Css generator text color

CSS / SCSS color variables generator

Generate your custom color variables with our easy-to-use CSS and SCSS Variables Generator to easily create and manage your CSS and SCSS custom variables.

Color tones


--color-primary-a0: #ffffff;
--color-primary-a10: #e1d3fe;
--color-primary-a20: #c1a8fc;
--color-primary-a30: #9e7ef9;
--color-primary-a40: #7555f5;
--color-primary-a50: #382bf0;
--color-primary-a60: #3425bb;
--color-primary-a70: #2d1e89;
--color-primary-a80: #24185a;
--color-primary-a90: #18102f;
color: var(--color-primary-a50);
background-color: var(--color-primary-a90);

Click a code line to select it and press CTRL + C to copy it

Upgrade to Colorffy PRO to remove ads, export files in various formats, and access additional pro features.

  • Export your gradient or palette colors to .json, .css, and .csv files
  • Export color conversion tables to .csv file
  • Remove ads
  • Access to all tools
  • Android and Flutter gradient code
  • Gradient wallpaper generator
  • Get your hands on some amazing PRO layouts with the Color Palette from Image tool

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Text Color Generator

Use the following HTML text color generator to change the color of the text on your website.

Also see the Text Generator for applying more styles to your text. Also, you can use the Text Color Editor if you need to change the color only to a part of the text.

In HTML, text color is specified using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). In particular, the color property is used to specify the text color, and the background-color specifies the background color. Here, you can choose which element to place your text inside. The text color generator above automatically creates these properties, as well as the relevant HTML element for enclosing the text.

Customizing The HTML

You can find more colors using this color picker and this color chart.

For an explanation of the HTML text elements listed above, check out this list of HTML Tags.

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You can always customize your code even after you’ve created it using the above generator. For example, you might want to apply a color to the element or other element.

Also, check out the HTML Table Generator for applying color to the text within a table.

Customizing The CSS

The CSS is the code between the tags. These are the codes that determine styles of your text (which includes its color). You can change the CSS properties (or add new ones) as you like.

If you intend to use the same styles across many pages (a whole website, for example), you should move them to an external style sheet.


You may also be interested in this Text Generator and this Text Color Editor.


CSS / SCSS color variables generator

Generate your custom color variables with our easy-to-use CSS and SCSS Variables Generator to easily create and manage your CSS and SCSS custom variables.

Color tones


--color-primary-a0: #ffffff;
--color-primary-a10: #e1d3fe;
--color-primary-a20: #c1a8fc;
--color-primary-a30: #9e7ef9;
--color-primary-a40: #7555f5;
--color-primary-a50: #382bf0;
--color-primary-a60: #3425bb;
--color-primary-a70: #2d1e89;
--color-primary-a80: #24185a;
--color-primary-a90: #18102f;
color: var(--color-primary-a50);
background-color: var(--color-primary-a90);

Click a code line to select it and press CTRL + C to copy it

Upgrade to Colorffy PRO to remove ads, export files in various formats, and access additional pro features.

  • Export your gradient or palette colors to .json, .css, and .csv files
  • Export color conversion tables to .csv file
  • Remove ads
  • Access to all tools
  • Android and Flutter gradient code
  • Gradient wallpaper generator
  • Get your hands on some amazing PRO layouts with the Color Palette from Image tool

Payments are secure and powered by Stripe .


W3.CSS Color Generator

With this color generator you can create your own private themes.

Input a color in the yellow box below or select a color from colors of the year.

W3.CSS Themes Example

Cinque Terre

The Cinque Terre (five lands) is a portion of the Italian Riviera. The coastline with five villages: Monterosso, Vernazza, Corniglia, Manarola, and Riomaggiore is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

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Monterosso al Mare is located at the center of a small natural gulf, protected by a small artificial reef, in the Riviera of La Spezia. It is the northernmost village of the Cinque Terre.


Vernazza is another of the five towns in the Cinque Terre region. Vernazza is the fourth town heading north. It has no car traffic, and is one of the truest «fishing villages» on the Italian Riviera.

Created Theme

Theme In Use:



The response to the animations was ridiculous.

Star Wars

People were excited for the new Star Wars movie.

The Avengers

A huge success for Marvel and Disney.

Generated CSS:

Private Themes

With W3.CSS, it is easy to customize an application with a private color theme.

You can link to a private theme in a tag, or you can put the private theme in a tag:


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Random Text Color Contrast Generator Using JavaScript and CSS

text color contrast generator css jquery

If you are experienced graphic or web designer, then you probably know what is contrast. Contrast is to see differences among two or more elements, but compare is to do the opposite, to look for similarities. In other words, it is a combination of background and objects color which create a good user experience.

Today you will learn to create and contrast generator using jQuery. As you know jQuery is a JavaScript library, that’s why I am putting this post in JS category. This program is something like our previous program Random Color Generator , but there is some difference between these. Basically, this program randomly generates background color and change text color according to the background. When the background becomes dark then text color becomes white, and when background color becomes any light color then the text becomes black.

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So, Today I am sharing Random Text Color Contrast Generator Using JavaScript and CSS. This program will help to create a good color and background combination. Also, you can learn to create this by yourself. This very short program because of jQuery , we all know that working with libraries is too easy.

If you are thinking now how this JavaScript CSS Contrast change program actually is, then see the preview given below.

Preview Of JavaScript CSS Contrast Change Program

See this video preview to getting an idea of how this program looks like.

Now you can see this visually, and also see live by pressing the button above. If you like this, then get the source code of its.

Random Text Color Contrast Generator Source Code

Before sharing source code, let’s talk about it. First I have created an HTML list using < ul >and < li >and put these inside a div. On the last child of li, I have put an onclick function. For selecting the last child used CSS : last-child property, and the JS on click function look like this: < li onclick = "changeContrast()" >.

Now in the CSS file, I have placed all the elements on right places. I used flex display and put direction column. Now in Javascript file which is powered by jQuery I have created the main function. By the way, this program is inspired by a Reddit post. Create 3 variable named R,G,B and randomly create values using Math . random ( ) (info).

There are other two variables to decide the generated color is dark or light . Then I used an if condition if the background is dark then text color will white & when the background is light then text color will black. Left other things you will understand easily after getting the codes, I can’t explain all the things in writing.

For creating this program you have to create 3 files. First for HTML, second for CSS, and third for JavaScript. Follow the steps to creating this without any error.

Create an HTML file named ‘index.html‘ and put these codes given here below.


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