Count lines in array php

php help

it is very easy in php , you can explode that string with ‘\n’ that is used for new line

Example Code:

$string=”1\n2\n3\n”; // there are 3 lines in a string
$array= explode(“\n”, $string);
print “Total No. of lines are “.count($array)-1;

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Tam said

August 8, 2009 @ 2:59 pm Do you test with this? When I test, it output -1.
Any problem? Plz mail to because I donot go here regularly. Thank you!

datshay said

amitmondal said

February 14, 2011 @ 8:19 am Nice tutorial….thanks for this post…..
Please visit this link for learn more script.

RF said

February 28, 2011 @ 10:57 pm What if the string was a text blob from an SQL database. Is it possible to a number to each line for display in a textarea?

Glen Boonzaier said

June 29, 2011 @ 2:16 pm $string=”1\n2\n3\n”; // there are 3 lines in a string
$array= explode(“\n”, trim($string));
foreach($i=1;$i <=count($array);$i++)<
$array[$i] = «$i: » . $array[$i];
echo implode(‘\n’,$array[$i]);

Glen Boonzaier said

Glen Boonzaier said

June 29, 2011 @ 1:46 pm Here is a better version: $string=”1\n2\n3\n”; // there are 3 lines in a string
$array= explode(“\n”, trim($string));
print “Total No. of lines are “.count($array); This will eliminate any whitespace trailers including new lines.

Rishi said

September 15, 2012 @ 8:45 am $string=”
$array= explode(‘
‘, $string);
echo “Total No. of lines are “.count($array);


count lines in array and split into 2 divs php

To fix your first issue, use sizeof(array) rather than a specific number, e.g.:

for($i = 0; $i < sizeof($array); $i++)< $dateAndText= explode(' ', $array[$i], 2); echo 'Edit: Your third column would look a bit like this:

There are a few issues going on here.

  1. If you delete the condition, either your for loop is erroring out or it's going on forever (depends on how you're trying to delete it). To get all the records, you want for ($i = 0; $i < count($array); $i += 1) < .
  2. To limit the length of the first column of 'projets' to the length of 'conferences', you'll need to pick up the data ahead of time, then display it. Here's what I mean:
$projets = explode("\n", get_field('projets')); $conferences = explode("\n", get_field('conferences')); $monographies = explode("\n", get_field('monographies')); // Now we want to limit the length of the first column of projets (col 1) to the // length of conferences (col 3). $projets = array_chunk($projets, count($conferences)); // Split the projets into a set of arrays of the right length. $projets1 = array_shift($projets); // Grab the first one. that's the data for the first column. $projets2 = array_reduce($projets, 'array_merge', array()); // Merge the remaining arrays into a single array for display. 
function displayDateAndText ($obj) < $dateAndText = explode(' ', $obj, 2); echo "function displayRecords ($records) < echo '

'; $limit = count($records); for ($i = 0; $i < $limit; $i += 1) < displayDateAndText($records[$i]); >echo '

'; > ?>

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