Count tags in html

lawlesscreation / count-tags.js

This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters. Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters

‘use strict’ ;
const fs = require ( ‘fs’ ) ;
const path = require ( ‘path’ ) ;
console . log ( ‘🛠 Scanning HTML files. ‘ ) ;
const files = getAllFiles ( ‘./’ , [ ‘.html’ ] ) ;
const tagCount = countTags ( files ) ;
console . log ( `tags:` , tagCount ) ;
console . log ( `found $ < Object . keys ( tagCount ) . length >unique tags in $ < files . length >files` ) ;
function getAllFiles ( initialPath , fileExtensions )
var fullPaths = [ ] ;
var files = fs . readdirSync ( initialPath ) ;
files . forEach ( ( file ) =>
var joinedPath = path . join ( initialPath , file ) ;
if ( fs . lstatSync ( joinedPath ) . isDirectory ( ) )
fullPaths = fullPaths . concat ( getAllFiles ( joinedPath , fileExtensions ) ) ;
> else
fileExtensions . forEach ( ( fileExtension ) =>
if ( file . indexOf ( fileExtension ) >= 0 || fileExtension == null )
fullPaths . push ( joinedPath ) ;
> ) ;
> ) ;
return fullPaths ;
> ;
function countTags ( files )
const tagCount = < >;
for ( let index in files )
if ( files . hasOwnProperty ( index ) )
const file = files [ index ] ;
const htmlString = fs . readFileSync ( file , ‘utf8’ ) ;
const htmlTagRe = RegExp ( ‘<[a-z\-]+((\/>)|( |>))’ , ‘gi’ ) ;
const allTags = [ ] ;
console . log ( `finding tags in $ < file >` ) ;
const matches = htmlString . matchAll ( htmlTagRe ) ;
for ( const match of matches )
let newMatch = match [ 0 ] . replace ( / < / g , '' ) . replace ( / >/ g , » ) . trim ( ) ;
allTags . push ( newMatch ) ;
allTags . forEach ( tag =>
tagCount [ tag ] = ( tagCount [ tag ] || 0 ) + 1 ;
> ) ;
> ;
// Sort and return
return Object . entries ( tagCount ) . sort ( ( [ , a ] , [ , b ] ) => b — a ) . reduce ( ( r , [ k , v ] ) => ( < . r , [ k ] : v >) , < >) ; ;
> ;


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A web site that allows you to count html tags in a html page



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Count and display HTML Tags in an html document

Show tag counts and highlighting of valid HTML tags (

uses a few common components and is based on sinatra-starter:

  • Haml (markup)
  • Sass (styling)
  • Coffeescript (javascript)
  • Bundler (package management)
  • Heroku Toolbelt (which gets you. )
    • Heroku client (CLI tool for creating and managing Heroku apps)
    • Foreman (An easy option for running your apps locally)
    • Git (revision control and pushing to Heroku)

    Clone this directory and change into it. Run bundle to install all dependencies.

    Since Sinatra Starter is configured to deploy on Heroku, a Procfile is included.

    web: bundle exec ruby app.rb -p $PORT 

    Use foreman start -p XXXX on your port of choice. For example:

    Configure an app for free on Heroku and follow their instructions on deploying with Git.


    A web site that allows you to count html tags in a html page


    How do I count tags in HTML?

    If you want to count tags in html page use jquery “. length” it gives you length of the all tags in html page.

    Do HTML tags count as content?

    Answer. The content is just the information contained within the tags themselves. For example, the tag is an example of a self-closing tag and it introduces content into the page differently than the

    What does strip_ tags do?

    The strip_tags() function is an inbuilt function in PHP which is used to strips a string from HTML, and PHP tags. This function returns a string with all NULL bytes, HTML, and PHP tags stripped from a given $str.

    What is length in HTML?

    Definition and Usage. The length property returns the number of nodes in a NodeList object. A Node object’s collection of child nodes is an example of a NodeList object. The length property is useful when you want to loop through the nodes in a node list (See “More Examples” below).

    How to count the number of anchor tags within a Div?

    I want to know how to count the number of anchor tags present within a div element. e.g.: How many tags? Use HTML DOM getElementsByTagName () to get all “a” tags under an object. To get the div you’de be better off giving it an ID and then use getElementsByTagName.

    What’s the purpose of the comments tag in HTML?

    This tag, also known as the comments tag, is used to hide comments and text from showing up on the final page. It is mostly used by coders to insert comments in various sections of the page for their reference, and make such comments not visible to end users, and in the browser.

    When to use CITE and code tags in HTML?

    The center tag is used to align elements or text to the center of the page. This tag is not supported in HTML 5, CSS properties need to be used instead. The cite tag defines the title of a work, e.g., a book, a song, a movie, a TV show, a painting, a sculpture, etc. The code tag is used to define a reference or piece of code embedded on a page.

    How does the column count property in CSS work?

    The numbers in the table specify the first browser version that fully supports the property. Numbers followed by -webkit- or -moz- specify the first version that worked with a prefix. Default value. The number of columns will be determined by other properties, like e.g. “column-width” Sets this property to its default value.


    Counting HTML tags with HTMLParser

    a blackboard with 3 chalk lines

    I fell into a case where I wanted to count the tags that were present in an HTML file and I didn’t want to download any library (like BeautifulSoup) to do so. I searched online and realized I could use the HTMLParser to do that.

    The problem was that I found this library to be very unintuitive and it took me forever to understand how to do that. I will explain the solution step by step but you can skip to the end to see the final result 👾

    My problem with HTMLParser

    The problem I had was that my first intuition was to do this:

    from html.parser import HTMLParser parser = HTMLParser() parser.feed(html) # html is a string 

    …and nothing happened. I looked around and there wasn’t any method that could help me do the count. I searched online and all the tutorials and answers was telling me to create a new class, but I didn’t understand why.

    After some time questioning my sanity, I realized that I was expecting HTMLParser to be just like BeautifulSoup which translates the HTML into a structure I can search on. However, HTMLParser doesn’t do that. It’s actually iterating over the HTML tags but doesn’t do anything with it. The reason why you need to implement a class to inherit from the HTMLParser is to actually implement the methods!

    The reason I was not able to do anything with the parser once I fed it the HTML is because the HTML is parsed once I fed it, but there isn’t anything to do with it after it was parsed. Because I hand’t implemented anything…. I couldn’t see anything!

    What I needed to do is actually implement a class and everytime I found a new tag, I would increase a counter… something like this:

    count_h1 = 0 class MyHTMLParser(HTMLParser): def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs): if tag == 'h1': count_h1 += 1 


    Finally I decided to use a defaultdict so I could count every tag once it appeared. The final solution was this:

    from html.parser import HTMLParser from collections import defaultdict class MyHTMLParser(HTMLParser): def __init__(self): self.count = defaultdict(int) super().__init__() def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs): self.count[tag] += 1 def handle_startendtag(self, tag, attrs): self.count[tag] += 1 def count_tags(html): parser = MyHTMLParser() parser.feed(html) return parser.count 

    The handle_starttag investigates tags that have an opening and a closing tag (like ) while the handle_startendtag is used in tags that don’t have a closing argument (like ).


    html = """         Home  Create  Logout      

    An unique note title

    some text

    Anoter note

    another text

    And pass it to the function we just created, the result will be:

    tags = count_tags(html) print(tags) # defaultdict(, ) 

    And I can access any HTML tag to see the count:

    And because we used a defaultdict, we can actually try to get an HTML tag that isn’t there, and it won’t fail:

    Photo by Miguel Á. Padriñán


    How many HTML tags are there in HTML[Answered]

    Screenshot of showing total number of HTML tags

    There are 142 and 132 HTML tags according to Mozilla Developer Network(MDN) and respectively. I looked at all the major websites that list HTML tags and collected all the numbers in this blog post. I researched and counted all the HTML tags, so you don’t have to count them yourself.

    Screenshot of

    Recently, I have been wondering how many HTML tags exist. I searched online, like you but I could not find an exact answer. I wrote this article as a final answer to that question.

    For purpose of this report, a html tag can be self-closing single tag or a pair of HTML tags .

    My approach: Check 5 HTML reference websites.

    For my source, I chose 5 websites that are mostly used as references for developers. These are:,, Mozilla Developer Network(MDN),, and

    Total Number of HTML tags

    Reference Website Total number of HTML tags
    Mozilla Developer Network(MDN) 142 132 119 115 113 69

    Current usable HTML tags

    These HTML tags are part of the current version of HTML(HTML5).

    Reference Website Total number Supported HTML tags
    Mozilla Developer Network(MDN) 111 113 107

    Depracated HTML tags

    These are HTML tags that are not supported by the HTML standards. They used to be there but some times ago but they were removed from the current version of HTML- HTML5.

    Reference Website Total number Unsupported HTML tags
    Mozilla Developer Network(MDN) 31 19 12

    Since you already know what HTML tags are, you can go ahead and create your first webpage using HTML.


    Hi there! I am Avic Ndugu.

    I have published 100+ blog posts on HTML, CSS, Javascript, React and other related topics. When I am not writing, I enjoy reading, hiking and listening to podcasts.

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    If you are just starting out you can test the waters by attempting the project-based HTML tutorial for beginners that I made just for you.

    Okay, you got me there, I made it because it was fun and I enjoy helping you on your learning journey as well.

    You can also use the HTML and CSS projects list as a source of projects to build as you learn HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

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