CSS Down Arrow Example

  1. CSS Arrow Down
  2. Syntax
  3. How does Arrow Down work in CSS?
  4. Example #1
  5. Example #2
  6. Example #3
  7. Example #4
  8. Example #5
  9. Conclusion
  10. Recommended Articles
  11. 63 CSS Arrows
  12. Table of Contents
  13. Animated Arrows
  14. Author
  15. Links
  16. Made with
  17. About a code
  18. Smooth Arrow Animation
  19. Author
  20. Links
  21. Made with
  22. About a code
  23. The Arrow
  24. Author
  25. Links
  26. Made with
  27. About a code
  28. Flipping Arrows
  29. Author
  30. Links
  31. Made with
  32. About the code
  33. Awesome Arrow Icon
  34. Author
  35. Links
  36. Made with
  37. About a code
  38. Dashed Animated Arrow
  39. Author
  40. Links
  41. Made with
  42. About the code
  43. Arrow @keyframes Animation
  44. Author
  45. Links
  46. Made with
  47. About a code
  48. Arrow Animation Button
  49. Author
  50. Links
  51. Made with
  52. About the code
  53. Double Arrow Button
  54. Author
  55. Links
  56. Made with
  57. About the code
  58. Arrow animation
  59. Author
  60. Links
  61. Made with
  62. About the code
  63. Arrow Animations
  64. Author
  65. Links
  66. Made with
  67. About the code
  68. Arrow Hover Effect
  69. Author
  70. Links
  71. Made with
  72. About the code
  73. Animated CSS Arrows
  74. Arrowed Link
  75. Triple Arrow Animation
  76. Author
  77. Links
  78. Made with
  79. About the code
  80. Animated Arrow
  81. Author
  82. Links
  83. Made with
  84. About the code
  85. Arrow animations
  86. Author
  87. Links
  88. Made with
  89. About the code
  90. Animated Arrow Icon
  91. Author
  92. Links
  93. Made with
  94. About the code
  95. Arrow animation
  96. Author
  97. Links
  98. Made with
  99. About the code
  100. 3 Arrows Animation
  101. Arrow Keyframes Animation
  102. Arrow Icon Animation
  103. Author
  104. Links
  105. Made with
  106. About a code
  107. CSS Only Animated Arrow
  108. Arrows Back To Top
  109. Author
  110. Links
  111. Made with
  112. About the code
  113. Simple CSS Arrow
  114. HTML And CSS ‘Back To Top’ Arrows
  115. Author
  116. Links
  117. Made with
  118. About the code
  119. Up Arrow
  120. Arrow Boxes
  121. Author
  122. Links
  123. Made with
  124. How TO — CSS Arrows
  125. Example
  127. Report Error
  128. Thank You For Helping Us!
  129. Animated Scroll Down Arrow
  130. Basic Example
  131. Simple But Elegant
  132. Faders
  133. Glowers
  134. Intuitives
  135. Reactive
  136. Conclusion

CSS Arrow Down

CSS Arrow Down

The arrows that can be created by using CSS are very simple. Arrows may determine how we access them in an application or website by conducting multiple activities such as “go to next page,” indicating “top or bottom, left or right,” and several others to scroll. In this article, we will use down arrows by using the CSS pseudo-elements & borders, and it’s easy to build various arrow styles that look amazing on mobile and desktop, respectively.

Web development, programming languages, Software testing & others

The CSS arrow-down can be specified by using the respective CSS classes and will be referenced with various types of styles. Therefore, the variety of CSS down arrows we’ve put together to get you started is below.


We can write the syntax for the down arrow as shown below:

.down-arrow (name of the class) < width: 0; // width for the element height: 0; // width for the element // other CSS styles >

In the examples section, we use the above format to use down arrows on the HTML page.

How does Arrow Down work in CSS?

The CSS down arrow could be used with the help of CSS animation and transition effects. For instance, we will use the bounce effect, apply the circle to the arrow, style arrow borders, background color, and many more. Below are some examples of CSS Arrow Down:

Example #1

      .arrow < border: solid grey; border-width: 0 4px 4px 0; display: inline-block; padding: 5px; >.myarrow  

Down Arrow Example:

css arrow down1

Explanation: In the given example, we define the “marrow” class with a transform property, which enables us to rotate the elements, and it is set to 45 degrees. The “arrow” class also includes CSS styles to display the arrow. Use the above output steps for the rest of the examples.

Example #2

      body < background: grey; >.div_center < display: flex; height: 50vh; align-items: center; >.arrow_center < position: relative; border: 3px solid #fff; width: 100px; height: 100px; border-radius: 50%; >span < height: 4px; margin: 2px; width: 30px; background: red; transition: 0.3s ease; >span:first-child < position: absolute; transform: rotate(45deg); left: 25%; bottom: 35%; >span:nth-child(2) < position: absolute; transform: rotate(-45deg); left: 45%; bottom: 35%; >span:nth-child(3) < position: absolute; transform: rotate(45deg); left: 25%; bottom: 55%; >span:nth-child(4) < position: absolute; transform: rotate(-45deg); left: 45%; bottom: 55%; >.arrow_center:hover span:nth-child(1) < transform: rotate(-100deg); >.arrow_center:hover span:nth-child(2) < transform: rotate(100deg); >.arrow_center:hover span:nth-child(3) < transform: rotate(150deg); >.arrow_center:hover span:nth-child(4) 

css arrow down2

Explanation: The above examples use the transform property to rotate the element. Each element rotates according to the specified rotation values and the other CSS styles.

Example #3

      .arro < box-sizing: border-box; height: 5vw; width: 5vw; border-style: solid; border-color: #9DC0F0; border-width: 0px 1px 1px 0px; transform: rotate(45deg); transition: border-width 15ms ease-in-out; >.arro:hover < border-bottom-width: 5px; border-right-width: 5px; >.container  

Down Arrow Example:

css arrow down3

Explanation: In the example, the down arrow is displayed with .arro class and the transform property, which rotates at 45 degrees. It provides the transition effect using the transition property, which occurs when the user hovers over an element. We display the arrow element within the container, as depicted in the image.

Example #4


Down Arrow Example:

transform property

Explanation: The example uses the transform property to rotate elements along with the specified styles. The styles arrow is specified in the arrow_down id. We apply the animation CSS property to animate between styles for 5 seconds. The @keyframes rule defines the values for the animating properties at numerous stages of the animation with the keyframe called a slide.

Example #5

      body < background: grey; >@keyframes bounce < 0%, 20%, 50%, 80%, 100% < -webkit-transform: translateY(0); -moz-transform: translateY(0); -ms-transform: translateY(0); transform: translateY(0); >40% < -webkit-transform: translateY(-20px); -moz-transform: translateY(-20px); -ms-transform: translateY(-20px); transform: translateY(-20px); >60% < -webkit-transform: translateY(-10px); -moz-transform: translateY(-10px); -ms-transform: translateY(-10px); transform: translateY(-10px); >> .arrow_circle < width: 50px; height: 50px; border-radius: 50px; border: solid 1px white; position: fixed; left: 20%; >.arrow < margin: 0 auto; margin-top: 10px; width: 30px; height: 30px; background-image: url(); background-size: contain; >.bounce  

Down Arrow Example:

bounce property

Explanation: The example uses a bounce property that animates the arrow within 3 seconds. We apply the bounce property to different browsers according to the specified styles. To define the circle for the arrow, you can use the .arrow_circle class and apply the corresponding CSS styles. The bounce is a keyframe name that matches an animation to its keyframe declaration.


So far, we have studied various down arrows that can be easily tailored inside the website or an application. Using the CSS pseudo-elements and borders, we can easily create down arrows that look great on desktops and mobiles. Try building with the above code snippets; you will have better insights on down arrows.

We hope that this EDUCBA information on “CSS Arrow Down” was beneficial to you. You can view EDUCBA’s recommended articles for more information.

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63 CSS Arrows

Collection of free HTML and CSS arrow code examples from Codepen, GitHub and other resources: animated, back to top, scroll down, simple and for boxes. Update of October 2021. 4 new items.

Table of Contents

Animated Arrows


Made with

About a code

Smooth Arrow Animation

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari


Made with

About a code

The Arrow

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari


Made with

About a code

Flipping Arrows

Flipping arrows made with css-doodle.

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari


Made with

About the code

Awesome Arrow Icon

Animated awesome arrow icon with JS.

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari


Made with

About a code

Dashed Animated Arrow

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari


Made with

About the code

Arrow @keyframes Animation

Using checkbox as the basis of the arrow state.

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari


Made with

About a code

Arrow Animation Button

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari


Made with

About the code

Double Arrow Button

Animate an arrow button on click or hover.


Made with

About the code

Arrow animation

HTML and CSS arrow animation.


Made with

About the code

Arrow Animations

Sliding arrow css animations.


Made with

About the code

Arrow Hover Effect

Pure CSS arrow hover effect.

Demo image: Animated CSS Arrows


Made with

About the code

Animated CSS Arrows

Arrowed link — circle on hover (cf Google Home website).
Made by Alexandre Jolly
May 21, 2017

Triple Arrow Animation

SVG triple arrow animation.
Made by M-A Lavigne
May 5, 2017


Made with

About the code

Animated Arrow


Made with

About the code

Arrow animations

Some CSS only arrow animations that indicate state changes.


Made with

About the code

Animated Arrow Icon


Made with

About the code

Arrow animation


Made with

About the code

3 Arrows Animation

3 arrows animation with HTML, CSS and image.

Arrow Keyframes Animation

Arrow keyframes animation with HTML and CSS.
Made by Stephen Rodriguez
June 21, 2014

Arrow Icon Animation

Arrow icon animation with HTML and CSS.
Made by Bennett Feely
October 9, 2013


Made with

About a code

CSS Only Animated Arrow

Just example of making arrows only with CSS and animate it with CSS3.

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari

Arrows Back To Top

3 HTML and CSS arrow back to top code examples.


Made with

About the code

Simple CSS Arrow

Simple pure CSS arrow button.

HTML And CSS ‘Back To Top’ Arrows

Animated ‘back to top’ arrows.
Made by EricPorter
June 13, 2017


Made with

About the code

Up Arrow

Animated up arrow button style. Designed to make the action more user friendly for the end user. The text fades away and is replaced with a animation designed to hint at the effect this button will have on the site.

Arrow Boxes

5 HTML and CSS arrow box code examples.

Demo image: Box with Arrow


Made with


How TO — CSS Arrows

Right arrow:

Left arrow:

Up arrow:

Down arrow:

Step 2) Add CSS:


.arrow <
border: solid black;
border-width: 0 3px 3px 0;
display: inline-block;
padding: 3px;

.right transform: rotate(-45deg);
-webkit-transform: rotate(-45deg);

.left transform: rotate(135deg);
-webkit-transform: rotate(135deg);

.up transform: rotate(-135deg);
-webkit-transform: rotate(-135deg);

.down transform: rotate(45deg);
-webkit-transform: rotate(45deg);

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Animated Scroll Down Arrow

Example of Animated Scroll Down Arrow

There are cases where you want to bring your user’s attention towards what lies below the scroll. A site can have multiple folds of important content. The user’s screen is finite and you don’t want them to leave without scrolling down.

The problem at hand is not communicating to the user about the presence of content below the fold — rather convincing them to scroll and see what the content down there has to offer.

Having an emphasized scroll indicator is a solution. This works deep down to the user’s subconscious, but perhaps that is a discussion for some other forum.

Before we see some examples of attention-catchy down arrows, let’s build the most basic one from scratch.

Basic Example

This is one of the most basic down arrows you can build with plain HTML and CSS.

Let’s animate this arrow to make it look alive and demand the user’s attention.

 @keyframes jumpInfinite < 0% < margin-top: 0; >50% < margin-top: 20px; >100% < margin-top: 0; >> 

To our .down-arrow class, we add an infinite up and down animation.

This is what our final example looks like:

CSS Code
.down-arrow < position: absolute; top: calc(100vh - 80px); left: calc(50% - 14px); width: 0; height: 30px; border: 2px solid; border-radius: 2px; animation: jumpInfinite 1.5s infinite; >.down-arrow:after < content: " "; position: absolute; top: 12px; left: -10px; width: 16px; height: 16px; border-bottom: 4px solid; border-right: 4px solid; border-radius: 4px; transform: rotateZ(45deg); >@keyframes jumpInfinite < 0% < margin-top: 0; >50% < margin-top: 20px; >100% < margin-top: 0; >>

This is how we can build a simple, but practical, down-arrow calling for scroll-worthy attention. Don’t forget, this is just a very basic example. Leveraging the power of CSS, the look and feel of it can be enhanced greatly.

Let’s take a look at some of the more stylistic and enhanced implementations.

Simple But Elegant

Based on your website theme, you may choose to have simple but elegant scroll arrows. These do not take up much space and are not animation-heavy with any effects that may potentially affect the focus of a user who is aware of the scrolling functionality but doesn’t need to scroll.


Do you like the fade-in-out effect? These CodePens have got you covered. They demonstrate an effect of styling proportional to the length of scrolled content.


Some sites prefer a subtle design, where small but carefully designed and well-presented details can catch the user’s attention. One such elegance is a glowing effect.


Another UX is to present a technically intuitive design. In such scenarios, the design offers a direction that is physically relatable for the user. We depict the facility that we need the user to recognize in a manner that relates to real-life objects.

One such instance is to show a mouse icon with the scroll arrow effect.


In most cases, designers may prefer an experience that reacts to the required user action, acknowledging that the communication is complete. One such instance can be a scroll arrow that fades away when you start scrolling, instead of remaining visible for all folds till the end of the content is reached.


There are multiple ways of directing your user’s attention to the content below the fold. Given that it could affect your site’s engagement, you should invest time and energy in building a catchy indicator for the user that compels them to scroll down. While there are many designs that you can use, the key features that every pointer should have can be summarized to:

  1. It should be in an area visible to the user
  2. It should have a dynamic feel to stand out and catch the user’s attention. For instance:
    1. Animation
    2. Glowing effects
    3. Enhanced focus (Particles, Lightning, etc)

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