Curl php ssl tls

Использование cURL в PHP для HTTPS(SSL/TLS) доступа к защищенным сайтам

From PHP, you can access the useful cURL Library (libcurl) to make requests to URLs using a variety of protocols such as HTTP, FTP, LDAP and even Gopher. (If you’ve spent time on the *nix command line, most environments also have the curl command available that uses the libcurl library)

In practice, however, the most commonly-used protocol tends to be HTTP, especially when using PHP for server-to-server communication. Typically this involves accessing another web server as part of a web service call, using some method such as XML-RPC or REST to query a resource. For example, Delicious offers a HTTP-based API to manipulate and read a user’s posts. However, when trying to access a HTTPS resource (such as the delicious API), there’s a little more configuration you have to do before you can get cURL working right in PHP.

If you simply try to access a HTTPS (SSL or TLS-protected resource) in PHP using cURL, you’re likely to run into some difficulty. Say you have the following code: (Error handling omitted for brevity)
// Initialize session and set URL.
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);

// Set so curl_exec returns the result instead of outputting it.
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);

// Get the response and close the channel.
$response = curl_exec($ch);

If $url points toward an HTTPS resource, you’re likely to encounter an error like the one below:
Failed: Error Number: 60. Reason: SSL certificate problem, verify that the CA cert is OK. Details:
error:14090086:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed

The problem is that cURL has not been configured to trust the server’s HTTPS certificate. The concepts of certificates and PKI revolves around the trust of Certificate Authorities (CAs), and by default, cURL is setup to not trust any CAs, thus it won’t trust any web server’s certificate. So why don’t you have problems visiting HTTPs sites through your web browser? As it happens, the browser developers were nice enough to include a list of default CAs to trust, covering most situations, so as long as the website operator purchased a certificate from one of these CAs.
The quick fix

There are two ways to solve this problem. Firstly, we can simply configure cURL to accept any server(peer) certificate. This isn’t optimal from a security point of view, but if you’re not passing sensitive information back and forth, this is probably alright. Simply add the following line before calling curl_exec():
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);

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This basically causes cURL to blindly accept any server certificate, without doing any verification as to which CA signed it, and whether or not that CA is trusted. If you’re at all concerned about the data you’re passing to or receiving from the server, you’ll want to enable this peer verification properly. Doing so is a bit more complicated.
The proper fix

The proper fix involves setting the CURLOPT_CAINFO parameter. This is used to point towards a CA certificate that cURL should trust. Thus, any server/peer certificates issued by this CA will also be trusted. In order to do this, we first need to get the CA certificate. In this example, I’ll be using the server as a reference.

First, you’ll need to visit the URL with your web browser in order to grab the CA certificate. Then, (in Firefox) open up the security details for the site by double-clicking on the padlock icon in the lower right corner:

Then click on “View Certificate”:

Bring up the “Details” tab of the cerficates page, and select the certificate at the top of the hierarchy. This is the CA certificate.

Then click “Export”, and save the CA certificate to your selected location, making sure to select the X.509 Certificate (PEM) as the save type/format.

Now we need to modify the cURL setup to use this CA certificate, with CURLOPT_CAINFO set to point to where we saved the CA certificate file to.
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 2);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CAINFO, getcwd() . «/CAcerts/BuiltinObjectToken-EquifaxSecureCA.crt»);

The other option I’ve included, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST can be set to the following integer values:
0: Don’t check the common name (CN) attribute
1: Check that the common name attribute at least exists
2: Check that the common name exists and that it matches the host name of the server

If you have CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER set to false, then from a security perspective, it doesn’t really matter what you’ve set CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST to, since without peer certificate verification, the server could use any certificate, including a self-signed one that was guaranteed to have a CN that matched the server’s host name. So this setting is really only relevant if you’ve enabled certificate verification.

This ensures that not just any server certificate will be trusted by your cURL session. For example, if an attacker were to somehow redirect traffic from to their own server, the cURL session here would not properly initialize, since the attacker would not have access to a server certificate (i.e. would not have the private key) trusted by the CA we added. These steps effectively export the trusted CA from the web browser to the cURL configuration.
More information

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If you have the CA certificate, but it is not in the PEM format (i.e. it is in a binary or DER format that isn’t Base64-encoded), you’ll need to use something like OpenSSL to convert it to the PEM format. The exact command differs depending on whether you’re converting from PKCS12 or DER format.

There is a CURLOPT_CAPATH option that allows you to specify a directory that holds multiple CA certificates to trust. But it’s not as simple as dumping every single CA certificate in this directory. Instead, they CA certificates must be named properly, and the OpenSSL c_rehash utility can be used to properly setup this directory for use by cURL.

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Making SSL connections with Curl [PHP Code]

Curl has built-in support for Secure Transport connections (its more secure version is called TLS). When you make a Curl request for an HTTPS URL, Curl automatically checks the target URL’s SSL certificate against the local CA certificate store and warns if it is invalid, self-signed, or has expired. This is great for production websites but inconvenient for development. To bypass SSL certificate checks, you can use the -k or —insecure Curl command-line options. Click Run to execute the Curl SSL Request example online and see the results. The PHP code was automatically generated for the Curl SSL Request example.

curl -k

PHP code for Curl SSL Request example

PHP code for Curl SSL Request Example

This PHP code snippet was generated automatically for the Curl SSL Request example.

What is Curl?

Curl (stands for Client URL) is an open-source command-line tool and a cross-platform library (libcurl) developers use for client/server communications. Curl allows you to send data to the server by sending the target URL and the data as command-line parameters. Curl supports over 25 protocols, including HTTP and HTTPS, works on Linux, Windows, and macOS, and can be easily integrated into C++, Java, Python, PHP, Go, etc., applications.

What is SSL?

SSL (stands for Secure Sockets Layer) is a network protocol for establishing secure, authenticated, and encrypted connections between two computers. SSL is the predecessor to the more modern TLS encryption method used today. Netscape first developed SSL in 1995 to provide confidentiality, authentication, and data integrity in Internet communications. A website that implements SSL/TLS support has the HTTPS prefix in the URL. SSL protects the user’s privacy while browsing the Internet by encrypting all data that goes to or from the user’s computer and web server. The SSL ensures that anyone who intercepts the data in your network can only see the encrypted characters.

What is TLS?

TLS (short for Transport Layer Security), released in 1999, is the successor to SSL for authenticating and encrypting data transferred over a network. TLS is a cryptographic protocol used to provide better security for communication over the network. TLS is mainly used to encrypt communication between web and mobile applications and a web server.

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What is an SSL Certificate?

SSL certificates allow browsers and servers to encrypt network traffic. The SSL certificate is hosted on the origin server and contains the public key to encrypt network traffic and identify the website. Libcurl performs SSL certificate validation right out of the box using the built-in CA certificate store.

How to ignore SSL certificate errors using Curl?

SSL certificates provide high security and data protection when used on a production website but usually get in the way when developing locally, as developers typically use self-signed SSL certificates. You can pass the -k or —insecure option to the Curl command to tell Curl not to check the SSL certificate. This option explicitly tells Curl to perform «insecure» SSL connections and file transfers. Curl will ignore all security warnings about invalid certificates and accept them as valid.

curl -k [URL] [URL] curl --insecure [options] [URL]

How to use a self-signed certificate with a Curl?

  1. Download and save the self-signed certificate.
  2. Tell the Curl client about it with —cacert [file] command-line switch. This parameter tells the Curl to use the specified certificate file to verify the peer. The [file] may contain multiple CA certificates and must be in PEM format.

What is the difference between —cacert and —cert options?

The —cacert [file] option tells Curl to use the specified certificate file for peer verification. The file can contain multiple CA certificates and must be in PEM format. The —cert [file] option tells Curl to use the specified client certificate file when sending a request to the server. The client certificate must be in PKCS#12 format when using Secure Transport or PEM format when using any other method.

Curl SSL Request Examples

The following are examples of sending SSL requests to Curl:

SSL connections with Curl

The following is an example of an SSL connection with the —insecure command line option to the ReqBin echo URL:

curl --insecure
Sending Client Certificate with Curl

The client certificate is passed by Curl to the server as part of the TLS handshake, and the server validates the certificate during the handshake.

curl --cert certificate.pem
Sending SSL certificates with passwords

You can pass the certificate password in —cert command-line option after the certificate file name in the following format: —cert [file]:[password]

curl --cert certificate.pem:mypassword
Providing Self-Signed Certificate with Curl

You can provide a self-signed certificate with the —cacert command line option:

curl --cacert self-signed.crt 

See also

Generate code snippets for PHP and other programming languages

Convert your Curl SSL Request request to the PHP, JavaScript/AJAX, Node.js, Curl/Bash, Python, Java, C#/.NET code snippets using the PHP code generator.


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