Css moz background image


The background images are drawn on stacking context layers on top of each other. The first layer specified is drawn as if it is closest to the user. The borders of the element are then drawn on top of them, and the background-color is drawn beneath them. How the images are drawn relative to the box and its borders is defined by the background-clip and background-origin CSS properties. If a specified image cannot be drawn (for example, when the file denoted by the specified URI cannot be loaded), browsers handle it as they would a none value.

Note: Even if the images are opaque and the color won’t be displayed in normal circumstances, web developers should always specify a background-color . If the images cannot be loaded—for instance, when the network is down—the background color will be used as a fallback.

Initial value none
Applies to all elements. It also applies to ::first-letter and ::first-line .
Inherited no
Media visual
Computed value as specified, but with url values made absolute
Animation type discrete
Canonical order the unique non-ambiguous order defined by the formal grammar


background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(255,255,0,0.5), rgba(0,0,255,0.5)), url('https://mdn.mozillademos.org/files/7693/catfront.png');


Formal syntax


= none |

= | | | | |

= image( [ [ | ]? , ? ]! )
= image-set( # )
= element( )
= cross-fade( , ? )
= | | |

= | | | | | | currentcolor |
= [ | ]
= ? &&
= |
= linear-gradient( [ | to ]? , )
= repeating-linear-gradient( [ | to ]? , )
= radial-gradient( [ || ]? [ at ]? , )
= repeating-radial-gradient( [ || ]? [ at ]? , )

= rgb( [ [ <3> | <3> ] [ / ]? ] | [ [ #<3> | #<3> ] , ? ] )
= rgba( [ [ <3> | <3> ] [ / ]? ] | [ [ #<3> | #<3> ] , ? ] )
= hsl( [ [ / ]? ] | [ , , , ? ] )
= hsla( [ [ / ]? ] | [ , , , ? ] )
= [ left | right ] || [ top | bottom ]
= #
= circle | ellipse
= closest-side | farthest-side | closest-corner | farthest-corner | | <2>
= [[ left | center | right | top | bottom | ] | [ left | center | right | ] [ top | center | bottom | ] | [ center | [ left | right ] ? ] && [ center | [ top | bottom ] ? ]]

= |
= |
= ?
= |




This paragraph is full of cats
and stars.

This paragraph is not.

Here are more cats for you.
Look at them!

And no more.




Specification Status Comment
CSS Backgrounds and Borders Module Level 3
The definition of 'background-image' in that specification.
Candidate Recommendation From CSS2 Revision 1, the property has been extended to support multiple backgrounds and any CSS data type.
CSS Level 2 (Revision 1)
The definition of 'background-image' in that specification.
Recommendation From CSS1, the way images with and without intrinsic dimensions are handled is now described.
CSS Level 1
The definition of 'background-image' in that specification.
Recommendation Initial definition

Browser compatibility

The compatibility table in this page is generated from structured data. If you'd like to contribute to the data, please check out https://github.com/mdn/browser-compat-data and send us a pull request.

Feature Chrome Edge Firefox Internet Explorer Opera Safari
Basic Support 1 12 1.0 1 4 3.5 1.0
Multiple backgrounds 1.0 12 3.6 9.0 (Yes) 1.3
Gradients 1.0 2 12 3.6 3 10 11 4 4.0 2
SVG images 8.0 12 4.0 9.0 9.5 5.0 5
element() No No (Yes) 6 No No No
image-rect() No No (Yes) -moz- 7 No No No
Any value (Yes) ? No ? ? ?
Feature Android Chrome for Android Edge mobile Firefox for Android IE mobile Opera Android iOS Safari
Basic Support (Yes) (Yes) (Yes) (Yes) (Yes) (Yes) (Yes)
Multiple backgrounds (Yes) (Yes) (Yes) (Yes) (Yes) (Yes) (Yes)
Gradients (Yes) (Yes) 2 (Yes) (Yes) 3 (Yes) (Yes) 4 (Yes) 2
SVG images No (Yes) (Yes) (Yes) (Yes) (Yes) 5.0 5
element() No No No (Yes) 6 No No No
image-rect() No No No (Yes) -moz- 7 No No No
Any value (Yes) (Yes) ? No ? ? ?

1. If the browser.display.use_document_colors user preference in about:config is set to false , background images will not be displayed.

2. Some versions support only experimental gradients prefixed with -webkit .

3. Some versions support only experimental gradients prefixed with -moz .

4. Some versions support only experimental gradients prefixed with -o .

5. Support of SVG in CSS background is incomplete.

6. element() is supported only in its -moz-element() prefixed version

7. image-rect() is supported only in its -moz-image-rect() prefixed version.

See also

Document Tags and Contributors

  1. CSS
  2. CSS Reference
  3. CSS Background and Borders
  4. Guides
    1. Border-image generator
    2. Border-radius generator
    3. Box-shadow generator
    4. Scaling background images
    5. Using CSS multiple backgrounds
    1. background
    2. background-attachment
    3. background-clip
    4. background-color
    5. background-image
    6. background-origin
    7. background-position
    8. background-position-x
    9. background-position-y
    10. background-repeat
    11. background-size
    12. border
    13. border-bottom
    14. border-bottom-color
    15. border-bottom-left-radius
    16. border-bottom-right-radius
    17. border-bottom-style
    18. border-bottom-width
    19. border-color
    20. border-image
    21. border-image-outset
    22. border-image-repeat
    23. border-image-slice
    24. border-image-source
    25. border-image-width
    26. border-left
    27. border-left-color
    28. border-left-style
    29. border-left-width
    30. border-radius
    31. border-right
    32. border-right-color
    33. border-right-style
    34. border-right-width
    35. border-style
    36. border-top
    37. border-top-color
    38. border-top-left-radius
    39. border-top-right-radius
    40. border-top-style
    41. border-top-width
    42. border-width
    43. box-shadow



    Свойство CSS background-image устанавливает одно или несколько фоновых изображений для элемента. Изображения рисуются в слоях контекстов наложения одно поверх другого. Первый слой выводится так, чтобы он был ближе всего к пользователю.

    Границы border элемента затем рисуются поверх них, и background-color рисуется под ними. То, как изображения отрисовываются относительно рамки и её границ, определяется CSS-свойствами background-clip и background-origin .

    Если указанное изображение не может быть нарисовано (например, когда файл, определённый указанным URI, не может быть загружен), браузеры обрабатывают его так, как если бы оно было значением none .

    Примечание: Даже, если изображение непрозрачно и цвет не будет показан при нормальных обстоятельствах, веб-разработчику следует всегда указывать атрибут background-color . Если изображение не может быть загружено —например, в случае отказа сетевого подключения — у элемента будет отображён цветной фон.

    Начальное значение none
    Применяется к все элементы. Это также применяется к ::first-letter и ::first-line .
    Наследуется нет
    Обработка значения как указано, но с абсолютными значениями url
    Animation type discrete


    background-image: none; background-image: url(http://www.example.com/bck.png); background-image: inherit; 


    Это ключевое слово обозначает отсутствие изображений.

    (en-US) обозначает изображение для отображения. Их может быть несколько, разделённых запятыми, поскольку поддерживаетсянесколько фонов (en-US) .

    Официальный синтаксис

    background-image =
    # (en-US)

    | (en-US)

    | (en-US)

    url( (en-US) * (en-US) ) | (en-US)
    src( (en-US) * (en-US) )


    Несколько фонов и прозрачность

    Обратите внимание, что изображение звезды частично прозрачно и наложено на изображение кошки.

    HTML содержимое

    div> p class="catsandstars"> This paragraph is full of catsbr />and stars. p> p>This paragraph is not.p> p class="catsandstars"> Here are more cats for you.br />Look at them! p> p>And no more.p> div> 

    CSS содержимое

    pre, p  font-size: 1.5em; color: #FE7F88; background-color: transparent; > div  background-image: url("mdn_logo_only_color.png"); > p  background-image: none; > .catsandstars  background-image: url("startransparent.gif"), url("catfront.png"); background-color: transparent; > 


    Совместимость браузеров

    BCD tables only load in the browser

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    This page was last modified on 11 февр. 2023 г. by MDN contributors.

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    CSS background-image Property

    The background-image property sets one or more background images for an element.

    By default, a background-image is placed at the top-left corner of an element, and repeated both vertically and horizontally.

    Tip: The background of an element is the total size of the element, including padding and border (but not the margin).

    Tip: Always set a background-color to be used if the image is unavailable.

    Default value: none
    Inherited: no
    Animatable: no. Read about animatable
    Version: CSS1 + new values in CSS3
    JavaScript syntax: object.style.backgroundImage="url(img_tree.gif)" Try it

    Browser Support

    The numbers in the table specify the first browser version that fully supports the property.

    CSS Syntax

    Property Values

    Value Description Demo
    url('URL') The URL to the image. To specify more than one image, separate the URLs with a comma Demo ❯
    none No background image will be displayed. This is default
    conic-gradient() Sets a conic gradient as the background image. Define at least two colors Demo ❯
    linear-gradient() Sets a linear gradient as the background image. Define at least two colors (top to bottom) Demo ❯
    radial-gradient() Sets a radial gradient as the background image. Define at least two colors (center to edges) Demo ❯
    repeating-conic-gradient() Repeats a conic gradient Demo ❯
    repeating-linear-gradient() Repeats a linear gradient Demo ❯
    repeating-radial-gradient() Repeats a radial gradient Demo ❯
    initial Sets this property to its default value. Read about initial
    inherit Inherits this property from its parent element. Read about inherit

    More Examples


    Sets two background images for the element. Let the first image appear only once (with no-repeat), and let the second image be repeated:

    body <
    background-image: url("img_tree.gif"), url("paper.gif");
    background-repeat: no-repeat, repeat;
    background-color: #cccccc;


    Use different background properties to create a "hero" image:

    .hero-image <
    background-image: url("photographer.jpg"); /* The image used */
    background-color: #cccccc; /* Used if the image is unavailable */
    height: 500px; /* You must set a specified height */
    background-position: center; /* Center the image */
    background-repeat: no-repeat; /* Do not repeat the image */
    background-size: cover; /* Resize the background image to cover the entire container */


    Sets a linear-gradient (two colors) as a background image for a element:


    Sets a linear-gradient (three colors) as a background image for a element:

    #grad1 <
    height: 200px;
    background-color: #cccccc;
    background-image: linear-gradient(red, yellow, green);


    The repeating-linear-gradient() function is used to repeat linear gradients:

    #grad1 <
    height: 200px;
    background-color: #cccccc;
    background-image: repeating-linear-gradient(red, yellow 10%, green 20%);


    Sets a radial-gradient (two colors) as a background image for a element:


    Sets a radial-gradient (three colors) as a background image for a element:

    #grad1 <
    height: 200px;
    background-color: #cccccc;
    background-image: radial-gradient(red, yellow, green);


    The repeating-radial-gradient() function is used to repeat radial gradients:

    #grad1 <
    height: 200px;
    background-color: #cccccc;
    background-image: repeating-radial-gradient(red, yellow 10%, green 20%);


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