Css to rem online

PX to REM Converter

An easy to use px to rem converter tool for web designers.

The tool by default does conversions based on the 16px as the root html font size, which is default of most modern web browsers. But if your webpage uses different root font-size, you can change it above.

Live Preview

Font Size = 0.625 rem & Base Font Size = 16 px

How to Use Our PX to REM Converter & All Its Features?

Simply enter the px value and the tool will convert it into rem (css unit) instantaneously as you type. No extra clicks required!

Also, this is a two way px ⇄ rem converter tool. So, feel free to enter the rem value in the rem input box to get its px conversion. Alternatively, you can use our dedicated REM to PX converter, which also works both the ways.

And, for your reference this tool also shows you the live text preview of the rem font-size as per the root font size set by you, so you can also test the font-size right on this page using this tool to save your time.

Common PX to REM Conversions

As per default root font size of HTML — 16px.

  • 1 px = 0.0625 rem
  • 2 px = 0.125 rem
  • 3 px = 0.1875 rem
  • 4 px = 0.25 rem
  • 5 px = 0.3125 rem
  • 6 px = 0.375 rem
  • 7 px = 0.4375 rem
  • 8 px = 0.5 rem
  • 9 px = 0.5625 rem
  • 10 px = 0.625 rem
  • 12 px = 0.75 rem
  • 14 px = 0.875 rem
  • 16 px = 1 rem
  • 18 px = 1.125 rem
  • 20 px = 1.25 rem
  • 22 px = 1.375 rem
  • 24 px = 1.5 rem
  • 26 px = 1.625 rem
  • 28 px = 1.75 rem
  • 30 px = 1.875 rem
  • 32 px = 2 rem
  • 36 px = 2.25 rem
  • 40 px = 2.5 rem
  • 44 px = 2.75 rem
  • 48 px = 3 rem
  • 52 px = 3.25 rem
  • 56 px = 3.5 rem
  • 60 px = 3.75 rem
  • 64 px = 4 rem
  • 72 px = 4.5 rem
  • 80 px = 5 rem
  • 88 px = 5.5 rem
  • 96 px = 6 rem
  • 0.125 rem = 2 px
  • 0.25 rem = 4 px
  • 0.5 rem = 8 px
  • 0.75 rem = 12 px
  • 0.875 rem = 14 px
  • 1 rem = 16 px
  • 1.125 rem = 18 px
  • 1.25 rem = 20 px
  • 1.3 rem = 20.8 px
  • 1.4 rem = 22.4 px
  • 1.5 rem = 24 px
  • 2 rem = 32 px
  • 2.5 rem = 40 px
  • 3 rem = 48 px
  • 3.5 rem = 56 px
  • 3.7 rem = 59.2 px
  • 4 rem = 64 px
  • 5 rem = 80 px
  • 6 rem = 96 px
  • 7 rem = 112 px
  • 8 rem = 128 px
  • 9 rem = 144 px
  • 10 rem = 160 px
  • 15 rem = 240 px
  • 20 rem = 320 px
  • 30 rem = 480 px
  • 40 rem = 640 px
  • 50 rem = 800 px
  • 60 rem = 960 px
  • 70 rem = 1120 px
  • 80 rem = 1280 px
  • 90 rem = 1440 px
  • 100 rem = 1600 px

To do conversions for other px, rem or base values use the tool above.

What is REM & How it is different from PX?

rem stands for «root em». It’s a CSS unit of measurement used for font sizes, as well as for some other properties such as margin and padding. Unlike the pixels (px), which is a fixed size, the rem is relative to the root font size, which is usually the font size set for » tag.

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In other words, if you set the font size of the root tag to be 16 px (as shown above), then setting a font size of 1 rem on a

tag will result in a font size of 16 pixels. If you then change the root font size to 20 px, the font size of that

tag of 1 rem will change accordingly to 20 px.

Why use REM?

The use of rem provides a way to scale the font size of an entire page based on a single value, which can be especially useful in responsive web design where you want to adjust the font size based on the size of the viewport.

For example, if you set the root font size to 10 px on small screens, and 16 px on large screens, you can use rem throughout your stylesheet to ensure that the font sizes of all other elements adjust accordingly.

How do you calculate PX to REM?

rem = px / base font-size of root tag

Example Calculation:

Let’s say you want to calculate rem value of 16px, then as per the formula above, you’ve to divide 16 with the base font-size.

If the base font-size is 16px, then 16 divided by 16 is 1.

Hence, 16px is equals to 1rem .

This PX to REM converter tool does calculations using the same formula and allows you to convert px to rem in much fast and easy way than doing this calculation manually.


PX to REM Converter

This calculation is based on an adjustable default root font-size of 16 pixels.

Utilize this free online px to rem converter tool to convert any px value to the rem CSS unit equivalent value. In CSS, rem means root em, a unit of measurement that is relative to the font-size of the root HTML element. Rem is commonly used due to its superior scalability when compared to pixels to help ensure consistency of font sizes and spacing throughout UI designs.

1rem equals the font-size of its root HTML element. By default, most browsers use a font-size value of 16px. So, an element with the value 1rem will equal 16px. However, if you decide to change the root font-size of an HTML element, you can simply input your desired root font-size to accurately convert from pixels to rem with this instantaneously bidirectional converter.

PX to REM Conversion Table

Pixels REM
1px 0.0625rem
4px 0.25rem
8px 0.5rem
12px 0.75rem
16px 1rem
20px 1.25rem
24px 1.5rem
32px 2rem
40px 2.5rem
48px 3rem
64px 4rem
96px 6rem
128px 8rem
160px 10rem
176px 11rem
192px 12rem
208px 13rem
224px 14rem
256px 16rem
320px 20rem
480px 30rem
576px 36rem
768px 48rem
800px 50rem
960px 60rem
992px 62rem
1024px 64rem
1120px 70rem
1200px 75rem
1280px 80rem
1440px 90rem
1600px 100rem
1920px 120rem

How to Convert PX to REM

To convert px to rem you should use the formula rem = px/root-font-size(font-size of HTML root element). For example, if the HTML root element font-size is 16px which it is by default and you want to convert 48px to rem, then 48px = 3rem because 48/16 = 3.


In CSS, the difference between px and rem is that px is a scalable unit of absolute length which is normatively defined as being exactly 1/96th of 1 inch. While rem an abbreviation of root-em, is a unit of measurement that is relative to the font-size of the root HTML element.

However, the problem with using px, is that it can create accessibility barriers such as improper font-size scaling in browsers. Therefore, it is ideal to use rem as it is scalable.

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In CSS, the difference between rem and em is that rem is a unit of measurement relative to the font-size of the root HTML element. While em is a unit of measurement relative to the font-size of the parent HTML element.

Though both rem and em are relatively scalable units of size, if the font-size of a particular parent HTML element is changed, child elements using em units within that parent HTML container will be affected, while those using rem units will not be affected. Therefore, it is ideal to use rem in most cases because of its simplicity, consistency, and predictability when compared to em.


PX to REM Converter

REM, short for root em, is one of the font-relative measurement units commonly used in css. This px to rem converter is a free online tool you can use to convert from px value to it’s rem equivalent.

How to Use PX to REM Converter

  • Step 1: Enter your base font. It’s the font-size you declare on element.
  • Step 2: Input the pixels (px) value on the PX field that you want to convert to rem (root em).
  • Step 3: Press enter key or click the convert button and the result will be displayed on REM field.

Video Tutorial: Convert px to rem

PX to REM Conversion Table

These are the mostly used px to rem sizes. This is considering that your base font (font-size) is 16px. You can also use the converter above.

4px 0.25rem
8px 0.5rem
12px 0.75rem
16px 1rem
20px 1.25rem
24px 1.5rem
32px 2rem
40px 2.5rem
48px 3rem
64px 4rem
96px 6rem
128px 8rem
160px 10rem
176px 11rem
192px 12rem
208px 13rem
224px 14rem
256px 16rem
320px 20rem
480px 30rem
576px 36rem
768px 48rem
800px 50rem
960px 60rem
992px 62rem
1024px 64rem
1120px 70rem
1200px 75rem
1280px 80rem
1440px 90rem
1600px 100rem

PX to REM Converter

How to Convert PX to REM

The key to converting a px value to rem is the font-size you declare on element.

Then, you can use the formula and manually compute its rem equivalent.

EM to PX Formula:

Difference Between PX and REM

To know the difference between px (pixel) and rem (root ems), you need first to understand what they are what how they behave.

First off, they are measurements used on screen media or screens on various devices. They are units commonly used to measure lengths in CSS (Cascading Style Sheets).

The difference between them is that px is a fix-size unit. If you say that this font is 16px, it is absolutely 16px wherever you put it. It’s just that other devices may display it differently. A 16px font on your computer monitor might be displayed differently on a 16px font on your mobile phone. You get the idea.

However, rem unit is a scalable one. It adopts or shall we say, it is always be relative to the base font. So what is a base font now? It is the font size you declare on tag.

So given you assinged a base font, when you set sizes on your , , , , , , you name it, you can use rem so that you’ll have fluid responsive design.

Remember that rem is relative to your base font assigned to HTML element. So if you say your base font-size is 16px, that means that when you want an element to have 64px width, you can assign 3rem instead (calculated as 64px / 16px = 3rem). So you can say:

In addition, if you can notice, when you don’t declare base font-size on your element, fonts just becomes bold or bigger than the normal. When you declare this style on element, the normal size will be respected by the browser.


PX to REM Converter

REM (Root EM) is a unit of measurement used in web design and development to specify font size and other elements in relative terms. It is relative to the size of the root element, typically the HTML element.

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How to Use PX to REM Converter

  1. Enter base value (You can skip this step if your base font size is set to 16 PX.)
  2. Enter the value in PX that you want to convert

How to Convert PX to REM?

To convert pixels (px) to rem, you can use the following formula:

where the base font-size is typically set in the root element (HTML) of your document, and is usually 16px. So, for example, to convert 20px to rem:

This means that 20px is equal to 1.25 rem. You can adjust the base font-size to scale the entire design, and all rem units will be updated proportionally.

It’s important to note that while rem provides more flexibility for responsive design, it may not be supported in older browsers. In these cases, you may want to consider using pixels or a mix of both units for maximum compatibility.

Is REM always 16px?

No, the default base font size for REM units is not always 16px. The base font size can be set in the CSS of a website, and it is typically set on the root element (HTML) of the document. The default font size is often 16px, but it can be set to any value, such as 14px, 18px, etc. It’s up to the designer or developer to choose what base font size works best for their design.

When using REM units, it’s important to keep in mind that changing the base font size will affect all elements specified in REM units, so it should be set thoughtfully and consistently throughout a website.

What difference Between PX and REM?

PX and REM are units of measurement used in web design and development to specify the size of elements on a website such as font size, margins, padding, etc.

The main difference between PX and REM is that:

  • PX is a fixed unit that represents a specific number of pixels on a screen, regardless of the screen size or resolution.
  • REM is a relative unit that is based on the font size of the root element (HTML) of a website. It is calculated as a proportion of the root font size, so if the root font size is changed, all elements specified in REM units will be resized proportionally.

So, PX is better suited for elements that need to maintain a specific size, while REM provides more flexibility for responsive design, allowing designers to create scalable and flexible designs that can adapt to different screen sizes and resolutions.

Ultimately, the choice between PX and REM will depend on the specific needs and goals of a website, and the designer or developer’s preference and experience.

PX to REM Conversion Table

Here is a table showing the conversion of common pixel (px) values to rem units:

Pixels (px) REM
4px 0.25rem
6px 0.375rem
8px 0.5rem
10px 0.625rem
12px 0.75rem
14px 0.875rem
16px 1rem
18px 1.125rem
20px 1.25rem
22px 1.375rem
24px 1.5rem
26px 1.625rem
28px 1.75rem
30px 1.875rem
32px 2rem
34px 2.125rem
36px 2.25rem
38px 2.375rem
40px 2.5rem
42px 2.625rem
44px 2.75rem
46px 2.875rem
48px 3rem
50px 3.125rem
52px 3.25rem
54px 3.375rem
56px 3.5rem
58px 3.625rem
60px 3.75rem
62px 3.875rem
64px 4rem
66px 4.125rem
68px 4.25rem
70px 4.375rem
72px 4.5rem
74px 4.625rem
76px 4.75rem
78px 4.875rem
80px 5rem
82px 5.125rem
84px 5.25rem

Note: The conversion of px to rem is based on the assumption that the base font size for the root element is 16px. If the base font size is different, the rem values in the table will also be different. To convert px to rem, you can use the formula: rem = px / base font-size.


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