Css line after div

Adding a new line for every Div tag

I am building a navagation bar and i am making a seprate div tag for each link so I can specify their margin-left because it is a horizontal bar. Yet when I add the

tags it puts the next one on the next line:

8 Answers 8

In your style sheet (style.css for instance):

By default they are display: block;

Edited for Brian Rose so that it is in a style sheet and not inline as per my quick example.

I’m not sure encouraging using inline styles is a great thing. This belongs in a separate stylesheet file.

Will simply changing the ‘s to ‘s work?

Otherwise, add style=»float:left;» to the divs.

You should take note of the point in Jakub’s answer though that really your styles should be applied in a seperate stylesheet, and as skajfes is describing in his, understand the difference between block and inline elements.

Instead of using float: left you can always try display: inline-block . This should have the desired effect 🙂

The only reason to use inline block would be for spacing correct? I think it’s worth determining which styles he wants to use. If it’s color and text-decoration, inline-block is overkill IMO

Personally, I think it’s a better alternative to float , because float is displayed differently in some browsers sometimes. It also keeps the problems sometimes associated with float at bay.

So, div is a block element, by default a block element ocupies maximum width of the container. Span on the other hand is an inline element. Inline elements are stacked, well — inline. Inline elements can’t have margins, width or height defined, while block elements can. As always with css you have several options:

You can use float: left on the div’s to stack them horizontally. Remember to add another element at the end with clear:left defined so it displays properly accross browsers, and so that the parent container gets height displayed according to the menu items height.

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Second option is to use display: inline-block which will make the div’s stack horizontally but will allow you to define margins, width and height. This however doesn’t work in IE6/7 so you’ll have to apply display: inline for those browsers. The easiest way is the hack *display: inline , which is ignored by everything except IE6/7.

    . You can remove the dots by applying list-style-type: none to li elements.


Как добавить линию к заголовку с помощью :before и :after

Как добавить линию к заголовку с помощью :before и :after

Часто бывает, что необходимо добавить линию к заголовку, либо сверху, либо снизу. Конечно можно ограничиться простым свойством border-bottom, его можно настроить используя генератор границ блока, но при этом нельзя задать ширину линии отдельно от заголовка, а так же придать ей движение. Но когда это необходимо, можно сделать линию с помощью с помощью :before и :after.


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 h3.title-example < font-size: 1em; /* Размер шрифта */ color: #5a5a5a; /* Цвет заголовка */ text-align: center; /* Текст по центру */ >/* CSS код для линии над заголовком */ h3.title-example:before < content: ''; display: block; height: 1px; /* Высота линии */ background: #f66d52; /* Цвет линии */ width: 150px; /* Ширина линии до наведения */ margin: 0 auto 10px; /* Отступ с боков по центру и снизу */ transition: 1s; /* Время, за которое линия возвращается после наведения */ >h3.title-example:hover:before < width: 250px; /* Ширина линии при наведении */ transition: ease-out 1s; /* Время, за которое линия расширяется при наведении */ >/* CSS код для линии под заголовком */ h3.title-example:after < content: ''; display: block; height: 1px; /* Высота линии */ background: #f66d52; /* Цвет линии */ width: 150px; /* Ширина линии до наведения */ margin: 10px auto 0; /* Отступ с боков по центру и сверху */ transition: 1s; /* Время, за которое линия возвращается после наведения */ >h3.title-example:hover:after < width: 250px; /* Ширина линии при наведении */ transition: ease-out 1s; /* Время, за которое линия расширяется при наведении */ >


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How to Add Horizontal Lines Before and After a Text in HTML

This article will guide you on how to add a horizontal line to the right and left side of a text as shown below:

HTML text with lines right and left

1. Create an HTML text tag.

In your HTML file create an h2 tag and give it a class name of hr-lines

2. Adding the Left Line

We’ll make use of the CSS :before pseudo-element to add a line to the left side of the text. Apply the code below to your CSS file:

.hr-lines:before< content:" "; display: block; height: 2px; width: 130px; position: absolute; top: 50%; left: 0; background: red; > 

From the above code, we’re creating a new element with a height of 2px and width of 130px before the hr-lines element using the content property, then giving it an absolute position in order to move it around, we set the top to 50% to make it align with the text at the middle.

creating a text with left and right lines

3. Set the hr-lines to relative

For the pseudo-elements to be applied to the target element, we must set the position of the element to a relative, this will make all the movement of the :before and :after be relative to the parent (text).

Add the following lines to your CSS files.

creating a text with left and right lines

We can fix this by setting the max-width and adding margin to the element.

.hr-lines< position: relative; /* new lines */ max-width: 500px; margin: 100px auto; text-align: center; > 

how to create a text with horizontal lines

We’re setting the :before to the left side of the text by setting the left:0 .

4. Adding the Right Line

We’ll make use of the :after pseudo-element to add the right line.

Add the following lines of code to your CSS file to add the right line to the text.

.hr-lines:after< content:" "; height: 2px; width: 130px; background: red; display: block; position: absolute; top: 50%; right: 0; > 

We’re setting the :after to the right side of the text by setting the right:0 .

Final Output:

HTML text with lines right and left

The Complete Code

h2 class="hr-lines"> PEACE /h2> section> div> p>I wish for peace in Russia & Ukraine/p> /div> section> 
.hr-lines< position: relative; max-width: 500px; margin: 100px auto; text-align: center; > .hr-lines:before< content:" "; height: 2px; width: 130px; background: red; display: block; position: absolute; top: 50%; left: 0; > .hr-lines:after< content:" "; height: 2px; width: 130px; background: red; display: block; position: absolute; top: 50%; right: 0; > p< text-transform: uppercase; color: red; > section< display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items:center; gap: 1rem; > div< width: 500px; border: 1px solid #ccc; padding: 10px; height: 100px; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; line-height: 1.4; > 

Wrapping Up

I hope that this article will assist you in creating a text with horizontal right and left lines at some point in the future.

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