Css javascript body width

How to get current screen width in css in Html?

HTML is a markup language used to structure and display content on the web. CSS, or Cascading Style Sheets, is used to control the layout and appearance of elements on a web page.

To get the current screen width in CSS, there are a few different methods that can be used. Here are three examples:

Method 1: Using the width property

For example, if you want to target the body element, you would add the following code to your CSS file:

In this example, we are setting the width of the body element to 100%, which will make it the same width as the screen.

Method 2: Using JavaScript

For example, if you want to target the body element, you would add the following code to your HTML file:

var screenWidth = window.innerWidth;
  • Step 3 — Use the getElementById method to target the element you want to set the width of, and the style property to set the width
document.getElementById("myBody").style.width = screenWidth + "px";

This will set the width of the element with the id «myBody» to the current screen width.

Method 3: Using media queries

This media query will apply the CSS inside the curly braces only when the screen width is 600px or less.

@media (max-width: 600px) < body < width: 100%; >> @media (min-width: 601px) and (max-width: 900px) < body < width: 80%; >>

This will set the width of the body element to 100% when the screen width is 600px or less, and 80% when the screen width is between 601px and 900px.

These are just a few examples of how to get the current screen width in CSS. Depending on your specific use case and the tools you are using, there may be other methods that are more appropriate. The important thing is to understand the concepts behind each method, and how to apply them to your specific project.

It is worth noting that the method you choose will depend on what you are trying to achieve and the tools you are using. The width property method is a simple and straight forward method that doesn’t require any additional tools or libraries, and is supported by all modern browsers. However, it has a limitation in that it can only be used to set the width of a single element.

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The JavaScript method is a more dynamic and flexible method that can be used to set the width of multiple elements and can be combined with other JavaScript code to create more complex interactions. However, it does require some knowledge of JavaScript and can be more complex to implement.

The media query method is a powerful tool that allows you to create responsive designs that adjust to different screen sizes. This method is also supported by all modern browsers, but it can be complex to implement if you have many different screen sizes to target.

In any case, It’s important to note that these examples are not the only ways to get current screen width in CSS, and there are other ways to achieve this.

For example, you can use libraries such as Bootstrap, Foundation or Bulma, which are pre-made collections of CSS and JavaScript that can help you quickly create responsive designs.

In addition, you can use the CSS variables(custom properties) to store the width and use it across your css.

It’s a good practice to try different ways and choose the one that best fits your project’s requirements.


To summarize, there are several ways to get the current screen width in CSS, including using the width property, JavaScript, and media queries. Each method has its own advantages and limitations, and the choice of which method to use will depend on the specific requirements of your project. The width property method is a simple and straightforward method that is supported by all modern browsers, while the JavaScript method is more flexible and dynamic but requires some knowledge of JavaScript. The media query method is a powerful tool for creating responsive designs that adjust to different screen sizes but can be complex to implement. Additionally, you can use pre-made libraries such as Bootstrap, Foundation, or Bulma, or even CSS variables to store and use the width across your CSS. It’s a good practice to try different approaches and choose the one that best fits your project’s requirements.

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Getting the Width and Height of an Element

Summary: in this tutorial, you will learn how to get the current computed dimension of an element, including width and height.

The following picture displays the CSS box model that includes a block element with content, padding, border, and margin:

CSS Box Model

To get the element’s width and height that include the padding and border, you use the offsetWidth and offsetHeight properties of the element:

let box = document.querySelector('.box'); let width = box.offsetWidth; let height = box.offsetHeight;Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

The following picture illustrates the offsetWidth and offsetHeight of an element:

JavaScript offsetWidth and offsetHeight

See the following example:

html> html lang="en"> head> meta charset="UTF-8"> meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> title>Getting the Width and Height of an Element title> head> body> div class="box" style="width:100px;height:150px;border:solid 1px #000;padding:10px"> div> script> let box = document.querySelector('.box'); let width = box.offsetWidth; let height = box.offsetHeight; console.log(< width, height >); script> body> html>Code language: HTML, XML (xml)
width: 122, height: 172>Code language: CSS (css)
  • The width is 100px
  • The border is 1px on each side, so 2px for both
  • The padding 10px on each side, so 20px for both

Therefore, the total width 12px. Similarly, the height is 172px.

To get the width & height of an element as floating-point after CSS transformation, you use the getBoundingClientRect() method of the DOM element. For example:

html> html lang="en"> head> meta charset="UTF-8"> meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> title>Getting the Width and Height of an Element title> head> body> div class="box" style="width:100px;height:150px;border:solid 1px #000;padding:10px"> div> script> let box = document.querySelector('.box'); let width = box.offsetWidth; let height = box.offsetHeight; console.log(< width, height >); const domRect = box.getBoundingClientRect(); console.log(domRect); script> body> html>Code language: HTML, XML (xml)
width: 122, height: 172> DOMRect x: 7.997685432434082, y: 7.997685432434082, width: 121.95602416992188, height: 171.95602416992188, top: 7.997685432434082, …>Code language: CSS (css)

clientWidth & clientHeight

To get the element’s width and height that include padding but without the border, you use the clientWidth and clientHeight properties:

let box = document.querySelector('.box'); let width = box.clientWidth; let height = box.clientHeight;Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

The following picture illustrates the clientWidth and clientHeight of an element:

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JavaScript clientWidth and clientHeight png

To get the margin of an element, you use the getComputedStyle() method:

let box = document.querySelector('.box'); let style = getComputedStyle(box); let marginLeft = parseInt(style.marginLeft); let marginRight = parseInt(style.marginRight); let marginTop = parseInt(style.marginTop); let marginBottom = parseInt(style.marginBottom);Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

To get the border width of an element, you use the property of the style object returned by the getComputedStyle() method:

let box = document.querySelector('.box'); let style = getComputedStyle(box); let borderTopWidth = parseInt(style.borderTopWidth) || 0; let borderLeftWidth = parseInt(style.borderLeftWidth) || 0; let borderBottomWidth = parseInt(style.borderBottomWidth) || 0; let borderRightWidth = parseInt(style.borderRightWidth) || 0; Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

To get the height and width of the window, you use the following code:

let width = window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.body.clientWidth; let height = window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight || document.body.clientHeight;Code language: JavaScript (javascript)



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