Default html color names

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A list of CSS default color names and their values.


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A list of CSS default color names and their values. Color Chart

Color Name Hex Code RGB
IndianRed #CD5C5C 205,92,92
LightCoral #F08080 240,128,128
Salmon #FA8072 250,128,114
DarkSalmon #E9967A 233,150,122
LightSalmon #FFA07A 255,160,122
Crimson #DC143C 220,20,60
Red #FF0000 255,0,0
FireBrick #B22222 178,34,34
DarkRed #8B0000 139,0,0
Color Name Hex Code RGB
Pink #FFC0CB 255,192,203
LightPink #FFB6C1 255,182,193
HotPink #FF69B4 255,105,180
DeepPink #FF1493 255,20,147
MediumVioletRed #C71585 199,21,133
PaleVioletRed #DB7093 219,112,147
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Color Name Hex Code RGB
Coral #FF7F50 255,127,80
Tomato #FF6347 255,99,71
OrangeRed #FF4500 255,69,0
DarkOrange #FF8C00 255,140,0
Orange #FFA500 255,165,0
Color Name Hex Code RGB
Gold #FFD700 255,215,0
Yellow #FFFF00 255,255,0
LightYellow #FFFFE0 255,255,224
LemonChiffon #FFFACD 255,250,205
LightGoldenrodYellow #FAFAD2 250,250,210
PapayaWhip #FFEFD5 255,239,213
Moccasin #FFE4B5 255,228,181
PeachPuff #FFDAB9 255,218,185
PaleGoldenrod #EEE8AA 238,232,170
Khaki #F0E68C 240,230,140
DarkKhaki #BDB76B 189,183,107
Color Name Hex Code RGB
Lavender #E6E6FA 230,230,250
Thistle #D8BFD8 216,191,216
Plum #DDA0DD 221,160,221
Violet #EE82EE 238,130,238
Orchid #DA70D6 218,112,214
Fuchsia #FF00FF 255,0,255
Magenta #FF00FF 255,0,255
MediumOrchid #BA55D3 186,85,211
MediumPurple #9370DB 147,112,219
BlueViolet #8A2BE2 138,43,226
DarkViolet #9400D3 148,0,211
DarkOrchid #9932CC 153,50,204
DarkMagenta #8B008B 139,0,139
Purple #800080 128,0,128
RebeccaPurple #663399 102,51,153
Indigo #4B0082 75,0,130
MediumSlateBlue #7B68EE 123,104,238
SlateBlue #6A5ACD 106,90,205
DarkSlateBlue #483D8B 72,61,139
Color Name Hex Code RGB
GreenYellow #ADFF2F 173,255,47
Chartreuse #7FFF00 127,255,0
LawnGreen #7CFC00 124,252,0
Lime #00FF00 0,255,0
LimeGreen #32CD32 50,205,50
PaleGreen #98FB98 152,251,152
LightGreen #90EE90 144,238,144
MediumSpringGreen #00FA9A 0,250,154
SpringGreen #00FF7F 0,255,127
MediumSeaGreen #3CB371 60,179,113
SeaGreen #2E8B57 46,139,87
ForestGreen #228B22 34,139,34
Green #008000 0,128,0
DarkGreen #006400 0,100,0
YellowGreen #9ACD32 154,205,50
OliveDrab #6B8E23 107,142,35
Olive #808000 128,128,0
DarkOliveGreen #556B2F 85,107,47
MediumAquamarine #66CDAA 102,205,170
DarkSeaGreen #8FBC8F 143,188,143
LightSeaGreen #20B2AA 32,178,170
DarkCyan #008B8B 0,139,139
Teal #008080 0,128,128
Color Name Hex Code RGB
Aqua #00FFFF 0,255,255
Cyan #00FFFF 0,255,255
LightCyan #E0FFFF 224,255,255
PaleTurquoise #AFEEEE 175,238,238
Aquamarine #7FFFD4 127,255,212
Turquoise #40E0D0 64,224,208
MediumTurquoise #48D1CC 72,209,204
DarkTurquoise #00CED1 0,206,209
CadetBlue #5F9EA0 95,158,160
SteelBlue #4682B4 70,130,180
LightSteelBlue #B0C4DE 176,196,222
PowderBlue #B0E0E6 176,224,230
LightBlue #ADD8E6 173,216,230
SkyBlue #87CEEB 135,206,235
LightSkyBlue #87CEFA 135,206,250
DeepSkyBlue #00BFFF 0,191,255
DodgerBlue #1E90FF 30,144,255
CornflowerBlue #6495ED 100,149,237
RoyalBlue #4169E1 65,105,225
Blue #0000FF 0,0,255
MediumBlue #0000CD 0,0,205
DarkBlue #00008B 0,0,139
Navy #000080 0,0,128
MidnightBlue #191970 25,25,112
Color Name Hex Code RGB
Cornsilk #FFF8DC 255,248,220
BlanchedAlmond #FFEBCD 255,235,205
Bisque #FFE4C4 255,228,196
NavajoWhite #FFDEAD 255,222,173
Wheat #F5DEB3 245,222,179
BurlyWood #DEB887 222,184,135
Tan #D2B48C 210,180,140
RosyBrown #BC8F8F 188,143,143
SandyBrown #F4A460 244,164,96
Goldenrod #DAA520 218,165,32
DarkGoldenrod #B8860B 184,134,11
Peru #CD853F 205,133,63
Chocolate #D2691E 210,105,30
SaddleBrown #8B4513 139,69,19
Sienna #A0522D 160,82,45
Brown #A52A2A 165,42,42
Maroon #800000 128,0,0
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Color Name Hex Code RGB
White #FFFFFF 255,255,255
Snow #FFFAFA 255,250,250
Honeydew #F0FFF0 240,255,240
MintCream #F5FFFA 245,255,250
Azure #F0FFFF 240,255,255
AliceBlue #F0F8FF 240,248,255
GhostWhite #F8F8FF 248,248,255
WhiteSmoke #F5F5F5 245,245,245
Seashell #FFF5EE 255,245,238
Beige #F5F5DC 245,245,220
OldLace #FDF5E6 253,245,230
FloralWhite #FFFAF0 255,250,240
Ivory #FFFFF0 255,255,240
AntiqueWhite #FAEBD7 250,235,215
Linen #FAF0E6 250,240,230
LavenderBlush #FFF0F5 255,240,245
MistyRose #FFE4E1 255,228,225
Color Name Hex Code RGB
Gainsboro #DCDCDC 220,220,220
LightGray #D3D3D3 211,211,211
LightGrey #D3D3D3 211,211,211
Silver #C0C0C0 192,192,192
DarkGray #A9A9A9 169,169,169
DarkGrey #A9A9A9 169,169,169
Gray #808080 128,128,128
Grey #808080 128,128,128
DimGray #696969 105,105,105
DimGrey #696969 105,105,105
LightSlateGray #778899 119,136,153
LightSlateGrey #778899 119,136,153
SlateGray #708090 112,128,144
SlateGrey #708090 112,128,144
DarkSlateGray #2F4F4F 47,79,79
DarkSlateGrey #2F4F4F 47,79,79
Black #000000 0,0,0


A list of CSS default color names and their values.


Colors in CSS can be specified by the following methods:

  • Hexadecimal colors
  • Hexadecimal colors with transparency
  • RGB colors
  • RGBA colors
  • HSL colors
  • HSLA colors
  • Predefined/Cross-browser color names
  • With the currentcolor keyword

Hexadecimal Colors

A hexadecimal color is specified with: #RRGGBB, where the RR (red), GG (green) and BB (blue) hexadecimal integers specify the components of the color. All values must be between 00 and FF.

For example, the #0000ff value is rendered as blue, because the blue component is set to its highest value (ff) and the others are set to 00.


Define different HEX colors:

Hexadecimal Colors With Transparency

A hexadecimal color is specified with: #RRGGBB. To add transparency, add two additional digits between 00 and FF.


Define different HEX colors with transparency:

RGB Colors

An RGB color value is specified with the rgb() function, which has the following syntax:

Each parameter (red, green, and blue) defines the intensity of the color and can be an integer between 0 and 255 or a percentage value (from 0% to 100%).

For example, the rgb(0,0,255) value is rendered as blue, because the blue parameter is set to its highest value (255) and the others are set to 0.

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Also, the following values define equal color: rgb(0,0,255) and rgb(0%,0%,100%).


Define different RGB colors:

RGBA Colors

RGBA color values are an extension of RGB color values with an alpha channel — which specifies the opacity of the object.

An RGBA color is specified with the rgba() function, which has the following syntax:

The alpha parameter is a number between 0.0 (fully transparent) and 1.0 (fully opaque).


Define different RGB colors with opacity:

HSL Colors

HSL stands for hue, saturation, and lightness — and represents a cylindrical-coordinate representation of colors.

An HSL color value is specified with the hsl() function, which has the following syntax:

hsl(hue, saturation, lightness)

Hue is a degree on the color wheel (from 0 to 360) — 0 (or 360) is red, 120 is green, 240 is blue. Saturation is a percentage value; 0% means a shade of gray and 100% is the full color. Lightness is also a percentage; 0% is black, 100% is white.


Define different HSL colors:

HSLA Colors

HSLA color values are an extension of HSL color values with an alpha channel — which specifies the opacity of the object.

An HSLA color value is specified with the hsla() function, which has the following syntax:

hsla(hue, saturation, lightness, alpha)

The alpha parameter is a number between 0.0 (fully transparent) and 1.0 (fully opaque).


Define different HSL colors with opacity:

Predefined/Cross-browser Color Names

140 color names are predefined in the HTML and CSS color specification.

For example: blue , red , coral , brown , etc:


Define different color names:

A list of all predefined names can be found in our Color Names Reference.

The currentcolor Keyword

The currentcolor keyword refers to the value of the color property of an element.


The border color of the following element will be blue, because the text color of the element is blue:


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