installed on your image. Therefore, update Dockerfile to install this networking utility and use the bash script as a Docker entrypoint command.

FROM python:3.10.2-slim-bullseye ENV PIP_DISABLE_PIP_VERSION_CHECK 1 ENV PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE 1 ENV PYTHONUNBUFFERED 1 WORKDIR /code COPY ./requirements.txt . RUN apt-get update -y && \ apt-get install -y netcat && \ pip install --upgrade pip && \ pip install -r requirements.txt COPY ./ . RUN chmod +x /code/ COPY . . ENTRYPOINT ["/code/"] 

Rebuild the image and spin up the containers.

Celery and Redis Configuration

Celery does time-intensive tasks asynchronously in the background so that your web app can continue to respond quickly to users’ requests. Use Redis together with Celery since it can serve as both a message broker and a database back end at the same time.

Add Redis and Celery services to docker-compose.yml

redis: image: redis:7 celery: build: . command: celery -A config worker -l info volumes: - .:/code env_file: - ./.env depends_on: - db - redis - web 

While at it, update the web service as well:

Once that is set up, navigate to the config folder and create a file named

Then, add the following snippet inside it:

# config/ import os from decouple import config from celery import Celery os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", config("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE")) app = Celery("config") app.config_from_object("django.conf:settings", namespace="CELERY") app.autodiscover_tasks() 

Next, head over to and add the following configuration at the bottom:


Update .env to include the above environment variables:

# Celery CELERY_BROKER_URL=redis://redis:6379/0 # Redis REDIS_BACKEND=redis://redis:6379/0 

The final update goes into the file of the config folder:

# config/ from .celery import app as celery_app __all__ = ('celery_app',) 

Tweak Docker Compose for Production

Django’s built-in server is not suitable for production so you should be using a production-grade WSGI server like Gunicorn in a production environment.

In addition, you should also consider adding Nginx to act as a reverse proxy for Gunicorn and serve static files.

Therefore, create a file named at the root of your project and add/update the following services:

version: "3.9" services: web: build: . restart: always command: gunicorn config.wsgi:application --bind env_file: - ./.env expose: - 8000 volumes: - static_volume:/code/staticfiles - media_volume:/code/mediafiles depends_on: - redis - db db: image: postgres:13 restart: always volumes: - postgres_data:/var/lib/postgresql/data/ environment: - POSTGRES_USER=$ - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=$ - POSTGRES_DB=$ redis: image: redis:7 celery: build: . restart: always command: celery -A config worker -l info volumes: - .:/code env_file: - ./.env depends_on: - db - redis - web nginx: build: ./nginx restart: always ports: - $:80 volumes: - static_volume:/code/staticfiles - media_volume:/code/mediafiles depends_on: - web volumes: postgres_data: static_volume: media_volume: 

There are a couple of things worth noting from the above file:

  • The use of expose instead of ports . This allows the web service to be exposed to other services inside Docker but not to the host machine.
  • Static and media volumes to persist data generated by and used by web and nginx services.

Don’t forget to update .env to include the NGINX_PORT environment variable:

Then, in your project root directory, create the following folder and files:

mkdir nginx cd nginx touch Dockerfile touch nginx.conf 

Update the respective files:

# nginx/Dockerfile FROM nginx:stable-alpine RUN rm /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf COPY nginx.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d EXPOSE 80 
  • The above file pulls the base Nginx image, removes the default configuration, and copies the one that you created i.e. nginx.conf with the following content:
# nginx/nginx.conf upstream web_app < server web:8000; >server < listen 80; location /static/ < alias /code/staticfiles/; >location /media/ < alias /code/mediafiles/; >location / < proxy_pass http://web_app; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_redirect off; >> 
  • Worth noting in the above configuration is that static and media file requests are routed to the static files and media files folders respectively.

Test your production setup locally:

docker-compose -f up --build 

Go to http://localhost/ The static files should be loaded correctly as well.


This tutorial has walked you through containerizing your Django application both for local development and production. In addition to the ease of containerized deployment, working inside Docker locally is also time-saving because it minimizes the setup you need to configure on your machine.

If you got lost somewhere throughout the guide, check out the project on GitHub


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