Css font family font awesome

Style Cheatsheet

Need to look up a specific CSS class or Custom Property? Forgot what a specific style utility class does? Here’s a quick reference for everything included in Font Awesome’s styling toolkit.

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Class Details
fa-inverse Inverts the color of an icon to white
CSS Custom Property Details Accepted Values
—fa-style-family Set Font Awesome icon family «Font Awesome 6 Free»
«Font Awesome 6 Pro»
«Font Awesome 6 Duotone»
«Font Awesome 6 Brands»
«Font Awesome 6 Sharp»
—fa-style Set Font Awesome icon style Any valid Font Awesome style weight
—fa-display Set display of an icon Any valid CSS display value

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Class Details
fa-1x Changes an icon’s font-size to 1em
fa-2x Changes an icon’s font-size to 2em
fa-3x Changes an icon’s font-size to 3em
fa-4x Changes an icon’s font-size to 4em
fa-5x Changes an icon’s font-size to 5em
fa-6x Changes an icon’s font-size to 6em
fa-7x Changes an icon’s font-size to 7em
fa-8x Changes an icon’s font-size to 8em
fa-9x Changes an icon’s font-size to 9em
fa-10x Changes an icon’s font-size to 10em
fa-2xs Changes an icon’s font-size to 0.625em (~10px) and also vertically aligns icon
fa-xs Changes an icon’s font-size to .75em (~12px) and also vertically aligns icon
fa-sm Changes an icon’s font-size to 0.875em (~14px) and also vertically aligns icon
fa-lg Changes an icon’s font-size to 1.25em (~120px) and also vertically aligns icon
fa-xl Changes an icon’s font-size to 1.5em (~24px) and also vertically aligns icon
fa-2xl Changes an icon’s font-size to 2em (~32px) and also vertically aligns icon
Class Details
fa-fw Changes an icon’s font-size to .75em

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Class Details
fa-spin Makes an icon spin 360° clock-wise
fa-spin-pulse Makes an icon spin 360° clock-wise in 8 incremental steps
fa-spin-reverse When used in conjunction with fa-spin or fa-spin-pulse , makes an icon spin counter-clockwise
fa-beat Makes an icon scale up and down
fa-fade Makes an icon visually fade in and out using opacity
fa-flip Makes an icon rotate about the Y axis
CSS Custom Property Details Accepted Values
—fa-animation-delay Set an initial delay for animation Any valid CSS animation-delay value

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Class Details
fa-border Creates a border with border-radius and padding applied around an icons
CSS Custom Property Details Accepted Values
—fa-border-color Set border color Any valid CSS border-color value

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Class Details
fa-stack Used on a parent HTML element of the two icons to be stacked
fa-stack-1x Used on the icon which should be displayed at base size when stacked
fa-stack-2x Used on the icon which should be displayed larger when stacked
fa-inverse Inverts the color of the icon displayed at base size when stacked
CSS Custom Property Details Accepted Values
—fa-stack-z-index Set z-index of a stacked icon Any valid CSS z-index value
Class Details
fa-swap-opacity Swap the default opacity of each layer in a duotone icon
(making an icon’s primary layer have the default opacity of 40% rather than its secondary layer)
CSS Custom Property Details Accepted Values
—fa-primary-color Set primary layer color Any valid CSS color value

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Class Details
fa-sr-only Visually hides an element containing a text-equivalent for an icon while keeping it accessible to assistive technologies
fa-sr-only-focusable Used alongside fa-sr-only to show the element again when it’s focused (e.g. by a keyboard-only user)

Power Transforms are available only when using the SVG+JS framework. All grow, shrink, and positioning utilities accept arbitrary values (including decimals). Their units are 1/16em each.

HTML data- Attribute Details
data-fa-transform=»shrink-[value]» Shrinks an icon
data-fa-transform=»grow-[value]» Grows an icon
data-fa-transform=»up-[value]» Moves an icon up
data-fa-transform=»right-[value]» Moves an icon right
data-fa-transform=»down-[value]» Moves an icon down
data-fa-transform=»left-[value]» Moves an icon left
data-fa-transform=»rotate-[angle]» rotates an icon by a specific degree (with negative numbers allowed)
data-fa-transform=»flip-h» mirrors an icon horizontally
data-fa-transform=»flip-v» mirrors icon vertically

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CSS Custom Property Details
—fa-font-solid Sets the font property to use the solid style ( font-family and font-weight ) in pseudo-element custom CSS rules
—fa-font-regular Sets the font property to use the regular style ( font-family and font-weight ) in pseudo-element custom CSS rules
—fa-font-light Sets the font property to use the solid style ( font-family and font-weight ) in pseudo-element custom CSS rules
—fa-font-thin Sets the font property to use the thin style ( font-family and font-weight ) in pseudo-element custom CSS rules
—fa-font-duotone Sets the font property to use the duotone style ( font-family and font-weight ) in pseudo-element custom CSS rules
—fa-font-brands Sets the font property to use the brands style ( font-family and font-weight ) in pseudo-element custom CSS rules
—fa-font-sharp-solid Sets the font property to use the sharp familiy and solid style ( font-family and font-weight ) in pseudo-element custom CSS rules
—fa-font-sharp-regular Sets the font property to use the sharp familiy and regular style ( font-family and font-weight ) in pseudo-element custom CSS rules
—fa-font-sharp-light Sets the font property to use the sharp familiy and light style ( font-family and font-weight ) in pseudo-element custom CSS rules


CSS Pseudo-elements

Let’s run through how to upgrade to Version 6 when rendering icons using CSS Pseudo-elements.

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To help with backward compatibility, we’ve made a few important changes to how Font Awesome supports working with Pseudo-elements.

  • We now recommend defining the CSS font properties using our provided CSS Custom Properties. This will help make upgrading to future versions even easier.
  • We’ve made sure that Version 4 and Version 5 icon unicode values map to the proper icon in Version 6.
  • We now include a @font-face shim in our Web Fonts version of Font Awesome by default. This shim handles pointing to the proper Version 6 Web Font files for you.

You’ll want to make sure your Pseudo-element CSS rules are referencing Font Awesome 6 assets. As such, double-check that you’ve updated your kit’s settings, hosted assets, managed packages, or plugins/components to use Font Awesome 6

Backward Compatibilty with Older Versions

As part of our backward compatibility features, Font Awesome 6 now includes @font-face shims to map v4/v5 unicode values to their v6 counterparts — any existing Version 5 Pseudo-element rules should automatically translate to render Version 6 icons.

These are included and automatically loaded in Version 6-based kits. If you are hosting Web Fonts or SVG-based files yourself, check out how and when to include them manually.

And remember to make sure your custom CSS rules include the correct weight and Unicode value for each icon.

Updating Font Rule Syntax

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By completing this optional step, you can ensure that your Pseudo-element custom CSS is current and bulletproof for future upgrades. A Version 5 Pseudo-element definition looked like this.

 /* Old Version 5 CSS - Common properties to render all icons */ .icon::before  display: inline-block; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; text-rendering: auto; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; > /* Old Version 5 CSS - For referencing individual icons */ .login::before  font-family: "Font Awesome 5 Free"; font-weight: 900; content: "\f007"; > .tps::before  font-family: "Font Awesome 5 Free"; font-weight: 400; content: "\f1ea"; > 

We’ve moved a lot of complexity, such as the font -centric common properties as well as font-family and font-weight into our provided CSS Custom Properties. Let’s change the above custom CSS to use Version 6’s syntax. We’ll do the following:

  1. Remove any font -minded properties from the common properties rule
  2. Use custom properties-based font value to define an icon’s style
 /* New Simplified Version 6 CSS */ /* Step 1: Common Properties: All required to make icons render reliably */ .icon::before  /* removed font- based rules */ display: inline-block; text-rendering: auto; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; > /* Step 2: Reference Individual Icons */ .login::before  /* using style CSS custom property */ font: var(--fa-font-solid); content: "\f007"; > /* Note: Make sure to include the correct weight and Unicode value for the icon */ .tps::before  /* using style CSS custom property */ font: var(--fa-font-solid); content: "\f1ea"; > 

You’re All Set!

Your project will now load Version 6 and render any existing icons using our newest and freshest icons and options. Are you running into trouble? Check out our troubleshooting guide for answers to common questions about using Font Awesome on the Web.

You might want to go check out the big pile of new icons we’ve added in Version 6, including the new Sharp Family and Thin Style, or check out all of Version 6’s new styling options.


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