Css cut text 3 dots

CSS Text 3 Dots CSS: A Comprehensive Guide to Using Ellipsis in Your Website’s Text Overflows

Learn how to use CSS text overflow to limit text and insert an ellipsis in your website’s text overflows. Our comprehensive guide provides code examples and styling tips to improve layout and readability. Click now to optimize your website’s user experience.

  • Using the text-overflow property
  • Achieving height-wise text ellipsis with -webkit-line-clamp
  • Add Three Dots ( ) To a Long Text That Overflows
  • Styling text overflow and ellipsis
  • Making the ellipsis clickable with CSS and JavaScript
  • Placing the ellipsis at the center of the text or on a specific line or position
  • Other code samples for CSS text overflow and ellipsis
  • Conclusion
  • How do you show 3 dots in CSS?
  • How to use dots in CSS?
  • How do you make three dots in HTML?
  • How do I fix text overflow in CSS?

As websites become more and more content-heavy, it’s important to ensure that the text is presented in a visually appealing and easy-to-read manner. One way to achieve this is by using CSS text overflow to limit the text that exceeds the width of an element and insert an ellipsis. This article will provide a comprehensive guide on how to use CSS to show ellipsis or three dots at the end of a text when it overflows its container.

Using the text-overflow property

The text-overflow property is a CSS3 feature that can be used to limit text and insert an ellipsis. It can be combined with other CSS properties like white-space, overflow, and width to achieve the desired effect. Here’s an example of how to use the text-overflow property to create an ellipsis:

In this example, the white-space property is set to nowrap to prevent the text from wrapping, the overflow property is set to hidden to hide any text that overflows the container, and the text-overflow property is set to ellipsis to show an ellipsis at the end of the text.

Achieving height-wise text ellipsis with -webkit-line-clamp

The -webkit-line-clamp property can be used to achieve height-wise text ellipsis by specifying the number of lines you want to display. It only works on webkit browsers like Safari and Chrome. Here’s an example of how to use -webkit-line-clamp to create a height-wise ellipsis:

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In this example, the display property is set to -webkit-box to make the container a block-level container, the -webkit-line-clamp property is set to 3 to display only three lines of text, and the -webkit-box-orient property is set to vertical to make the container a vertical flexbox.

Add Three Dots ( ) To a Long Text That Overflows

In this video I will show a cool trick which you’ll probably need if you want to be a web Duration: 2:55

Styling text overflow and ellipsis

There are multiple CSS selectors and classes that can be used to style text overflow and ellipsis, including .text-truncate and .ellipsis . You can use CSS to add custom styles to the ellipsis, like changing its color or size. Here’s an example of how to style the ellipsis:

In this example, the color property is set to red to change the color of the ellipsis, and the font-size property is set to 20px to change the size of the ellipsis.

Making the ellipsis clickable with CSS and JavaScript

You can use CSS and JavaScript to make the ellipsis clickable. Using JavaScript, you can create an event listener for the ellipsis and perform an action when it’s clicked. Here’s an example of how to make the ellipsis clickable:

.ellipsis < cursor: pointer; text-decoration: underline; >.ellipsis::after < content: '. '; >.ellipsis:hover::after < content: ''; >  

In this example, the cursor property is set to pointer to change the cursor to a pointer when hovering over the ellipsis, the text-decoration property is set to underline to add an underline to the ellipsis, and the ::after pseudo-element is used to add the ellipsis to the end of the text.

Placing the ellipsis at the center of the text or on a specific line or position

You can use CSS to place the ellipsis at the center of the text or on a specific line or position. Using flexbox or absolute positioning, you can control the position of the ellipsis. Here’s an example of how to place the ellipsis at the center of the text:

In this example, the display property is set to flex to create a flexbox container, the justify-content property is set to center to center the content horizontally, and the align-items property is set to center to center the content vertically.

Here’s an example of how to place the ellipsis on a specific line or position:

In this example, the position property is set to absolute to make the ellipsis position relative to the nearest positioned ancestor, the bottom property is set to 0 to position the ellipsis at the bottom of the container, and the right property is set to 0 to position the ellipsis at the right of the container.

Other code samples for CSS text overflow and ellipsis

In Css , for instance, css text dots

In Typescript as proof, put 3 dots css code sample

In Typescript , for example, add three dots to text css code example


CSS text overflow and ellipsis are important tools for improving the layout and readability of text on a website. There are multiple CSS properties and techniques that can be used to achieve text overflow and ellipsis, including the text-overflow property and -webkit-line-clamp property. By using CSS to style the ellipsis, make it clickable, and control its position, you can create a customized and dynamic user experience for your website. With these tips and techniques, you can ensure that your website’s text overflows are both visually appealing and easy to read.

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Frequently Asked Questions — FAQs

What is CSS text overflow and why is it important for website design?

CSS text overflow is a CSS3 feature that limits text and inserts an ellipsis at the end of overflowing text. It’s important for website design because it improves the layout and readability of text on a website, making it more user-friendly and visually appealing.

How can I use CSS text overflow to limit text and insert an ellipsis?

You can use the text-overflow property in CSS to limit text and insert an ellipsis. The text-overflow property can be combined with other CSS properties like white-space, overflow, and width to achieve the desired effect. Our article provides code examples and styling tips to help you get started.

What is height-wise text ellipsis and how can I achieve it with CSS?

Height-wise text ellipsis is when text is limited by the height of an element and an ellipsis is inserted at the end of the last visible line. You can achieve this effect with the -webkit-line-clamp property in CSS, which specifies the number of lines you want to display. However, this property only works on webkit browsers like Safari and Chrome.

Can I style the ellipsis and change its color or size?

Yes, you can use CSS to add custom styles to the ellipsis, like changing its color or size. Our article provides code examples and styling tips to help you customize the ellipsis to fit your website’s design.

How can I make the ellipsis clickable with CSS and JavaScript?

You can use CSS and JavaScript to make the ellipsis clickable. Using JavaScript, you can create an event listener for the ellipsis and perform an action when it’s clicked. Our article provides code examples and styling tips to help you make your ellipsis clickable and interactive.

How can I control the position of the ellipsis with CSS?

You can use CSS to control the position of the ellipsis by using flexbox or absolute positioning. Our article provides code examples and styling tips to help you place the ellipsis at the center of the text or on a specific line or position.


Truncate text with CSS – The Possible Ways

There are a lot of methods in every language to truncate text. But, recently, I faced a challenge on front-end in CSS, where I needed to truncate text for multiple lines. There were some situations where I was not allowed to use the JS function. So, I had to fix that through CSS. Quick Note: If you are new here: Our YouTube channel can help you to learn modern Web Development by building Real World projects fast & easy way:
Coder Champ — Subscribe Now Before diving into the exact solution, I want you to understand the properties below. I have made them easy for you, so you can quickly grab concepts.


Consider this property as the box text handler. In simple words, when you put the text in any element, the text adjustment in that specific space depends upon the width of it. If the width of the box is 40px, and you added text into it. The text will wrap it up, according to the available white space. By default, the white-space of the box is set to normal. So, every single text which will hit the limit of 400px will wrap and shift to the next line automatically.

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There are several different values which you can use like:

white-space: pre;
white-space: pre-wrap;
white-space: pre-line;
white-space: break-spaces;
white-space: nowrap;


What do you want to do with the hidden text? The value which worked for me when I wanted to display three dots at the end of my truncated text was ellipsis. text-overflow: ellipsis; Note, this property will not work unless your box where you are putting text doesn’t have white-space and overflow: hidden; properties.

Solution # 1: Truncate text for single line

Sometimes, we want our text to be on a straight line. We can achieve it by setting a white-space property to the value nowrap. This solution works for single-line truncation. Force text to be on a single line:
white-space: nowrap; Now, our text should be on the same line and should overflow from the box if it’s long enough and wrapped before. Here is the next thing we need to tackle. We need to hide the text which is over-flowing and then add the ellipsis (three dots at the end). I will use the following properties altogether:
white-space: nowrap;
overflow: hidden;
text-overflow: ellipsis;

Below is a complete example of solution:

Solution # 2: Truncate text for multiple lines.

Let’s be quick and dive into the second solution, which is on multi-line. The process is straightforward; all you need is to set the height on the box or element, but here is the tricky part. We will need to count the number of lines we desire and then multiply it with line-height to get the maximum height. There are several other properties, which are necessary for this solution. You can check that into the code pen. max-height: calc(line-height * number of lines you desire);

Below is a quick example:

Do you know about this trick of CSS Multiple Box-shadows?

Added a new Video about 5 Tips to Master CSS:


CSS — cut with dots (. ) overflowing text outside element


In this article, we’re going to have a look at how in a simple way cut overflowing text from an element in pure CSS.

Note: JavaScript approach can be found here.

Overflowing text cut using CSS.

Practical example with explanation

The simplest way is to use text-overflow style property with ellipsis value.

This approach will be working only if:

  • element size will be defined clearly (e.g. with width style property, when some parent will exceed element size or specific layout will force element to have proper size),
  • when text wrapping will be disabled (e.g. white-space: nowrap does it),
  • content overflowing will be disabled (e.g. overflow: hidden does it).

Note: presented in this article text shortcutting does not work if display: flex style property is used with element.

To solve the display: flex problem, the text should be wrapped with additional element that uses then text-overflo: ellipsis .

Check simple the problem solution here.

Runnable practical example:

// ONLINE-RUNNER:browser;       
Very long text here, Very long text here, Very long text here, Very long text here

See also

Alternative titles


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