Css bots in gmod

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CSS BOTs Mod ( Original Animations )

Этот предмет добавлен в ваши подписки. Некоторые игры придётся перезапустить перед тем, как предмет будет загружен.

Yes, Counter Strike-Source BOTs with the original animations painstakingly made for your enjoyment.

This is as accurate as i could get it to be.

Please note, This requires you to have counter strike source installed and mounted in gmod to work.

Functional nextbots that use the navmesh to navigate, Allowing you to use them on most maps with the nav_generate command. Skill based system, Meaning you can set how good they are, Simular to the BOTs in css. Easy, Normal, Hard or Expert. Compatibilty with NPCs allowing combine to fight CTs and rebels to fight Terrorists etc. Customizable settings via the spawnmenu allowing easy configuration. Relationships settings, Allowing you to set which team likes and hates what. Weapon settings, Allowing you to restrict certain types of weapons like snipers. Fairly optimized AI, BOTs can use the voice chat to call for help and work as a team. BOTs are affected by AI disable and AI ignore players commands. Simple Save / Load entities ( WIP ) preventing you the need to set everything up all the time. A handy debugger tool allowing you to see the AI in effect more closely. Hostages, BOTs and players can escort them to rescue zones. The BOTs can plant and defuse bombs ( see below )

Please note, the weapons might not be perfectly positioned at all times due to limitations with the CSS models, The models don’t have anim_attachment_RH so i had to connect it to the bones and painstakingly position them manually.

This also means duel elites are not included for the BOTs due to limitations for now.

Also if you want them to use the bomb. You can download my CSS Bomb mod found here.

There are no screamers in this mod, Because developers who add them clearly don’t actknowledge those who have certain medical conditions.

Again due to limitations the weapon positioning is not perfect, This is clear when the BOTs reload or crouch.

Sometimes when BOTs crouch and move, It does not play the moving animation.
( Unknown if this is my fault or something built into gmod )

BOTs T pose when spawned in while AI is disabled, This is fine as it resets when the AI is enabled.

[h3FAQ][/h3]Heres a quick FAQ to solve some problems you might be having.

Q: The models are shiny,
A : This is because the map you are on has not built its cubemaps, Type buildcubemaps in console and reload the map, You could also try setting, mat_spectacular to 0 as well.

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Q: They are errors.
A: You need counter-strike source installed and mounted in gmod for it to work.

Q: They don’t move.
A: The map needs a navmesh for them to move around, You also might have disabled wandering in the spawnmenu.

Q: The weapons are positioned strange.
A: Yes, I’m working on it, Hopefully i can find a fix soon, So far wit some help i got them to hold the weapons, But not aim them correctly yet.

Q: Does this contain screamers?
A: Once again, I would not add something like that to scare someone because they might have health issues. You just have to trust me.

Q: They can shoot while not looking at me?
A: Yes, I noticed that to, Thats due to their AI which will be fixed in the AI Tactics update after the weapon update.

Q: I hate this mod.
A: Um, Alright, You could always leave a comment to let me know how i can improve.

Q: I love you for this.
A: . I love you to 😀

Q: BOTs are T posing or animations don’t work?
A: This is a mod conflict the mod probably replaced the css models.

Q: They don’t die?
A: That is definitely a mod conflict, Possible causes are nextbot bases and weapon mods, Because they tend to override a lot of things.

Q: So i found a nextbot base conflicting with your mod.
A: Alright, But i don’t use any nextbot bases or override anything, So its most likely something they will have to fix.

Well, I guess thats just me Zenlenafelex for the recreation and Valve for everything else pretty much.





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CSS BOTs Mod ( Original Animations )

Этот предмет добавлен в ваши подписки. Некоторые игры придётся перезапустить перед тем, как предмет будет загружен.

Yes, Counter Strike-Source BOTs with the original animations painstakingly made for your enjoyment.

This is as accurate as i could get it to be.

Please note, This requires you to have counter strike source installed and mounted in gmod to work.

Functional nextbots that use the navmesh to navigate, Allowing you to use them on most maps with the nav_generate command. Skill based system, Meaning you can set how good they are, Simular to the BOTs in css. Easy, Normal, Hard or Expert. Compatibilty with NPCs allowing combine to fight CTs and rebels to fight Terrorists etc. Customizable settings via the spawnmenu allowing easy configuration. Relationships settings, Allowing you to set which team likes and hates what. Weapon settings, Allowing you to restrict certain types of weapons like snipers. Fairly optimized AI, BOTs can use the voice chat to call for help and work as a team. BOTs are affected by AI disable and AI ignore players commands. Simple Save / Load entities ( WIP ) preventing you the need to set everything up all the time. A handy debugger tool allowing you to see the AI in effect more closely. Hostages, BOTs and players can escort them to rescue zones. The BOTs can plant and defuse bombs ( see below )

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Please note, the weapons might not be perfectly positioned at all times due to limitations with the CSS models, The models don’t have anim_attachment_RH so i had to connect it to the bones and painstakingly position them manually.

This also means duel elites are not included for the BOTs due to limitations for now.

Also if you want them to use the bomb. You can download my CSS Bomb mod found here.

There are no screamers in this mod, Because developers who add them clearly don’t actknowledge those who have certain medical conditions.

Again due to limitations the weapon positioning is not perfect, This is clear when the BOTs reload or crouch.

Sometimes when BOTs crouch and move, It does not play the moving animation.
( Unknown if this is my fault or something built into gmod )

BOTs T pose when spawned in while AI is disabled, This is fine as it resets when the AI is enabled.

[h3FAQ][/h3]Heres a quick FAQ to solve some problems you might be having.

Q: The models are shiny,
A : This is because the map you are on has not built its cubemaps, Type buildcubemaps in console and reload the map, You could also try setting, mat_spectacular to 0 as well.

Q: They are errors.
A: You need counter-strike source installed and mounted in gmod for it to work.

Q: They don’t move.
A: The map needs a navmesh for them to move around, You also might have disabled wandering in the spawnmenu.

Q: The weapons are positioned strange.
A: Yes, I’m working on it, Hopefully i can find a fix soon, So far wit some help i got them to hold the weapons, But not aim them correctly yet.

Q: Does this contain screamers?
A: Once again, I would not add something like that to scare someone because they might have health issues. You just have to trust me.

Q: They can shoot while not looking at me?
A: Yes, I noticed that to, Thats due to their AI which will be fixed in the AI Tactics update after the weapon update.

Q: I hate this mod.
A: Um, Alright, You could always leave a comment to let me know how i can improve.

Q: I love you for this.
A: . I love you to 😀

Q: BOTs are T posing or animations don’t work?
A: This is a mod conflict the mod probably replaced the css models.

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Q: They don’t die?
A: That is definitely a mod conflict, Possible causes are nextbot bases and weapon mods, Because they tend to override a lot of things.

Q: So i found a nextbot base conflicting with your mod.
A: Alright, But i don’t use any nextbot bases or override anything, So its most likely something they will have to fix.

Well, I guess thats just me Zenlenafelex for the recreation and Valve for everything else pretty much.





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Counter-Strike: Source Bot SNPCs

Этот предмет добавлен в ваши подписки. Некоторые игры придётся перезапустить перед тем, как предмет будет загружен.

  • Adds all of the Bots/Hostages from Counter-Strike: Source as usable SNPCs
  • Adds all of the weapons from Counter-Strike: Source as NPC weapons
  • Bots have a full dialogue system
  • Bots can use any weapon hold-type
  • Comes with a fully recreated Kevlar system
  • Bots buy random weapons and can swap between them
  • Comes with a Bomb Defusal gamemode for the Bots
  • Comes with a Hostage Rescue gamemode for the Bots
  • Proper Knife usage
  • Zombie Bots
  • For obvious reasons, you need Counter-Strike: Source. If you can’t afford this cheap ass game, go cry for $5 to your parents
  • To use the Bomb Defusal gamemode, spawn two bomb sites and at least 1 spawn point for both teams!
  • Bot processing is in random intervals, some bots will work slower than others
  • If you lag during the Bomb Defusal gamemode, delete your 5,000+ mods. During development, I had 120ish mods and my FPS never dropped below 90 during gameplay. At the time of release, I have 33, with 530+ FPS during gameplay
  • Yes, these use GMod player animations. Why? Go tinker with CSS animations and let me know how much fun it is converting them for use by NPCs
  • For obvious reasons, you have to select your team otherwise both sides will hate you. Use VJ Base tools for this
  • Want to continue playing «rounds» on your setup? Before starting a match, create a Save of your setup and simply reload it at the end of each game

Time spent on addon before release: 0 Months, 0 weeks, 5 days

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All trademarks belong to their respective owners.
All content not owned or claimed by Cpt. Hazama belong to their respective owners.
Nothing in these files or/and code may be reproduced, adapted, merged or modified without prior written consent of the original author, Cpt. Hazama. Any and all content that Cpt. Hazama has ported and rigged for Garry’s Mod may NOT be used or reuploaded under any circumstance. Doing so would be violating Valves Terms and Conditions




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