Css classes in email

Can I use CSS classes in HTML email?

When you inline your CSS, you apply CSS properties directly to HTML elements in the body of your email campaign. Whereas on the web you can use safely use embedded or external CSS styles, some email clients don’t support embedded and external stylesheets.

What’s the benefit of using a separate file to store your CSS?

The advantages of using a separate CSS file rather than embedding the CSS code inside the HTML file include: The layout of a web page is better controlled. Style (CSS) kept separate from structure (HTML), means smaller file size. Reduced file size means reduced bandwidth, which means faster loading time.

Why is it beneficial for CSS to be separate from HTML?

The separation of HTML from CSS makes it easier to maintain sites, share style sheets across pages, and tailor pages to different environments. This is referred to as the separation of structure (or: content) from presentation.

What are main benefits of using CSS?

Some of the advantages of using CSS are:

  • Easier to maintain and update.
  • Greater consistency in design.
  • More formatting options.
  • Lightweight code.
  • Faster download times.
  • Search engine optimization benefits.
  • Ease of presenting different styles to different viewers.
  • Greater accessibility.

What is CSS and why is it important?

Why is CSS important? CSS is important because it allows web designers, developer, bloggers, and so forth to make our websites unique and attractive. CSS gives us the opportunity to play with a page layout, adjust colors and fonts, add effects to images, etc.

How long should it take to develop a website?

In our experience, building a website usually takes anywhere between two to four months if you’re working with a professional agency. However, you also have the option of using a website builder if you need to create a site more quickly.

What is the average cost of a WordPress website?

How much does a WordPress website cost? WordPress website pricing varies because every business’s design and development needs are unique. The average upfront cost for a WordPress website, though, is $75 to $115,000. Ongoing maintenance costs for WordPress websites range from $75 to $15,000 per year.

How much should I charge to make a WordPress website?

Depending on your needs, your cost to start a WordPress website can range from $100 to $500 to $3000, to even as high as $30,000 or more. It’s important to know what type of website you are building, and what you’ll need for it because that will directly affect your cost.

How do I pay for WordPress monthly?

There are no monthly payment plans. We pay for all upgrades in full at the time of purchase for a one year superscription per site and thereafter the plan is renewable annually.

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Which WordPress plan is best?

We recommend using WP Engine as the best managed WordPress hosting provider. They are one of the pioneers in managed WordPress hosting space and offer a robust platform with excellent support options. Alternatives: SiteGround and Liquid Web both offer excellent managed WordPress plans.


Html html and css in email

You can also create an Outlook-specific style sheet to influence Outlook 2007-2016 Desktop without interfering with modern email clients: This article covers other shortcomings with Outlook: https://litmus.com/community/learning/8-outlook-overview Since you’re unwilling to use in-line styles, you’re going to be limited to how much you can influence Outlook. So one thing you can do is place values in a query to influence other email clients.

Html and CSS for emails, how to, where to?

I have to design quite a lot of html email.

The way I do it at the present is I design and html file and the css until it´s looking good in the browser.

Then I send it, and start fixing it for the different clients, there it all goes really wrong (believe me outlook plays tricks on your mind, much like his cousin IE does).

The question is: is there actually a more reasonable way to do this? A way that doesnt imply so much more time fixing and solving than making?

Maybe the problem is that I haven´t read the correct documentation, any advice? is there and «email html» good documentation? books? what ever, I´m desperate!

PS: I hope this isn´t taken as an open question. I´m asking for any methods that will improve the efficiency coding html email.

I do quite a bit of HTML emails for my job. Some of the rules we follow:

  1. Use CSS sparingly. It works ok for colors but not really for anything else across multiple clients
  2. CSS you do use must all be inline. (no tags, just style= attributes).
  3. Tables for layout, positioning won’t work reliably.
  4. Basically follow the HTML 3 standard

HTML and CSS in emails are probably the hardest challenge any designer could tackle. Chris Coyier of CSS Tricks created a drawing table after he learned of its use as a relatively sure-fire way to style emails without images: http://css-tricks.com/drawing-table/

I would guess your best bet is to go heavy with the tables.

How to send an email that has html and css in php, when I am sending an email via PHP mail functon (I put this html code in one line and add it to the message), lets say this what I want to send:

HTML tables and CSS in email

I understand putting HTML and CSS in emails is a pain and some things don’t work. So therefore I have to create my layout in table elements which is fine.

"; print""; print ""; print ""; print "
"; print "testing testing"; print "
"; print "testing it"; print " "; print "
"; print "testing it"; print " "; print "

"; print ""; print ""; print "
"; print "testing testing"; print "
"; print "testing it"; print " "; print "
"; print "testing it"; print " "; print "
"; print""; print "

This outputs like so in the browser (which is fine):


Now the problem is I want the inner tables to float to the left so they appear next to each other, instead of beneath each other. Obviously floats don’t work in Outlook, so how else could I do something like that?

Nest them inside another table:


All CSS Properties not supported in email clients(outlook), so create your table structure properly.

Table One Option 1 Option 2
Table Two Option 1 Option 2

Table Two
Option 1
Option 2
Table One
Option 1
Option 2

Andy’s answer will place the table cells next to each other — that is the most consistent technique. However, you were asking for a float equivalent. For html email that is align=»left» .

When viewed in an email client, the tables will bump down when there isn’t enough room (mobile for example). This is the behavior that float has, while Andy’s solution is fixed, meaning your tables (td’s) will always be next to each other.

How to build HTML email using CSS?, Set the Content-Type header to text/html to send HTML mail. You are better off inlining the CSS style directly into the HTML. Or just using the «style» attribute on the elements that need styling. Most mail clients, for security reasons, will not render external images and styles by default.

Using additional css classes in email markup

In outlook htm email additional classes are ignored.

In this example when I render and email the following html. The resulting markup is as below.

The final statement does not align right. Class2 RgtTx

I am unsure but expect this isn’t isolated to Outlook.

Is there a workaroud or fix for this using css without changing the html ?

This is not a duplicate qustion
  • I don’t want to know how to align text in an email.
  • I want to know why additional classes do not work in emails and how to handle this.

Usually, email requires inline styles—otherwise it will work sparingly (check here for support among clients). Try using a CSS inliner like https://inliner.cm/. It takes this:

Outlook ignores tags with !important .

Outlook ignores @media queries. So one thing you can do is place values in a query to influence other email clients.

You can also create an Outlook-specific style sheet to influence Outlook 2007-2016 Desktop without interfering with modern email clients:

This article covers other shortcomings with Outlook:

Since you’re unwilling to use in-line styles, you’re going to be limited to how much you can influence Outlook. As an example, if you’re resizing images, Outlook will ignore in-head style values for size and display the image in it’s actual size.

Css — Applying HTML formatting in email’s body, Your CSS should be inline, and not external. Then you just have all of your HTML and CSS styles as the body of your email, and it will work. You really want to avoid referencing outside files as many email applications will block the references. Share Improve this answer answered Dec 19, 2009 at 21:11 Clarence …


Using additional css classes in email markup

In outlook htm email additional classes are ignored. In this example when I render and email the following html. The resulting markup is as below. The final statement does not align right. Class2 RgtTx

I am unsure but expect this isn’t isolated to Outlook. Is there a workaroud or fix for this using css without changing the html?

This is not a duplicate qustion

  • I don’t want to know how to align text in an email.
  • I want to know why additional classes do not work in emails and how to handle this.

CSS support in email clients is such a dark art! Long shot, but do compound selectors (e.g. .Class2.RgtTx ) work?

@HiddenHobbes thanks, but already been down the different selector lines. I suspect more complex selectors are even less likely to be supported.

2 Answers 2

Usually, email requires inline styles—otherwise it will work sparingly (check here for support among clients). Try using a CSS inliner like https://inliner.cm/. It takes this:

Thanks for this I am aware this is prefered however I cannot edit the html. It is from prerendered markup.

@Obsidian oh sorry, I was not aware of that. Unfortunately, the style element is not supported in many common email clients, including Gmail. Check it out here: campaignmonitor.com/css/style-element/style-in-body

I agree best practice is to do inline but 95% of email clients now support media query. Am not saying do only styles in head was just pointing out that Gmail supports style in head.

Outlook ignores tags with !important .

Outlook ignores @media queries. So one thing you can do is place values in a query to influence other email clients.

You can also create an Outlook-specific style sheet to influence Outlook 2007-2016 Desktop without interfering with modern email clients:

This article covers other shortcomings with Outlook:

Since you’re unwilling to use in-line styles, you’re going to be limited to how much you can influence Outlook. As an example, if you’re resizing images, Outlook will ignore in-head style values for size and display the image in it’s actual size.


Is it possible to use CSS classes in mailer template?

I am using Ruby on Rails 3.1.0 and I would like to know if it is possible to use CSS classes in mailer templates ( .html.erb ). At this time, in order to style emails, I am using HTML code like the following:

So, is it possible to use CSS classes in mailer templates? If so, where and how I should state and use those classes?

There is no such thing as a CSS class. Things that have been incorrectly referred to as «CSS classes» include HTML classes, CSS class selectors, CSS selectors, CSS rule-sets, CSS rules and CSS properties.

4 Answers 4

Code like it’s 1995, because email clients (particularly Outlook 2007, Gmail, Hotmail) support a very limited set of HTML elements and CSS attributes. Use tables, inline styles, presentation elements (i.e. instead of font-weight:bold ).

Useful links on coding for email:

Stylesheets have a tendency to be stripped by some mail clients (especially with web mail services) so the use of style attributes is recommended instead.

Yes. ERB allows you to write any HTML you would normally.

However, because it’s email and clients are notoriously bad at rendering CSS consistently, you should use inline formatting as you have in your example. (I know that’s horrible).

You could insert a .myclass at the top of the mailer template and then use in the template, but chances are that this style tag will be removed by the client.


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